03-20-2003, 09:31 PM
This is what i sent toshiba:
Dear Toshiba:
I Purchased a new e740 PDA in Janruary from Ciruit City. I made this purchase do to the high ratings on and other sites. However, I was soon to be disapointed. After about 2 weeks of moderate use, i noticed that the battery did not last more than 1 hour. It would display %100, and then instantly jump to around %30. I contacted technical support, and they offered some help regarding fully discharging the battery. I did this, and ever since then the previous error has occured about twice a week.
In Addition, ever since my e740 purhcase I thought that the screen sensitivity and alingment were very touchy, and needed to be re-alinged periodically. However recently, when a friend bought an e740 on my recomendation, i realized that there was a problem with my PDA. It seems as though around the edges of the screen that, teh alingmnet is never perfect. I am also always hitting the wrong keyes on the vitual keyboard. At first i thought the screen could be dirty, but it wasn't. Then i tried removing my Toshiba screen protectors, but that just made it worse. This problem is very debilitating and causes great annoyance.
Overall, I am very disapointed in my e740 PDA. I expected a "class leader", but was proved wrong. I tried to return my PDa to Circuit City, howveer they said that I need to return stuff within 30 days. I am very disapointe din my PDA, and a replacement would be appreciated. But, in actuallity i could not go through this again, and i would appreciate help in the process of sending my Unit back, and recieving a refund for the $600 i paid.
Thank You,
Andrew Chudy
[email protected]
Dear Toshiba:
I Purchased a new e740 PDA in Janruary from Ciruit City. I made this purchase do to the high ratings on and other sites. However, I was soon to be disapointed. After about 2 weeks of moderate use, i noticed that the battery did not last more than 1 hour. It would display %100, and then instantly jump to around %30. I contacted technical support, and they offered some help regarding fully discharging the battery. I did this, and ever since then the previous error has occured about twice a week.
In Addition, ever since my e740 purhcase I thought that the screen sensitivity and alingment were very touchy, and needed to be re-alinged periodically. However recently, when a friend bought an e740 on my recomendation, i realized that there was a problem with my PDA. It seems as though around the edges of the screen that, teh alingmnet is never perfect. I am also always hitting the wrong keyes on the vitual keyboard. At first i thought the screen could be dirty, but it wasn't. Then i tried removing my Toshiba screen protectors, but that just made it worse. This problem is very debilitating and causes great annoyance.
Overall, I am very disapointed in my e740 PDA. I expected a "class leader", but was proved wrong. I tried to return my PDa to Circuit City, howveer they said that I need to return stuff within 30 days. I am very disapointe din my PDA, and a replacement would be appreciated. But, in actuallity i could not go through this again, and i would appreciate help in the process of sending my Unit back, and recieving a refund for the $600 i paid.
Thank You,
Andrew Chudy
[email protected]