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03-23-2003, 08:37 PM
Since reading the thread on applications on your PPC, it seems nearly everyone has added a PIM. What is your favorite PIM application?

03-23-2003, 08:45 PM
Pocket Informant all the way!! :rock on dude!:

03-23-2003, 08:55 PM
Pocket Informant all the way!! :rock on dude!:

oh yeah.... :alfdance:

03-23-2003, 08:59 PM
I chose Pocket Informant because it makes a great way to bring Outlook onto the PPC when combined with @mail.

Having said that, I've read that AF is a great PIM as well.

03-26-2003, 06:38 AM
Until recently I used Agenda Fusion and I still think its a good PIM but Pocket Informant has my vote right now. The later 3.x versions of PI got my attention and I ended up switching over. The newest version, 4.01, is even better.

03-26-2003, 10:47 AM
Another happy PocketInformant (http://www.pocketinformant.com/default.php) customer here.

When PI4.0 came out this month, I decided to download the latest version of Agenda Fusion and give it another try. I found that AF is an excellent program and I think that there is room in this world for both PI and AF. But for me the range of options, support from the developer (on his own forums), frequent updates and lower cost will keep me using PI.

Both programs come with a free trial period. I would urge people to download and try both and then make an educated decision. If you are like me that decision will be PI. :D


03-26-2003, 12:41 PM
I use a couple of today screen plug-ins to enhance the PIM on my 1910.

I use Calendar+ to view more than one day's appointments on my today screen. Its free and you can find it here (www.mohairsofa.com).

I also use Quicktasks by Scarybear software to actually view my tasks on the today screen. There is a 14-day trial and you can find it here (www.scarybearsoftware.com).

I hope this helps.

03-26-2003, 03:05 PM
I liked AgendaFusion due to the way it handled task priorities and dates... but now PocketInformant has gone way beyond AF's capabilities by adding multi-select date changes... woohoo! Also, PI has the ability to change dates, priorities, etc. with a single tap, or mark completes with a tap-hold. I don't care much (yet anyway) for hierarchical tasks, but I love the other new features of 4.01. I can't see ever going back to AF, even if PI doesn't ever come out in a new version!

Jeff Rutledge
03-26-2003, 04:40 PM
I liked AgendaFusion due to the way it handled task priorities and dates... but now PocketInformant has gone way beyond AF's capabilities by adding multi-select date changes... woohoo! Also, PI has the ability to change dates, priorities, etc. with a single tap, or mark completes with a tap-hold. I don't care much (yet anyway) for hierarchical tasks, but I love the other new features of 4.01. I can't see ever going back to AF, even if PI doesn't ever come out in a new version!

I agree completely. I felt AF and PI were pretty close a few PI-versions-ago. But now I don't think AF comes close to offering what PI offers.

I used to keep both on my iPAQ (lived in PI, but opened AF every now and again). Now I don't even bother installing AF.

Andy Whiteford
03-26-2003, 05:46 PM
I don't use tasks or calendar or work, personal only so the inbuilt bad boys do the job for me. I do supplement them with a couple of Today screen plug ins to make them better of course but I have never found the need for Pocket Informant.

I would be lost without Ewallet for all my work security systems though.


03-26-2003, 05:51 PM
I seem to be happy with the Outlook Contacts and Calendar, they sync nicely with the ones on my work PC. Am I missing out on something by not using PI? If so, What?


Crystal Eitle
03-26-2003, 05:55 PM
I seem to be happy with the Outlook Contacts and Calendar, they sync nicely with the ones on my work PC. Am I missing out on something by not using PI? If so, What?

I felt the same way - why would I need anything more than Outlook? Then I downloaded PI to see what all the fuss was about, and instantly fell in love. For me the main advantages over Outlook are that it's easier to use, and the layouts look much nicer and provide more info at a glance. It also seems like you can input a lot more information than you can with Outlook. Maybe it's just because it's a different interface, but to me it seems much more useful.

03-26-2003, 06:02 PM
I have been using Pocket Informant since version 2.6 and have never looked back.

There is just no comparison between using the built in Calendar, Tasks and Contacts apps and PI.

For the numerous ways you can customize your views alone this app is more than worth it.

I am also an early adopter of @mail and hope that they do with that prog what they have done with PI.

Good job WebIS!

03-26-2003, 07:43 PM
Well, IMHO AF is a nice app, but PI became the most powerful one with 4.0 ver., seems to me that some options added let you run it in AF mode (e.g. traditional calendar with no In Line view), and that way many useful features are reduced, so, that's much to say about, PI rocks.


03-26-2003, 08:14 PM
Like many here I tried AF and PI. I then chose PI.

The features that PI has that AF didn't have:
1. PI supported drag and drop change of dates for tasks and appointments in all the calendar views (I think AF did support it, but not in all).

2. Hierarchical tasks - LOVE THEM!!! I just have a parent task of "Bills to pay" and so I can collapse that tree if I don't want to look at those for now.

Also one thing that they have over AF is a forum like this one. The ability to go there and find out issues others have seen is priceless - it also saves their company support time and costs!!![/url]

03-28-2003, 05:49 AM
I got AF because at the time it was better than PI (PI2). Both are good apps. I think the diffrences are that AF is slick, while PI gives you more options.

03-28-2003, 12:31 PM
I'm a PI4 fan.
I find the calendar views provide me with a great overview of what's coming. The "fisheye" zoom is really cute and works well.

If Notes and Journal were extended to be consistent with how tasks and appointments are handled, (e.g. by providing sorting, filtering and hierarchies) then that would be great. At the moment there's a bit of a wrench between the enormous power of the Calendar and Task views and the very restricted functionality of Notes and Journal. Just my little wish list if PI people are reading :)

03-28-2003, 03:49 PM
My vote is for Agenda Fusion. PI is also a great product (as noted in other posts). Depends on what you're looking for.

03-29-2003, 12:04 AM
<Tommy Chong voice>

Woohoo! PI4 all the way, man!

</Tommy Chong voice>

I just hope that the today plugins get done soon.

04-27-2003, 02:23 AM
Like many of the others on this thread, I tried both AF and PI. At firs I liked AF better, then gave PI another try, and now won't go back to AF.