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View Full Version : Who has be best warranty?

03-18-2003, 08:51 AM
looking to get the e755 and i was wondering which store has the best warranty coverage. fry's has the e755 in stock now or should i wait until best buy or compusa get it in stock?

03-18-2003, 04:45 PM
I purchased my HP5455 at CompUSA simply because of the Extended Warranty that they offer ($99 covers everything). It also includes if I want to upgrade without having to have a defective unit.


03-19-2003, 01:57 AM
Best Buy. :mrgreen: Its cheap, it goes with any device that you trade. You can trade your device for a new one if it has a fault and it has not failed me yet. Then again, I haven't had a chance to tryout other warranties. Here's a problem (I think) from the CompUSA one though, there was a thread started by a user who traded his Pocket PC in the warranty and he had to buy a new warranty because the old one didn't come with the new device. I am going to try to find the link.

Pat Logsdon
03-19-2003, 02:06 AM
Dell's warranty is pretty good. :mrgreen:

03-19-2003, 08:18 AM
Rhsu, the Best Buy PSP (Extended Warranty) now acts much like the CompUSA TAP (Extended Warranty) does. If you purchase a PSP with your PocketPC, and your device needs to be replaced outside of your manufacturer warranty you will be asked to purchase another PSP. That doesn't mean that you HAVE to, as your new device will come with a new manufacturer warranty.

Best Buy is very flexible when it comes to replacement units. You can swap it out for the same model, or you could upgrade and pay the difference. As long as you aren't a dick to the Service Tech that you deal with, you should be able to get your way.

I will make one last suggestion. If you do choose to purchase your item at Best Buy and also purchase the PSP, keep everything that came with the unit. Keep your box, keep your manual, keep the software CDs, etc. If you do not have those items if/when you need your PocketPC replaced, they will charge you ($18 for the box, $15 for Manuals/CDs, etc.) for them.

Oh, I'm a Service Tech at a Best Buy in Texas, so I'm not pulling stuff out of my ass.

03-19-2003, 08:25 AM
thanks! i was leaning towards best buy but hadn't made up my mind. i guess that i'll have to wait until best buy get's it in. i'm definitely keeping the upgrade option in mind. been jealous for the last 2 years since i only have an e125...plus i dropped it and had to pay $200 to get it fixed. if i can upgrade and pay the difference....even better. :D