View Full Version : What does your spouse have to say about your PPC addict
03-17-2003, 03:59 AM
Over the years my wife has been hammering me about being to much involved with my PPC's. This weekend however she used the PPC letters in a different way to show me her frustation in regards to my hobby.
Pocket Piece of Crap.
What does your spouse or friends have to say about your same addiction.
03-17-2003, 04:48 AM
I think my other half would say:
Perfect Peace and Celibacy
03-17-2003, 05:46 AM
im single :D
Kati Compton
03-17-2003, 05:50 AM
My husband doesn't say anything (though I probably don't use mine *quite* as much as some of you).
Basically, we each have our own technological addictions.
Janak Parekh
03-17-2003, 06:35 AM
Basically, we each have our own technological addictions.
I suspect you're the exception, not the rule, here. :)
Kati Compton
03-17-2003, 06:37 AM
Basically, we each have our own technological addictions.
I suspect you're the exception, not the rule, here. :)
Could be. I guess most couples don't ignore each other equally. :) What's important to us is ignoring each other in the same room. ("The Computer Room", ie, the biggest bedroom in our 2-bedroom apartment). When one of us ignores the other from the living room for too long, that's when someone gets lonely. ;)
03-17-2003, 06:46 AM
We don't really argue about it, but my pocket pc addiction sure annoys my hubby a little. Before PPC, the last thing I'd look at at night would be his lovely face, now he's already asleep by the time I finish reading the last article on Avantgo. A few weeks ago, when I was planning to get a new device, he couldn't understand why someone who already had a pocket pc (a E-125) would want to get something newer and smaller (h1910). I mean, pocket pc is pocket pc, isn't it? :wink:
03-17-2003, 11:03 AM
Well, my girlfriend isn't very pleased with me taking my Loox to everywere i go. She is very critical about the toys i bring home (linux-servers, network routers etc.)
But on the other hand, she gets extremely annoyed that she keeps thinking of things that she should remember (and could not write down because she did not have her Jornada with her :) ). She also likes the benefits of the central server. So she has a bit of love/hate relationship with it...
Perhaps what her annoys her most is the fact that i talk about it as well on forums.....
03-17-2003, 03:10 PM
My wife didn't complain too loudly when I bought my Axim. When we married, she didn't care for how much I'm on the computer (uh, it's what I do for a living), but she's slowing warming up to my technology fetish. In fact, I think I've convinced her that we need a TiVo! :D
Anyway, I think she would call it Pretty Place for Contacts. So far, she only sees it as a glorified phone book. :(
I call it DrEvil. (MiniMe was too obvious)
03-17-2003, 03:34 PM
It is very interesting that this topic comes up because my wife just finished griping at me about all the research I've been doing... The bad part is my first Pocket PC (Dell Axim 400) hasn't arrived yet.
03-17-2003, 06:52 PM
My wife doesn't harp on me too much, although she does have fun calling it a Palm Pilot (my very first unit); she knows this grates me a little b/c of its obvious put-down. I thought it interesting that last week, on our way to the park for our kids, we went to one that we've never been to - she used to go there as a kid. about 30 minutes away. She couldn't find it - she was driving. I pulled out my Pocket Streets and Trips and directed her right to it. Hah. 8)
Hank Scorpio
03-17-2003, 09:42 PM
I bought the girlfriend a Palm m100 to ease her int the world of PDA's, and she seemed to use it quite a bit, then I gave her my old Ipaq 3630, and she really liked it but she let it drain completely twice and I kept it the last time she did it and now I use it for a permanent GPS in the Jeep. She just doesn't seem to have the same attitude I have. I freak out if I don't have my Pocket Pc with me at all times, and she doesn't understand why I use the GPS to tell me where to go to places I know how to get to, it's the W?BIC! attitude.
Pat Logsdon
03-17-2003, 11:32 PM
I mostly get the "Can't we buy some food instead of X for your Pocket PC?", or "Why don't you look at ME like that?" :twisted:
03-18-2003, 02:16 AM
Well I guess I'm one of the lucky ones. My wife not only listens to me going on about computers and PPC's she actually buys most of my stuff.
When my desktop bit the dust last November she bought me a new 2.4Ghz P4 system. Then in February she bought me a Pocket Loox to replace the E115 I've been using for the past 2 years (she bought that as well). When the Loox bit the dust after 10 days it was returned for a refund - but she still bought me a new Ipaq 3970 while she was waiting for the refund to come through, just so I wouldn't be without a new device.
I've currently got a Nokia 3650 bluetooth 'phone on pre-order and have my eyes on a Compact Flash sleeve for my Ipaq.
Now that I look back on what I've just written I realise how lucky I am - I'm off to let her know how much I appreciate her :wink:
03-18-2003, 02:16 AM
Amused tolerance here. My wife has strong geekish tendencies of her own (I bought her Unreal II and 256MB of RAM -
all of which she wanted - as a valentine's gift this year), so she puts up with it - and enjoys Taipei and Freecell when she can pry it from me... I thank my lucky stars!
03-18-2003, 02:22 AM
Well, I did the smart thing and bought my wife a Pocket PC. Now, there are a bunch of Pocket PC devices in my house including devices for my oldest kids.
03-18-2003, 02:22 AM
My fiance originally wasn't into PPC's.....however, after I gave her my old iPAQ 3635, she fell in love, and uses it all the time.
She might not be as enthusiastic as me, but I'll take what I can get. She already wants a newer one :)
03-18-2003, 02:31 AM
this is a great thread.....i could write a book on all the hell i get from my wife about my ppc....but i guess the best would have to be when she compares me spending $600 dollars on my ppc to her wanting to spend $600 dollars on a pair of like what the hell!!!!!!!!! 8O
Pocket Pc
read books
surf the web
play games
organize my life
listen to music
watch movies
A Pair Of Shoes
walk around
brag to her girlfriends
walk around
brag to her girlfriends
Peter Traugot
03-18-2003, 02:42 AM
My wife used to give me a rash of sh@t if I brought home any toys. We've been married about 10 years now. These days, she just rolls her eyes and says "so what are you gonna do with THAT new toy." (toy?)
She doesn't even know what brand PPC I have anymore. Now she just calls it "your pocket thingy".
TiVO was a "you watch too much T.V. as it is." She didn't get that this reduces the amount of tube. But when she wanted to watch one of HER shows that she was out for, and I recorded. . .well. . .
She used to ask how much. Now she knows better. Her new motto:
Ignorance is bliss.
I don't tell, she don't ask : )
03-18-2003, 02:43 AM
My wife calls my iPaq 3835 "the gadget" and gives me a hard time, but she loves buying me software (that I pick out on Handango). We watch movies and play games together on long plane trips, and more than once have saved ourselves from getting lost in new cities with dowloaded directions from Mapquest through Avantgo.
Mike Wagstaff
03-18-2003, 02:43 AM
My girlfriend is actually surprisingly cool about my PPC addiction. The fact that I showed her how to load up Solitaire has, I'm sure, nothing to do with that at all... :wink:
As for my website, however, the words "sad", "no-hoper" and "get a life" have been heard from time to time... :lol:
03-18-2003, 02:48 AM
My husband thinks I am a little obsessive about my IPAQ. However, he always appreciates when I give him the latest news on what is going on in the Pocket PC World of Events. (Thank you pocket PC Thoughts!)
03-18-2003, 02:48 AM
I'm single because of my addiction.
03-18-2003, 02:51 AM
My girfried is adicted to shopping clothes.
And i am addicted to cutting edge technology.
I dont compain about her buying clothes and she does not complain when i buy stuff.
03-18-2003, 02:58 AM
My girlfriend has slowly warmed up to my tech habit in general. She tries to show an interest, albeit superficial. But it's cool that at least she tries :wink: I bought her an M105 for xmas to see if a PDA would work for her. . .as of yesterday she has claimed my older Maestro as HER everyday PDA now. It will mostly be used for address and todo functions, but since I loaded up a spare SD card with one of her fav movies (My Big Fat Greek Wedding) she takes every opportunity at work to show it off to the doctors that stubbornly hold on to their anitquated Palm Pilots. I try not to turn on my 1910 in her presence now for fear of that "OMG. . .look at the screen on yours!" thing. 8O
03-18-2003, 02:59 AM
My girfried is adicted to shopping clothes.
And i am addicted to cutting edge technology.
I dont compain about her buying clothes and she does not complain when i buy stuff.
That is basically the direction I see for my relationship to. Only her thing is shoes and knick-knacks
Brad Adrian
03-18-2003, 03:01 AM
Back when my addiction for Pocket PCs began in ernest, the summer of 2000, my wife didn't really "get it." She knew I was a technophile, but still thought I was just the geekiest guy in the entire universe.
But then I went to my first Microsoft Mobile Devices MVP summit and really got to know guys like Jason, Ed, Andy, Marlof, Dale Coffing, Todd Ogasawara, Chris DeHerrera and a few others. Once my wife heard what THOSE hard-core gadget-lovers were like, she realized my addiction isn't so bad.
So, I guess that's the key. Rather than accept personal responsbility for your own geekiness, point an accusing finger at those even geekier.
Kati Compton
03-18-2003, 03:04 AM
Once my wife heard what THOSE hard-core gadget-lovers were like, she realized my addiction isn't so bad.
Has she seen you in your vest?
My girlfriend liked the idea that I would be spending less time in front of my desktop, so the pcc is cool for her( even tough I spend MUCH more time with technology now!, I eat reading my pcc! ) but then I got a handheld and she thinks that is way more cool, the bigger screen, little keyboard...
The ppc is still my prefered, but the handheld is now also part of the family ( my kids!! ) :D and she is fine with it
03-18-2003, 03:34 AM
My PocketPC addiction pales in comparision to my EverQuest addiction. I've always had an electronic do-dad attached to my hip for the last 4 years. She relies on me having now as much as I do. "Jot this down in your iPAQ so I don't forget" she is often saying.
My wife likes long drives in the summer. I couldn't stand them. My new hobby is wardriving, and she see's it as a) geeky but kinda harmless and b) a good way to get me on those drives she wants to do.
03-18-2003, 03:44 AM
I'm single because of my addiction.
I'm going to be! :D ......joking.......geezzz, I hope I'm joking!
I bought my wife an Axim and she doesn't complain any more. She just player her games, listens to her Audible Books or checks her schedule and smiles!
Karl 8)
03-18-2003, 04:08 AM
After my 4 year affair with PPCs, my wife showed interest for the first time on a PDA about 4 months ago. I bought her a nice and inexpensive Palm Vx and she loved it. She's always been a dayplanner freak and made the transition quite nicely. Making her addicted to "Diamond Mine" on my PPC helped as well (she bought Bejeweled for hers). She wants me to buy her a Clie SJ30 as a "Mother's Day" gift.
Before this, she'd always referred to my PDA-of-the-month as her "rival".
03-18-2003, 04:23 AM
My wife was actually happy when I was able to get my little e310. She knew how long I had craved one. Actually she knew how long I researched palm vs ppc. However, now she thinks I give it too much maintenance. Well, time on PPC Thoughts. Our three kids (+ one due in April!) want to play games on it. I tell them this is daddy's tool and it's not a game boy. I still trying to get our 8 year old to quit asking to see my palm. Palm is a four letter word I tell him. Today I forgot a "task" to do for my wife. My ppc is in the shop since it doesn't like holding in the SD card. She said I'd lost my brain (ie. ppc). She may have a new appreciation for it now. 8)
03-18-2003, 04:30 AM
My wife brought me my Axim for xmas. I don't think she expected me to fall so head over heals. I told her it would be fine after the newness wore off. She decided to accelerate that process a little. She has her ways :agrue: - Know what I mean?
Brad Adrian
03-18-2003, 05:42 AM
Has she seen you in your vest?
No, I only put it on in order to become GeekMan and she hasn't figured out my secret identity yet.
03-18-2003, 06:03 AM
My wife's not sure which she dislikes more. My addiction to PPC or my addiction to paintball.
03-18-2003, 06:06 AM
Mine is quite Nice, she always want my PPC, so I can change quite often :D
03-18-2003, 06:21 AM
my problem isn't the PDA, but the PDA FORUMS....... :roll:
03-18-2003, 07:16 AM
My wife only got upset when I walked in and said "I love you", when she replied that she loves me too I was dumb enough to tell her I was actually talking to my Axim. Had to sleep on the couch that night. Kinda fun though - Just me and the wif-ied Axim! I bought her a card and a flower the next day. Got to sleep back in bed that night - but without the axim :(
03-18-2003, 07:28 AM
My wife's reaction came in stages:
- When I began dedicating my time to the Pocket PC Freak site she began calling my computer "The other" :oops:
- When I began using the Pocket PC wirelessly at the whole appartment she just laughed. :P
- When I began going around with a Bluetooth headset I began being called "Man of Mars" :twisted:
03-18-2003, 08:05 AM
My wife asked me last December what I'd like for Christmas. I replied that I'd like a new PPC to replace my e-125 that I've had for two years.
I got the eyes of death and silence....
Needless to say I think I'll be holding on to the Casio (at least until the .NET devices hit the shelves).
03-18-2003, 08:15 AM
My wife told me just the other day, "Honey, you use your handheld so much that you should probably get a newer one."
WOW! I had to have her repeat herself!
Needless to say, I'm in the market for a new unit. Any suggestions for something with good battery life and a transreflective screen? I'm open for opinions...
03-18-2003, 08:19 AM
best bang for the buck...... Axim
Smallest, sleek........ ipaq 1910
Big Beefy......ipaq 5440
or wait for new os and processor
03-18-2003, 08:27 AM
Wait for a new device. The 2003 based devices are right around the corner. I am hoping to see a sleek 54xx iPaq style + integrated BT/WiFi with Toshiba e550c size screen + backlight, PXA255 processor (optimized), 128mb RAM, dual integrated expansion slots, replaceable battery and a Jornada style integrated/removable cover. Maybe I am just dreaming.
03-18-2003, 09:01 AM
Alright, I hear some good suggestions here. I have to say that I'm leaning toward the 3900 series iPAQ however, because I would like to use some of my existing accessories.
Has anyone handled a Dell? The specs seam pretty good, but it seems a little on the brick side of things (not that the 3900's are much better). :wink:
I don't actually need the latest and greatest. I'm really looking for a better screen and better battery life. More suggestions?
03-18-2003, 09:17 AM
All my girlfriend needs is a hug now and then.When they know that they are not invisible to you, they don't give you a hard time about the gadgets.
Money issues are another thing. Have anyone ever heard the line "Wow, what can you do with it??" instead of the usual "How much did it cost?" :?
03-18-2003, 09:22 AM
Well my wife is great, no only did she let me buy a new Ipaq, but she started using my ond J545. And this was after I spent the whole time she was in hospital giving birth, playing games, reading ebooks, reading avantgo, etc
What a woman, you cant ask for more than that.
Oh and it was a girl, so she said in the email :oops: :lol:
03-18-2003, 10:00 AM
Wait for a new device. The 2003 based devices are right around the corner. I am hoping to see a sleek 54xx iPaq style + integrated BT/WiFi with Toshiba e550c size screen + backlight, PXA255 processor (optimized), 128mb RAM, dual integrated expansion slots, replaceable battery and a Jornada style integrated/removable cover. Maybe I am just dreaming.
Sounds an awful lot like dreaming John! :P
03-18-2003, 12:28 PM
Wait for a new device. The 2003 based devices are right around the corner. I am hoping to see a sleek 54xx iPaq style + integrated BT/WiFi with Toshiba e550c size screen + backlight, PXA255 processor (optimized), 128mb RAM, dual integrated expansion slots, replaceable battery and a Jornada style integrated/removable cover. Maybe I am just dreaming.
Sounds an awful lot like dreaming John! :P
Well, this comes pretty close:
Mitac Mio 558:
- 400MHz XScale (presumably PXA255)
- PPC2003
- integrated WLAN
- integrated BT
- CF Slot
- SD Slot (SD-I/O)
- 64 MB Flash-ROM
- 64 MB SDRAM, 100MHz, 32-Bit
- Replacable Battery plus Backup-Battery
- Jog-Wheel
- Consumer-IR (4 meters)
- 3,5" Display
- "USB 1.1 Host for internal USB feature Module"
- Size: 124mm x 72mm x 15,3mm
- Weight: 170g
- Cradle with extra Battery charge Slot
03-18-2003, 02:18 PM
My wife calls it my "mistress."
She has a Dilbert comic stuck to her monitor where Dilbert's girlfriend is asking if he likes the computer more then her, and while he's saying no, he's thinking "Don't ask about the laptop."
03-18-2003, 02:24 PM
Has anyone handled a Dell? The specs seam pretty good, but it seems a little on the brick side of things (not that the 3900's are much better). :wink:
We were at the mall over the weekend, and I had the chance to hold one for a minute. Its slightly wider and thicker than my 3630, but not terribly so. And the edges are well rounded and coated in this rubbery stuff, so your grip on it is sound.
03-18-2003, 03:16 PM
Alright, I hear some good suggestions here. I have to say that I'm leaning toward the 3900 series iPAQ however, because I would like to use some of my existing accessories.
Has anyone handled a Dell? The specs seam pretty good, but it seems a little on the brick side of things (not that the 3900's are much better). :wink:
I don't actually need the latest and greatest. I'm really looking for a better screen and better battery life. More suggestions?
Well, the general consensus is that the Axim has the best battery life. I have only owned an Axim and I don't think it's a brick. Of course, your mileage may vary.
03-18-2003, 03:35 PM
2 1/2 years ago my wife suprised me at Xmas by getting me an HP J548. When the 568 came out and Dell had big coupons, I upgraded.
Last week I was attempting to set up my 568 for email. I used the "My Text" function to send myself an email to my house. It read, "I can't talk right now. I'm running late. Where are you?
Goodbye. Call me later. I love my Pocket PC! "
My wife was at home sick, saw the email and replied, "Yes, you got this. Sorry, I was showering.
I'm glad you love your little friend."
So, "my little friend" is what she thinks of my Pocket PC.
She doesn't mind my PPC, but I think she is having serious doubts as to the intelligence of getting me an XBOX last Christmas!
03-18-2003, 03:58 PM
Next PPCT new forum, " PPC geek spouse support forum". (of course these forum can only be accssed via PPC screen)
My boyfriend doesn't do anything with his ipaq. He doesn't carry it around or put apps on it. However, he does play King Sol on my Axim. So when we go out, I use my Axim as a "Pacifier for the Adult Male" whenever I want to visit stores that he hates.
So he can't really complain, can he? :wink:
03-18-2003, 04:15 PM
My wife and family call me "inspector gadget". I take it as a compliment. It's funny though how our better half's are always asking us for the phone numbers and addresses. I am a gadget freak, and she knows that, she's kind of accepted it by now. :lol:
Monty Gibson
03-18-2003, 04:58 PM
My wife decided to stop trying to "beat" me at it and decided to join me. Now; she too is addicted, and we no longer talk but send SMS messages and beam "I love you" notes back and forth from across the room :?.
03-18-2003, 05:08 PM
My wife always thought I was insane until I let her play Super Mario Brothers on my Jornada when were travelling a few months ago.
Somehow she never understood why it was so useful to surf, use terminal services, etc. But Mario came to the rescue.
Now she wants one!
She liked my Ipaq so much we bought HER one too! :D
Of course I haven't convinced her to sync everything with Outlook yet. She is still only syncing files & AvantGo. I sync everything... :devilboy:
03-18-2003, 08:43 PM
My wife decided to stop trying to "beat" me at it and decided to join me. Now; she too is addicted, and we no longer talk but send SMS messages and beam "I love you" notes back and forth from across the room :?.
Awwwww that is so cute! :ppclove:
03-19-2003, 12:38 AM
best bang for the buck...... Axim
Smallest, sleek........ ipaq 1910
Big Beefy......ipaq 5440
or wait for new os and processor
Having just this weekend had the chance to hold and play with the Axim, I would have to add it to the Big Beefy category.
03-19-2003, 12:46 AM
Has anyone handled a Dell? The specs seam pretty good, but it seems a little on the brick side of things (not that the 3900's are much better). :wink:
Compared to my first PPC (Casio E-115) it's much more compact, but compared to everything else (especially my HP 1910) it most certainly is a brick. For price and battery life though, it's hard to beat.
Jeff Rutledge
03-19-2003, 12:50 AM
My wife started as a "You bought another accessory/utility/app for your iPAQ" kind of gal.
Since I gave her my old m515, she's changed. She just called me from work and said it looks like her cradle may be dead. Now she's a "Maybe I should get one of those new HP1910" gals.
I think she's hoping her cradle is toast., just so she can get a new device. I find that hilarious because that's just the kind of excuse I'd find.
She's one of us now... :robot:
Janak Parekh
03-19-2003, 02:55 AM
Now she's a "Maybe I should get one of those new HP1910" gals.
Ooh. If she sees the screen in the store, she'll never go back. Never. :lol:
Jeff Rutledge
03-19-2003, 03:59 AM
Now she's a "Maybe I should get one of those new HP1910" gals.
Ooh. If she sees the screen in the store, she'll never go back. Never. :lol:
Actually, I'm afraid that we'll get her the 1910 and then I'll be forever depressed with my lowly 3870. I'm very proud of myself for holding off so far and not upgrading to any device (although truthfully none of the new crop have sold me so the only upgrade I'd consider is to a 3970). I'm waiting for the PPC2003 devices to hit.
I'm afraid if we get her a 1910, I'll lose my resolve, then it's :byebye: <-- to my $$$.
Janak Parekh
03-19-2003, 04:44 AM
Actually, I'm afraid that we'll get her the 1910 and then I'll be forever depressed with my lowly 3870.
Heh. I got a relative a 1910 just recently, and while I think it's a fantastic device, it's not for me due to the lack of connectivity. Yes, the 3870 looks huge and the screen dim next to it, but it "feels" more powerful too. :D
I'm afraid if we get her a 1910, I'll lose my resolve, then it's :byebye: <-- to my $$$.
That'll happen no matter what. :lol:
Jeff Rutledge
03-19-2003, 04:59 AM
...while I think it's a fantastic device, it's not for me due to the lack of connectivity.
That's my saving grace actually. I have a lot invested in peripherals for my 3870 (I started with a 3650). That's obviously keeping my focus in the iPAQ area, but the 5400 just isn't cutting it for me. Hopefully the next iPAQ in that form factor is a killer device. If not, c'est la vie. I've gotten a lot out of this form factor so if I have to move on, I'll live. 8)
As for the cash, yeah, there definitely seems to be a cash flow problem. It always seems to be flowing out of my wallet. :lol:
03-19-2003, 08:56 AM
my wife is so jealous from my PDA, and I think she is planning to destroy it.
03-20-2003, 08:09 PM
Mine doesn't care as long as my side work covers the cost. She has discovered the internet and uses it all the time and now uses a cell phone. who knows, maybe I have a future geek in training.
Jeff Rutledge
03-20-2003, 11:31 PM
So I was in London Drugs last night. Just had to buy a simple (read: cheap) mouse for my KVM switch at home. Found a simple Logitech mouse in the silver/black colour scheme I wanted and it was only $30. Great.
As I'm paying, I look down the display (my first mistake) and notice this lonely HP iPAQ 1910 all by itself in the box. I haven't seen many kicking around in Canada yet (and the one's I've seen were about $500) so I ask the guy if that's just a display box or if there's a unit in there. Full box. How much? $465.
So, if you've been following my contributions to this post, you can guess what happened next.
I just gave my wife's old m515 to a co-worker and we are now proudly a Palm-free hosuehold.
:rock on dude!:
PS: Janak: I am now doubly worried that I won't be able to hold off for the new devices. I think the lack of connectivity will pull me through, but this little unit is making it very difficult for me. :)
Janak Parekh
03-20-2003, 11:46 PM
So I was in London Drugs last night. Just had to buy a simple (read: cheap) mouse for my KVM switch at home. Found a simple Logitech mouse in the silver/black colour scheme I wanted and it was only $30. Great.
You made a mistake on that mouse. You should have picked up a Logitech MX700 instead. It is the greatest thing I've gotten in the last few months - wireless optical rechargeable, high res, with 8 buttons (including the wheel). It blows my old IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 out of the water. Then, take your older mouse and stick it on the KVM. :lol:
PS: Janak: I am now doubly worried that I won't be able to hold off for the new devices. I think the lack of connectivity will pull me through, but this little unit is making it very difficult for me. :)
Yup. When I first held it, I was afraid I'd drop it between my fingers, it's so tiny. Your wife likes it, I take it?
Jeff Rutledge
03-20-2003, 11:51 PM
You made a mistake on that mouse. You should have picked up a Logitech MX700 instead. It is the greatest thing I've gotten in the last few months - wireless optical rechargeable, high res, with 8 buttons (including the wheel). It blows my old IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 out of the water. Then, take your older mouse and stick it on the KVM. :lol:
Actually, I had a wireless Mouseman at first, but then moved to a KVM at home as I am working at home more than 50% of the time now and want to use my 19" monitor with my laptop too. Since I couldn't use a cordless mouse anymore, I bought the MX-500 (basically the same mouse as the 700 but with cable) and thought it was great when connected directly to my Desktop. Unfortunately, I'd totally forgotten the KVM limitations included all the extra buttons. So I'm stuck with a simple MX300 and gave my MX500 to a co-worker.
Oh well, the guys in the office did OK by me today (one got an M515 and the other the MX-500).
Your wife likes it, I take it?
Oh yeah, she loves it. She's called me twice already with something "cool" she found. She's not very technical and has already figured out "how much more this thing does compared to the Palm". :mrgreen:
03-20-2003, 11:52 PM
Janek, the voice of temptation..... :devilboy:
Don Tolson
03-20-2003, 11:58 PM
I've always gotten the "boys and their toys" :roll: response to my technology assistants from my dearly beloved. Now however, since she's being promoted to a management position and all the other female managers have IPAQs, she wants one too.
Funny though, that the general gender reaction to my Jornada 568 & Fujitsu Lifebook B series has been:
Female -- "Aren't those cute"
Male -- "How can you see the screen/use the keys?"
Jeff Rutledge
03-20-2003, 11:59 PM
Janek, the voice of temptation..... :devilboy:
As long as he doesn't start touting the virtues of the 5400's. I am steadfastly resisting the voice in my head that's saying "it's the new must have it!". I think the fact that I've heard lots of issues is the only reason I've not purchased one yet.
I'm counting on the mythical "killer" device that should be coming with the new O/S.
Fingers crossed...(and wallet's locked).
03-21-2003, 12:05 AM
Get an know you want to....and your wife will be happy that you saved $400(even if that means you spent $300) ;)
Flower, the other voice of temptation ;) :devilboy:
There should be a devilgirl emoticon :)
03-21-2003, 12:27 AM
I'd totally forgotten the KVM limitations included all the extra buttons.
Really? What brand of switch do you use?
Janak Parekh
03-21-2003, 12:37 AM
Flower, the other voice of temptation ;) :devilboy:
Don't get us into trouble now, Ms. PF... :lol:
Nah, JR, I'm not going to try and convince you about the 5400 series. I was going to buy one, but the audio issues made me hold back (I use my Pocket PCs for audio very heavily). Even though a patch for it has been issued, I'm waiting for a comprehensive ROM update (or perhaps a new OS) before I jump. I've been playing with a HTC Phone Edition instead, and it has its own benefits, and it's my current device. :)
There should be a devilgirl emoticon :)
Find one and make it your avatar ;)
Really? What brand of switch do you use?
Do you know one that doesn't? The way KVMs handle mice being switched around is to emulate a mouse inside the KVM that's always present to all computers, and then to translate the mouse codes that are sent. They don't send all the codes of the new mice. I remember 3-4 years ago when Belkin advertised "IntelliMouse Wheel support". ;)
JR - I know what you mean about the KVM - that's one reason why I don't use one anymore on my desk; my Linux box runs headless, instead, and I access it via ssh/X. The servers, of course, live and die by the KVM.
Jeff Rutledge
03-21-2003, 04:03 AM
Nah, JR, I'm not going to try and convince you about the 5400 series. I was going to buy one, but the audio issues made me hold back (I use my Pocket PCs for audio very heavily). Even though a patch for it has been issued, I'm waiting for a comprehensive ROM update (or perhaps a new OS) before I jump. I've been playing with a HTC Phone Edition instead, and it has its own benefits, and it's my current device. :)
I'm thinking along the same lines. The 5400 is very appealing if it would work, but the more I think about it, I need to combine at least two of my three devices (phone, Blackberry, iPAQ). I think in the nearer future, I'll likely go with a PDA/phone combo and keep my Blackberry for email/wireless calendar. In the longer term (once the RIM-enabled MS devices are out), I'll probably switch to a PDA/email + phone, or PDA\email\phone scenario. Who that time, they may be able to just beam the email messages/phone calls/appointments/tasks right into my head. 0X
Really? What brand of switch do you use?
Do you know one that doesn't? The way KVMs handle mice being switched around is to emulate a mouse inside the KVM that's always present to all computers, and then to translate the mouse codes that are sent. They don't send all the codes of the new mice. I remember 3-4 years ago when Belkin advertised "IntelliMouse Wheel support". ;)
JR - I know what you mean about the KVM - that's one reason why I don't use one anymore on my desk; my Linux box runs headless, instead, and I access it via ssh/X. The servers, of course, live and die by the KVM.
Yeah, I am too reliant on both my units though. I have a Desktop which is my primary device running XP and all the apps I want. My work laptop is running our corporate image and I stick pretty close to our standard set up (since I'm part of the team that determines the standards). I rely too heavily on my PST file (stored locally on the laptop) to be able to get by with OWA or VPN access to Exchange, and I have too many customizations (ie. NetCaptor) on my Desktop to just use my Laptop. I even tried controlling the laptop remotely via PCAnywhere as a window on my desktop, but it wasn't quick enough.
All of this because I like my 19" monitor and wireless keyboard too much. :crazyeyes:
03-21-2003, 04:10 AM
Get an know you want to....and your wife will be happy that you saved $400(even if that means you spent $300) ;)
Flower, the other voice of temptation ;) :devilboy:
There should be a devilgirl emoticon :)
Except for when she compares her 1910 to the hubby's "brick" :D
Jeff Rutledge
03-21-2003, 04:18 AM
Get an know you want to....and your wife will be happy that you saved $400(even if that means you spent $300) ;)
Flower, the other voice of temptation ;) :devilboy:
There should be a devilgirl emoticon :)
I've thought about the Axim. If I were buying my first device, it would be a Dell hands down. I think it's the best value out there right now (although I don't know much about the Viewsonic). A coworker just got one and it looks pretty good. But I don't think I'd consider it a significant upgrade from my 3870, especially considering the significant investment I've made in iPAQ accessories (3 VAJA cases, 2 Sleeves, extra cradles, custom styli, Bluetooth phone, etc.).
I'm keeping myself totally open for the next device though, so if the X7 is good I may end up going Dell after all.
03-21-2003, 06:16 AM
Really? What brand of switch do you use?
Do you know one that doesn't? The way KVMs handle mice being switched around is to emulate a mouse inside the KVM that's always present to all computers, and then to translate the mouse codes that are sent. They don't send all the codes of the new mice. I remember 3-4 years ago when Belkin advertised "IntelliMouse Wheel support". ;)
I personally use a Cybex KVM. It cost ~$450CDN including two extra sets of cables when I bought it ~4 years ago. I've tried a couple different keyboards with it and didn't have any problems with the extra buttons on one, but after your post I realize you're referring to the extra buttons on the mice, not the keyboard. :oops:
03-21-2003, 06:29 AM
My lovely wife-to-be hardly complain about me playing with my PPC... that's because I don't play it when she is chatting with me!!! I use it when she is watching TV and doing her own stuff. :mrgreen:
She was thinking about getting one herself but everytime I took her to the shop and she just said nah... won't be using it that much. I know that... because she has a secretary to remind her of everything!!! and I don't... but soon... 8)
I buy a lot of accessories but she doesn't care that much now... because she knows that after I'm through with it, it will be on Yahoo for sale!!! So more money to buy more stuffs!!! Vive on-line auction!!!
03-22-2003, 02:41 AM
I made the mistake of getting my first Pocket PC (first PDA also) 6 months into my marriage. My wife thought it would be a good idea at the time becuase I had just got a new job and church responsibility. Then I started reading Pocket PC Thoughts...and my addiction began. :twisted:
It caused tension until I promised to stay off the computer and PPC after 10pm and come to bed at the same time as her. She couldn't understand why I needed to "upgrade" to a new Pocket PC (Dell) only months after I purchased my first PPC (e310). I was able to swing it though because I convinced her I was saving us money because I got the Dell for a little cheaper than I sold the e310 for. :wink:
When I wanted to purchase a memory card I received an icy glare. (She's smart enough to realize more memory = more apps = more time on the PPC.) I finally got a 128MB CF card last Christmas because I convinced her it would be "cool" to put movies and music on (and it was only $27 at Staples after rebate).
We get along fine with it now. We'll probably get her a HP 1910 or the new Dell Axim X3 whenever it comes out. She loves playing Pocket Taipei (funny how its okay for her to be on the PPC when we're together, but not vise-versa). Oh-well, marriage is give-and-take (but definetely worth the compromise). :wink:
I'm the resident geek in the house, so my husband doesn't mind. I'd like to get him one...he could use it for work...once the budget allows.
Mine mostly says "I want one too!"
She's also a geek and in the computer industry. First we both figured we needed PDAs (I was tired of carrying around my Franklin). I started with an E125 and her with a Handspring. After her jaw dropped seeing how much better the E125 was she returned the handspring and got one too :)
My E125 broke after a while and I upgraded to an E200 under warranty. She didn't like this (wanted one too), but tolerated me being alpha geek for a while :)
Then I upgraded from the E200 to an e550G (e200 broke), and she had to upgrade too, she chose an e740 for the built-in WiFi.
We both have little camera bags full of gadgets, goodies, and connectors for our PPCs now! And a wi-fi base station on the house just for the PPCs. She really likes her PPC, but honestly doesn't use it as much as I do. I use mine at work, and to substitute 90% of a laptop's functions on the road, she doesn't.
03-31-2003, 11:36 PM
My wife is a Pocket PC addict too, time ago used to give her my old models, but now I have to buy two from the same model to get permission to buy new gadgets. (Just bought two iPAQ5450). The problem is also with the software, from the software she likes I also have to buy it twice. (not mentioning about all the women software, Pocket Woman, etc.) and for selling my old Pocket PC's is also difficult, it was easier to sell a Pocket PC instead of selling two. But is alot of fun to be addicted to the same thing. It also helps her to keep in touch with technology. :D :D
04-01-2003, 02:59 AM
Mine doesn't like my addiction too much. But I've done the smart thing: I've introduced her to some of my Pocket PC friends. She has met Giorgio Cifani, Arne Hess, Marc Zimmermann, and will meet our own Andy next May. So far she had to conclude that they're very nice people, and not as weird as she'd imagined. The best thing I did so far is hook up a WiFi AP in the living room, meaning I don't have to spend that much time in the computer room, and can spend more time with her (and my significant "other") in one room. :D
04-01-2003, 03:21 AM
It caused tension until I promised to stay off the computer and PPC after 10pm and come to bed at the same time as her. She couldn't understand why I needed to "upgrade" to a new Pocket PC (Dell) only months after I purchased my first PPC (e310). I was able to swing it though because I convinced her I was saving us money because I got the Dell for a little cheaper than I sold the e310 for. :wink:
Ah, my wife uses the same logic for clothes. When I ask her to put what she saved into our savings account, things usually start going down hill from there. She did let me get my e310 though and is only mildly perturbed with my additional hobby!
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