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View Full Version : Battery Drain - Am I crazy?

03-18-2003, 06:16 PM
I have had my HP 5455 for several months now, and overall I really like it. Nonetheless, there is one aspect that is driving me nuts. If I charge the battery all day at work and then take my Ipaq home and leave it off over night (not charging), when I get up in the morning about half of the battery life is burned off. why? what is even more frustrating is that if I don't have a full charge when I get home, and if I don't charge it overnight, then it fully drains and hard resets. I have sent the unit back to HP twice, once I received a new internal battery coin, and the second time I received a new removable battery. This has still not solved the problem. Am I crazy to think this is a problem? Any suggestions? Anyone else have this ame issue?

03-18-2003, 06:20 PM
That is why I dumped my Ipaq and got a Axim...


03-18-2003, 06:22 PM
Problem, is the Axim diesn't have the same features, or I would do the same.

03-18-2003, 06:26 PM
Problem, is the Axim diesn't have the same features, or I would do the same.

Well, you COULD wait until the Axim X3 and X7 come out, they will have integrated bluetooth/wifi.

03-18-2003, 06:32 PM
I am good at waiting.

Sven Johannsen
03-18-2003, 06:58 PM
Maybe it is one of those features that is killing you. I assume you have already checked to ensure it is not the midnight turn-on and houskeeping that is causing the battery problem? I don't know about the 5455 specifically, but I know that turning on with a Wifi card in the machine can establish an AS connection that won't allow the connection to drop and the device turn off in some devices, depending on settings. I suppose BT could do the same.

Can the radios be set to OFF, so that they won't be transmitting and potentially establishing a connection if the device should turn on, due to a schedule, alarm, or even an accidental button push (you do sleep with your PPC don't you :) )

Jason Dunn
03-18-2003, 07:19 PM
iPAQs have always had a problem with this, right back to the original 3650. They simply bleed power in standby mode at a horrendous rate, and I have no clue why - I think it's poor engineering on HTC's part.

By comparison, the Dell Axim was down to 54% after 10 days of standby - and it wasn't even fully charged to begin with!

Janak Parekh
03-18-2003, 07:22 PM
iPAQs have always had a problem with this, right back to the original 3650. They simply bleed power in standby mode at a horrendous rate, and I have no clue why - I think it's poor engineering on HTC's part.
Yes, but it shouldn't be 50% per day. On my 3650 it was about 10% per day. I easily lasted a weekend without a single recharge.

taxlax, it's more likely what Sven mentioned is happening: that your iPaq is staying on when it turns on at midnight to rotate appointments and stuff. You should check at that time. Some applications force the unit to stay on if they're left running.


03-18-2003, 07:41 PM
Is there any way to prevent it from turning on at midnight?

03-18-2003, 07:46 PM
One more thing. I have had a 3630 and a 3670 and, although I did have overnight drainage, it definitely was not 50%. I never had a hard reset either.

03-18-2003, 07:57 PM
Is there any way to prevent it from turning on at midnight?

No way to turn off that I'm aware of. I think it's in the PPC OS on all devices to turn on check at midnight.

Sven Johannsen
03-18-2003, 08:58 PM
Just been playing with my Jornada with an Orinoco in it. Have you looked at the AS settings? Specifically on the Schedule Tab (Tools/Options). Anything checked there? Shouldn't be. I set the second check box to 5 min, and my Jornada is sitting here turning on, and firing up the radio, every five minutes. It hasn't managed to get a sync going, except when it was already on when the 5 min came around, but it is turning on every five minutes and staying on for almost 5 minutes (on battery power setting).

The Orinoco also has a "Suspend while connected" setting. I suppose if that wasn't checked, if it turned on, it wouldn't turn off until it drained the battery.

Lots of settings that could be hurting, I'd guess. I don't believe there is a way to turn off the midnight houskeeping, but there are ways to ensure it doesn't stay on to long after that, or turn on other times.

There is also a 'Keep power for CF Card' (when device is off) check box on my Jornada. I'm sure that doesn't affect you, but I can imagine it wouldn't do me any good if there is a GPS or network card in my slot when i think the device is off.

03-19-2003, 08:50 PM
Yes, and the simple solution to test/verify this issue is to install an uptime tracker, such as this Uptime Meter Today Screen Plugin (http://ae.inc.ru/uptime_t.html).

Reset the counter after your last charging session of the day, and then check it first thing in the morning (or you could simply check it every hour, obsessively, as "some one I know" has been known to do :roll: )

iPAQs have always had a problem with this, right back to the original 3650. They simply bleed power in standby mode at a horrendous rate, and I have no clue why - I think it's poor engineering on HTC's part.
Yes, but it shouldn't be 50% per day. On my 3650 it was about 10% per day. I easily lasted a weekend without a single recharge.

taxlax, it's more likely what Sven mentioned is happening: that your iPaq is staying on when it turns on at midnight to rotate appointments and stuff. You should check at that time. Some applications force the unit to stay on if they're left running.
