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View Full Version : Quick Question - Start Menu Path / RAPI

03-16-2003, 01:42 PM
Hello people!

I am developing an application for PocketPC/Smartphone.

When the app initialises, it needs to know the default location of the start menu. On the Smartphone this is \IPSM\Windows\Start Menu\

.....but what is it on a standard PocketPC?

Amd... I tried to find it via RAPI using CeGetSpecialFolderPath method, but it doesn't seem to work. If anyone has any concrete examples of using this function in VB, please please respond!

Here's my code:

Dim nBufferLength As Long
Dim lpBuffer As String
If CeGetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_STARTMENU, nBufferLength, lpBuffer) > 0 Then
MsgBox “Start Menu Is “ & lpBuffer
End If

Help appreciated,


03-17-2003, 07:24 PM
If you mean the place where the icons (shortcuts) are kept for the windows statrt menu then it is:
\Windows\Start Menu\

Note the space between Start and Menu.
Just drop a shortcut in here for your app to appear in the start menu. Not really good practise as you should give users a choice of where to store it and in any even the install routine should handle this for you.

Hope this helps,
