View Full Version : A challenge from a newbie, anyone game?
Bob Adamson
03-14-2003, 03:16 AM
Ok so here goes:
Is there anyone who would be willing to mentor a newbie Ipaq5455 user? This could be a project that anyone who is new to Pocket PC's may be able to follow to watch the progression.
About me:
I am a 51 year old male, married with three children. I have been into computers as a user only, for over 30 years. Having said that, I admit to not understanding much about them, but I have always had them. For example I still have several Apple Newtons (the first PDA and in some ways still the best, IMHO). A gadget freak? I have owned (still have them) a Handspring Visor Deluxe, and an Ipaq 3765. Didn't really get into using them very much, mostly because of my ignorance, certainly didn't take advantage of the power in my hands, but I managed to learn a little on my own. In terms of regular computers, I have many including my first Apple ][. I almost never get rid of a computer I own. My basic reason is that they are worth more to me than I can get for them. I have donated a couple to schools (these days they want only the latest technology). I view technology much like my cable bill. No matter how little or much I use my TV, I still pay the same amount every month. Technology, like that cable bill, or phone, or electric, is a monthly expense. This monthly expense covers computers, software, other hardware, etc. Luckily, money is not an overwhelming concern. No, I won't go out tomorrow and buy a RAID setup, but I like to be on the cutting edge. Current computers are a Dell Inspiron 7500 and a Titanium G4 Powerbook. I have a wireless network at home. At my office (I own a small manufacturers rep firm), I have a Dell Poweredge 1300 server running NT. I will eventually set up my office to be wireless, but it is not a priority. No, I don't do this kind of thing myself, remember I am a user. I have a young techie type on retainer.
I thought it might benefit others (ahem,, if someone with more experience would act as a guide as I learn to use my 5455. They could follow along as software is suggested and tried out from a user standpoint. Just reading all the help files on my Ipaq confused me to the point that I question my expenditure. Will I be able to get enough use out of this thing? Or will it end up in a drawer somewhere?
I must confess that I am also enamored with the Tablet PC concept. Seems to me to be a larger version of the Pocket PC, which will help with reading and writing, then again it is a sacrifice in size.
Ok, one of your first questions is what do I want to do with it, right? Yeah, I figured. You see, that is one of the dilemas that users face. How do you know what you want to do, if you don't know what can be done? For example, several years ago, I had this business idea that dealt with computer learning like a physical trainer. Someone to do the kind of thing I am asking for here, only we would come to your house, use your computer, your software, and guide you through.
While I was investigating the possibilities, I hired some lawyers and formed a LLC (Limited Liability Corporation). Well, I'm paying these guys like $300 an hour, each, and they say that they don't get the business. I started to ask some questions of the senior partner in this 400+ lawyer law firm. First I asked if he personally used computers, no his secretary handled all that. Did he have grandchildren? Yes. Did he get to see and talk to them as often as he liked? No, in fact, some were out-of-state. Hmm, says I. If you could go home tonight, log onto your computer, and have a real time video conference with the kids, for the cost of a local phone call, would that be something he would want to do? He was astounded that that was possible and offered me $5000 to set it up that night. Lucky I had this kid on retainer. He set it up for him. So, my point is, here was a guy who had all kinds of technology surrounding him, and he was clueless as to how it could benefit his life. Once he found his "killer app" he jumped right in. I understand the grandkids have him doing lots of cool stuff now.
Ok, I'm laying down the challenge, anyone up to it?
If you got this far, thanks for reading,
Bob Adamson
Brad Adrian
03-14-2003, 03:44 AM
First, Bob, Welcome to Pocket PC Thoughts. I know you'll find just what you're looking for here.
Second, I think I and many others like me here are intrigued with your idea. I know that, at least in a "virtual" fashion, we can help. We've got a tremendous community here, with literally hundreds of people willing to give guidance, opinion and mentorship.
So, what do you think? What's the best way to help you with this "project" while interacting virtually?
Bob Adamson
03-14-2003, 05:01 AM
Hey Brad, thanks for the interest. Well, as I read the help files currently installed on my Ipaq (yes, I am willing to read the instructions), I have noticed that while I might be able to follow the instructions, I have no clue as to how to really accomplish parts of the instructions and hardly a clue as to how to use what I am told it will do, with the language that they use. I need to "demystify" the process.
First, I think I need to learn how to back up. If I do, and it works, I will not be hesitant try things knowing that I can always start again, fresh, if necessary. No problem, right? There is even a program called backup or something or other to assist me.
Ahh, the rub starts. In order to learn to back up, I need to have the right connections. Since I use a laptop connected to a network at work, and a wireless DSL network at home, I am having trouble or there is something I don't understand and haven't yet figured out, or ActiveSync isn't properly configured or...... My point being that, even such a simple, first step like backing up brings up several other issues that must be solved first. So, I guess I'm looking for real world, step-by-step procedures. I liken the process to Maslows' Hierarch of Needs. The foundation must be sound, needs met, before advancing to the next level, or its "hard to appreciate art when your are unable to feed or clothe yourself." There are other, more colorful analogies I could have used there but this is a moderated board.
Ok, I laid down the first problem, that of not being able to "backup."
Get me through this and we'll see what other challanges present themselves. Sound like a logical approach?
Thanks again for the interest.
Bob Adamson
03-14-2003, 08:13 AM
First, I think I need to learn how to back up. If I do, and it works, I will not be hesitant try things knowing that I can always start again, fresh, if necessary. No problem, right? There is even a program called backup or something or other to assist me.
Ahh, the rub starts. In order to learn to back up, I need to have the right connections. Since I use a laptop connected to a network at work, and a wireless DSL network at home, I am having trouble or there is something I don't understand and haven't yet figured out, or ActiveSync isn't properly configured or...... My point being that, even such a simple, first step like backing up brings up several other issues that must be solved first. So, I guess I'm looking for real world, step-by-step procedures. I liken the process to Maslows' Hierarch of Needs. The foundation must be sound, needs met, before advancing to the next level, or its "hard to appreciate art when your are unable to feed or clothe yourself." There are other, more colorful analogies I could have used there but this is a moderated board.
Ok, I laid down the first problem, that of not being able to "backup."
If you have already set up your ActiveSync partnership, backing up is easy.
Close all programs running on your iPAQ (except ActiveSync, of course).
In ActiveSync on your PC, select Tools.
Select Backup/Restore.
Click the Full backup radio button for the first time; click Incremental backup for future backups.
Click the Back Up Now button.
Don't use the device until the backup is complete.
If you get a dialog saying files couldn't be backed up, click the Skip button. (I get that for all of the Deleted Items folders.)
If you have a large storage card you use with your iPAQ, you can also use the 5450's backup program to backup to your storage card. I don't have the 5450, so I can't give you instructions on that.
P.S. Your bill for $300/hour is in your Private Message box. :-D
03-14-2003, 01:35 PM
I would definitely recommend getting a SD card and using the IPAQ backup (which is actually made by Sprite Software ) as it is the most reliable backup solution currently available. An SD card reader is also a wise investment as you can remove the card from your IPAQ, pop it in the reader, and transfer your backup's (and any other files) off the card very quickly ( Here is an example of a newer USB 2.0 six in one reader ). Activesynch's backup and file transfer explorer are extremely slow and somewhat troublesome.
03-14-2003, 02:46 PM
Lesson plan:
chapter 1.
get to know and be reckless. (approximately 1 week.)
goal: toss out manual until needed. The device will be in pure toy and simulated need mode.
-get to know the reset button :D
-all important data/address in the handheld are presumed to be destroyed during exploration.
-instal all those crazy and trial apps. Try everything see how you like them.
testing the foundation (approximately 2 days)
goal: now that you know what softwares and hardware capability the h5450 has. start rebuilding the softwares instal based on that trial week.
Simulation phase end, real life use start.
chapter 3.
spend more money and look for new toys to add to the now old h5450. Look around your toy collections see if you can hook them up together. (camera, desktop, wireless, GPS, etc)
chapter 4
It's two weeks already. I think it's time to talk about what new PDA you can get to replace the h5450 .
category to explore
-basic utility apps
(mostly file enhancement, customization and skinning, today's plug-ins, encryption)
(movie, music, games)
-organizer stuff
(agenda, finance, personal hobby/sport/health/travel)
-PDA wireless stuff (dont' know much about this myself)
-The big apps
(your office need? database, documents processor, vertical apps, etc)
freebie link list to start with:
Bob Adamson
03-14-2003, 09:53 PM
Wow!! I am truly amazed at the willingness of you folks to give. Who ever said that mankind is doomed?
Ok, thanks for the suggestions Pony, Thefo and Cracknell. Here are my new comments.
Sorry, I should have said that I have a 256M Scandisk SD. I think, not sure how to tell the difference between a SD (Secure Digital?), MMC (Muti-media Card?), and any other storage devices. What is the distinction? Pros and Cons of each?
I have been around computers long enough to know that you never have enough storage. So, when I was told by the salesman that they had a special on the 256M for $80 (I have since seen them online for less), I bought one.
I also have a Stowaway keyboard, a second cradle, ordered a PDAPanache stylus, a car charger for my Ipaq 3765 but no adapter for the 5455.
I do not have an expansion pack, yet. I don't see the need for extra carry weight at this time. Is there a reason to have one? I don't need GPS. What other reasons are there for an expansion pack? For complete wireless? Hmm, maybe. I don't mind the expense, if it turns out it is usefull. The extra battery life would be nice, but not at the expense of carry weight. I'm thinking about ordering the longer life battery on H/P's site. Any good?
By the way, last night when I went to bed I cradled with a 50% charge. In the morning, 8 hrs later, it had only charged to 97%. I know, almost a full charge, but it seems to me that 8 hrs is a long time to replenish 50%? Isn't it?
I also have downloaded a couple of apps. I like BugMe with my 3765, so I downloaded and paid for that app. I intalled a trial of Pocket Info 4, and some sync program which I bought, but also have not figured out how to install yet. Oh, and a landscape program (Go Landscape?), again I haven't figured out how to install that app yet, but I think Landscape ability is crucial to effective use? Yes? No?
Back to specific instructions given to me. Pony, I followed your instructions to the letter. I completed a successful backup. Good start. I will try and delete some files and restore tonight. I may even try the Ipaq backup program and see if it will work on my Storage card.
Thefo, I will check out the USB reader you suggested, thanks.
Crockwell, I love your approach. It is basically what I am doing, but you have given me some different ideas.
Back to my current problem though, why is it that I get a mail profile has not been created when I use my home setup instead of work. At work it syncs to a server, at home I get the no mail profile even if I have outlook launched and connected remotely?
Thanks again folks, you are great!
03-14-2003, 11:11 PM
You should be able to tell the difference of a SD card from a MMC by looking at the side of the card. If it has a little slider on it then it is an SD card. If not MMC. The Slider is a write protector similar to what was on floppies. If slid one direction you can read,write and erase. If the other way it is protected and no writing or erasing, just read.
I like the expansion pack because it gives me the ability to have a wirelss connection when I want and still have the SD slot for memory(I have an Ipaq 3955). Also since there aren't any real SDIO products availabe yet it offers more accesability(such as the CF cameras on the front page).
For outlook did you create a profile with your email address? When you sync to Outlook it looks for a specific profile and if it is not there it will not sync correctly(in my experience with Outlook).
Bob Adamson
03-14-2003, 11:45 PM
Thanks Blazingwolf, now I know the difference between SD and MMC, the ability to write protect. That could be useful. Generally are they the same price per Meg? Same size (capacity) cards?
I have a profile on my laptop which goes into a docking station or port replicator for work called Outlook, it connects via Ethernet, I think to my server. For home, I have a profile that is called Outlook Home, it wirelessly connects to my mail server at the Office. When I am at home, and plug in the cradle, set in the Ipaq, it goes crazy. I get about 10 dialoge boxes that say I need to set up a profile on my Laptop, then it will tell me it can't sync , no PIM found, and something else, but I don't remember.
Got to get this worked out before the next step, loading and launching downloaded programs and a strategy to move them off either my computer or Ipaq for safe, independant, storage elsewhere. Maybe Zip disks. Or God forbid dare I try and burn a CD/RW?
I am still trying to verify that I have back up mastered.
Regards to all,
Bob Adamson
03-15-2003, 01:57 AM
MMC is stuck at 128MB. You can't get a bigger one. Where as SD size is still getting bigger. they sell at least a 1G card now. However, it is still pretty expensive.
I might of mistunderstood your previous post. You cannot get email loaded into your inbox from 2 different computers. Something from activesync(I think) will not allow you to do it. This is probably why you are getting this error. To find out go into activesync and disable your inbox. Then resync. Hopefully this will get you synced.
Bob Adamson
03-15-2003, 05:01 AM
Blazingwolf, does it make a difference that it is one computer just two different methods of connecting? One computer, two locations? One to an Exchange Server, one my home wireless DSL?
Thanks for the help
03-16-2003, 04:01 AM
That one I am not sure about. I have never tried anything like it. Hopefully, someone else will no the answer to that.
03-17-2003, 12:40 PM
Blazingwolf, does it make a difference that it is one computer just two different methods of connecting? One computer, two locations? One to an Exchange Server, one my home wireless DSL?
I dont know what others do, but I use my mail at work and home connected to an exchange server at work and to a pop3 at home.
I use two profiles, but rather than leaving my mail on the exchange server, I download it to a PST file (to do this, you need to set the PST file as the default mail location under tools-> Services/Email accounts depending on what version of outlook you have). This means the mail goes with me, it also means I can use the same PST file as the mail delivery target for other mail accounts.
The only other thing that you need to do if you are doing this, is set Outlook to prompt you for the profile to use when starting. This is a pain, but it saves a long timeout waiting for a non-existant exchange server to not be found when offline :?
03-17-2003, 02:23 PM
As to your battery problem, have you gone to hp update page for the 545X and download and installed the battery update? This may help. Also you may find it helpful to do a soft reset each morning, This is done by taking the stylus and pressing it into the hole on the bottom right side of your 5455.
You also said you have a DC charger for your 3765, but no adapter for your 5455. You should be able to use the adapter that came with your 5455, on this charger.
Another option you have with the 5455, is to directly connect to your POP mail account with it. If you have an 802.11b connection at home, this is most useful IMHO. It kind of depends on how much mail is on your pop mail server, but if it is less than 400 or 500, you may find this useful. Also as many ISP accounts now come with more than one mail account you may want to set up an email account just for your 5455. And then forward mail to this account from your pc. You can have outlook screen your mail on your pc, and only what is important gets passed to the 5455.
03-17-2003, 03:06 PM
Well Bob, I hope your ready.
Get your feet square, bend your knees, balence your weight, we're about to turn on the fire hose and you get to drink it.
Jason's gone and called attention to your thread on the front page and by 9am est, you've passed 1300 views.
The 5400 has built in WiFi, right. Do you have your ppc working on your wifi network? This is huge, its the gateway to many kewl things you can do.
Level 1 Wireless
1) Browse the web with pocket IE directly
2) Sync your email directly against the mail servers (I've never sync'd mail through Active Sync, always directly though IMAP agains my personal internet email server and exchange server at the office.)
Level 2 Wireless
3) If you like browsing the web, consider Thunderhawk from bitstream, or the updated netfront browser for ppc.
4) If you get your mail sync but miss more advanced features look at @mail from
5) You use AIM or MS Messenger? there are PPC version availble (the AIM client used to be free, still might be if you look far and wide ;-0 )
6) You can do Active Sync over an 802.11 protocol.
My favorite Apps.
-Reading books through Microsoft eReader go to
-Listen to Music (either in WMA or OGG format, see my old thread Here. (
-watching Movies using Pocket Music & Video Player, many threads
-playing games
03-17-2003, 04:09 PM
I just wanted to chime in a sec here. You briefly mentioned an interest in the TabletPC in your original post, but the rest of the thread has focused on the iPAQ. While this is not really suprising since we ARE on, I thought I'd let you know that I am a proud owner of BOTH an iPAQ 5455 AND a TC1000 TabletPC (on which I am typing this post).
These toys, er, tools....actually complement each other very well. The tablet is my "desktop" at work and is easily undockable to take with me to meetings or other "mobile" applications where the size and power of the iPAQ just doesn't quite fulfill my needs. I have also taken the Tablet on an outing during the weekend with my wife to research some upcoming purchases. The Windows Journal program was excellent for jotting down notes at stores (and some of the looks you get when people realize what you are doing are pricesless).
My iPAQ is synched with my tablet and usually resides in it's iHolster on my belt. It is with me when the Tablet is just too bulky or simply overkill for what I need. And since the Tablet runs Windows XP (Tablet Edition), I can use Terminal Services from my iPAQ to remotely control my Tablet if I need something from it.
It's a wonderful combination and I'm having way too much fun. :)
Bob Adamson
03-18-2003, 02:03 AM
Holy Post heaven, batfolks.
Tee hee, I am very surprised. Over 2600 views? Who is this Jason guy? And why isn't he running for office, if he commands this much respect?
I guess too many people have a lot of time on their hands, including me. LOL.
Ok, time to catch up on the comments, results and yes, even more questions.
I still have not solved the issue of signing on from two different locations, one using a server, one using wireless DSL. When I say sign on, I mean connect the Ipaq to my PC using the cradle. I can sign on to the internet from the Ipaq, wireless, at home. I have surfed to several sites, including mobile friendly versions, like Microsoft Mobile as a specific one, and still had to scroll left and right, even after selecting (my default) "fit to screen." Several of my AvantGo and Mazingo sites won't fit to screen. There is probably a program that overrides any of this and actually does reformat the site to fit the screen.
See, since I learned to backup, I have tried many programs and took some advice (Crackwell) and just played around for awhile. OK, I'm getting a better idea of what can be done. As I continue to read many of the threads on all of the boards here, I sometimes get caught up in reading things I have no business reading (from a user standpoint), but I feel there must be some "nuggets" in the discussions. I tend to get caught up and my attention gets diverted. Damn ADHD! In fact, that is one of the reasons I want to use this device better. I have Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). So, I write a lot of reminders to myself, but I lose them, so I forget, then I dissapoint someone or myself.....LOL, I don't need to give you my litany of transgressions or symptoms, I'm sure among the 2600 of you who have read this thread, there will be several who are nodding their heads, I digress.....
I have Windows XP, Outlook 2002. All the latest updates, service packs, etc. The advice you are giving me is beyond me as a user. Are these sys admin issues? I think I have read some Outlook stuff and remember reading about .pst.
One thing everyone should understand, if your going to stay with me on this. I buy books about all the programs, hardware, I use. I read them all. I have about 4 that I can think of just on Ipaq or PocketPC's. Thick ones, like O'Reilys. However, there is a difference between reading and understanding, grokking, if you will. I am a user. I know that some of you will be confused by that statement. But, I don't understand Outlook very well, I don't use it enough. I was hoping that the Ipaq would serve that bridge between having a full contact, email, and entertainment device, in my hand and not only on a laptop.
See, because I could not have Outlook with me, and I am a very spur of the moment guy, I would take off and forget about a meeting or appointment, only to be later painfully reminded.
My point, darrylb is I greatly appreciate your answers, but I need more specific instructions at some times and less at others. Let me try this another way, I'm sure it is my fault in not being able to express it coherently.
I have Outlook 2002 running on a Poweredge 1300 running NT. Exchange Server installed. My email server is based on a domain name that I own. I log onto that using
[email protected]. I can log onto that email server wireless from home as well as directly connect to it through Ethernet. Outlook 2002 installed on my PC running XP. Please don't think I know what I'm talking about, I'm repeating things I have been told. Now, I have two seperate profiles. One called Outlook, this is the connection to the server, or at least the one I use when I connect to the server directly (not remote, not wireless). The other one is called Outlook Home and is what my PC connects to, wirelessly, to my ISP via Broadband ( With my PC at home, wireless, I can access my email server and get my mail. Now, from the office setup, I can sync the 5455 (in cradle) with Outlook with a few exceptions to the sync, which I still need to figure out how to resolve. But, when I put my Ipaq into my cradle at home, with the PC logged on to Outlook on my remote server, everything goes nuts. Any thoughts?
I still owe a number of you responses, but the Prez is about to speak, being a Vietnam Veteran myself, I went out and shaved my head after the UN fiasco this AM, in sympathy for what is to come. Can't miss the show, so I will be back later.
Thanks for hanging in with me folks, and to all you lurkers, Howdeeee!!
Bob Adamson
Bob Adamson
03-18-2003, 03:28 AM
Ok, back. Prez was predictable.
Now, David, yes, I downloaded the battery update and one other, a headset volume update, I think. Another question now, if you don't mind? Speaking of downloading files. I have downloaded several and can't seem to find them. Question 1: What file suffixes does the operating system recognize. Is there a list somewhere that explains in plain english the files and types? I know that some software has proprietary file handling, but a list of them like a .goo file is a MP3, but does a resource of this type exsist? I think it would be helpful reference. Question 2: Having lost some of these files, or at least misplaced them, I think I need a download strategy. I think I have read that it is preferable to download to the desktop. Others have said the Pocket_PC folder is the place. Yet others say, a temp folder. What do you use and why? If you don't mind sharing that is.
David, I have a cigarette lighter charger. It has a plug like a headphone set, just a little fatter, what adapter came with the 5455 that works with this? Maybe I missed something.
Ok, is an AOL account a POP3? I have an AOL account. I have a comcast account. I have my work email account. I know that POP stands for Post Office Protocol. See I read, but I have no idea what that means. I think the other format is IMAP4? But, I'm clueless.
When you say it depends on how many emails. I have thousands accumulated and stored on my email server. I only want a couple of days worth, at most.
That is an interesting point on setting up an email account just for the Ipaq. I have 7 unused accounts on comcast, so how would I do that? How does it work?
This thing you said about forwarding mail and stuff to an account only for the Ipaq? I'm trembling.............hmmmm....................yep, sounds good to me. Tell me more, please?
Next post in an hour, to PhatCohiba. Sorry, I'm and R&J man, myself.
Bob Adamson
03-18-2003, 04:29 AM
I created a Pocket PC Downloads file. this way I can keep all downloads for my Ipaq seperate from the downloads from the desktop. i then broke that down even further into several folders. Utilities, Themes, Exe files, ETC.
When you download I assume your are downloading to your desktop. When you save a program make sure that you change the destination so that it goes into the file you want. If it is more convienent for you to download to your desktop you can do that very easily.
I know you addressed this to David but, he was referring to the adapter that should have come with your Ipaq. It changes the type of connector from a plug like you find on most AC power packs to 1 specially designed for the Ipaq. It is about an inch long. You should be able to plug your car charger into this and then connect it to your Ipaq. Hopefully that is clear as mud.
03-18-2003, 04:48 AM
I think I need a download strategy</snip>
A suggestion, from someone who has done alot of downloading over the years... First a little background...
Most downloads are intended to be run on the "Desktop" computer... Going back in time, the Pocket PC's precursor was marketed as a "companion" to your desktop, and this is where this approach began...
I have a "Pocket PC Downloads" folder on my "Desktop", into which I create a folder for each download (Like "iPAQ battery update 3-17-03" for example) Into this folder I place a number of things:
1) the downloaded file (seem reasonable?)
2) from the source site I right-click and "Create Shortcut" which I then copy from the desktop into this folder. - this way in 6 months you can find where you got it!
3) if there is any registration information (i.e. a code or something) I add this to this folder in a plain text format... So I can eaisly locate this information in the future if I need to rebuild the Pocket PC...
Then, with the Pocket PC connected, double-click the downloaded file, it will typically expand and run the "Application Manager" within ActiveSync to move the program to the Pocket PC...
It is done this way because most all of the applications you download contain the files needed to install to MIPS, SH3 and ARM processors. You iPAQ(s) are all ARM processors, but the same download can work on a previous generation Jornada Pocket PC 2000 (SH3) or Casio (MIPS)...
Hope it helps...
03-18-2003, 05:14 AM
Ok, back. Prez was predictable.
Now, David, yes, I downloaded the battery update and one other, a headset volume update, I think. Another question now, if you don't mind? Speaking of downloading files. I have downloaded several and can't seem to find them. Question 1: What file suffixes does the operating system recognize. Is there a list somewhere that explains in plain english the files and types? I know that some software has proprietary file handling, but a list of them like a .goo file is a MP3, but does a resource of this type exsist? I think it would be helpful reference. Question 2: Having lost some of these files, or at least misplaced them, I think I need a download strategy. I think I have read that it is preferable to download to the desktop. Others have said the Pocket_PC folder is the place. Yet others say, a temp folder. What do you use and why? If you don't mind sharing that is.
Ok I use a folder like this C:\Internet\iPAQ\ in this folder I break it down more, I have a folder called HP, and in Hp I have keyboards, and in keyboards I have two folders one foldable, the other micro. Because I have both keyboards. Also with in HP is WLan, and Rom, and Printer. So each program that I buy gets it's own folder with in the iPAQ folder. When I download a program, I try to check the version, and I create a folder with the program name and version number. Then If a program changes, I can go back to the older version if I need to. I try to keep any info I need to reinstall the program in the folder with the program.
The Pocketpc hides the types, so you can not see them. However if you look at the icon, and as a users you can use the file, the icon should show you the type of program it is for. So a song file will have the icon of media player. A movie will have the icon of movie player it will run under. An excel file will have an excel icon. People who write programs have list of file extensions that are in use. But in reality the extension doesn't mean to much, and the less common the type, the more true this is. You may find the same type use for a number of different file types.
David, I have a cigarette lighter charger. It has a plug like a headphone set, just a little fatter, what adapter came with the 5455 that works with this? Maybe I missed something.
Lets see if you can follow me. There should be a little gizmo, that came with your 5455. click here to see a picture of it If you look at the AC adapter for your 5455, and the cigarette lighter charger for your 3765 was it? (all 37xx 36xx 38xx 39xx and 545x use the same charger) you should see that the plugs are the same.
Ok, is an AOL account a POP3?
Nope it is not, I don't use AOL, and they are not really PPC friendly.
I have an AOL account. I have a comcast account. I have my work email account. I know that POP stands for Post Office Protocol. See I read, but I have no idea what that means. I think the other format is IMAP4? But, I'm clueless.
Chances are work is a IMAP4 account, but it may be a pop account. The PPC can connect to a POP account, (as well as the IMAP) which most small ISP seem to have. You can buy additional software to connect to Hotmail, but if I can connect to my pop account I'm happy.
When you say it depends on how many emails. I have thousands accumulated and stored on my email server. I only want a couple of days worth, at most.
Ok your account sounds like mine, and we both want the same thing. But we can't have it. When the 5455 connects to the pop accounts it wants to download the entire account, each time it connects. So if you have less than 100 emails in the account it's not bad at all. At around 400 ~ 500 my patients is running thin. At around 1000 ~1200 my PC has started to check for new mail and can not log in, do to the fact the 5455 is logged in and still downloading. Needless to say I'm not doing this with a cell phone connection. Now you can set you pop account to show 1, 2, 3 or however many days you want, but it will still go out and download all emails on the server, every time it checks.
That is an interesting point on setting up an email account just for the Ipaq. I have 7 unused accounts on comcast, so how would I do that? How does it work?
My ISP gives me 5 accounts, and there is a web page where I can create a new email account. What I do is go to that page, and give it a name, like davidh and it will check and see if someone else has that name, if no one else has it then I can create the account. If someone else has it it will give me other names I can choose. Much as if you are creating a screen name in AOL. I will then be asked for a password. And at that point the account is created. In my case that means I get an email account like
[email protected] I'm sure your ISP has a help department that will walk you through setting up one of your accounts with them. Once you have created the account, you can come back to us and we can walk you through setting it up in your 5455.
This thing you said about forwarding mail and stuff to an account only for the Ipaq? I'm trembling.............hmmmm....................yep, sounds good to me. Tell me more, please?
Ok Outlook runs on your PC, say at work, and every 15 minutes or so, it goes and logs onto your mail server. It gets your email, and if your outlook is at all like mine, it checks for Junk mail, and dumps them into your junk mail folder. We add a rule to this to look for
[email protected] in the from field. If it finds an email from me then it forwards it to
[email protected]. That is the idea in a nut shell. we can build on that by all the ways Outlook can sort email. Say you have a lawyer, and he or one of his assistant may send you something. Instead of using
[email protected], you could enter or to have anyone using that domain, or company email forward to your 5455. Or say you love books, you could have Outlook look at the subject of the email, and if book was in the subject it would be sent to your 5455. Hope this gives you an idea of what you can do.
Next post in an hour, to PhatCohiba. Sorry, I'm and R&J man, myself.
Bob Adamson
Bob Adamson
03-18-2003, 03:18 PM
Bob Whitt,
Thanks for reminding me. What type of file do I download for a 5455? I have seen ones where they have seperate files for a MIPS, SH3 and ARM processors. Which one do I choose?
03-18-2003, 03:33 PM
These days, you aonly have to get ARM versions of software. Every pocket PC 2002 PDA runs on ARM or XScale processors, and they are in essence, the same. So download your ARM software with abandon....
03-18-2003, 04:50 PM
Hey Bob!
Welcome to Pocket PC Thoughts. Congrats on your 5450 - ain't it a swell thing? Here's my $ .02!
Did you solve your battery problems? I saw that you downloaded the battery update. Did you also check to see if your battery is "made in Korea" or "made in Denmark"? A number of users previously reported problems with the Korean-made batteries, having only a few hours of operating time (usually 4-5). HP will swap your battery for free. Not all, but most, solved their problems by switching to the Danish battery.
The 5450 contains an XScale processor. It will run (most) software written for the ARM.
Best regards
03-18-2003, 07:05 PM
Next post in an hour, to PhatCohiba. Sorry, I'm and R&J man, myself.
Bob Adamson
I use the name "Cohiba" but rarely get the opportunity to smoke one (being in the us and all.) Let me check my box, I have Fuente Hemmingways, Fuente Double Chateau, La Gloria Series R, one pre-castro Cuban (yes over 30 years old), and 4 cigars made in the Grand Cayman with Cuban Tobacco. Alas, no Cohibas.
Also, you talked about profiles, are you talking about Outlook profiles, or Connection Profiles?
I never use my cradle or cable anymore. I connect to my laptop (primary partner) via WiFi/Ethernet. Just enter the computer name in the "Tools","Options".
Good luck and hope you're having fun. 0X
Bob Adamson
03-22-2003, 02:38 PM
Hey gang,
Thanks for all of the suggestions, it is taking me a little more time than I thought to figure things out. I will have many more questions soon. I just wanted to post to let everyone know that I am still around and playing.
I will have a new report in the next day or two.
Bob Adamson
03-22-2003, 04:24 PM
Personally I don't use the ActiSync Inbox feature, it stinks!!! It has caused so much trouble for me. I've set up my work acount to check mail on the "work settings" and my other accounts to check mail on "internet settings". This works excelent, espesially if you use the WLAN :-)
Bob Adamson
03-29-2003, 06:28 PM
Ok gang, sorry it took so long, but I have been trying to solve problems on my own. I have run across one that I haven't been able to figure out.
My ipaq 5455, has something wrong. When I start up, I get the Owner Info screen. I want that. Since I am a diabetic and have other health issues, my owner screen points them to a note that lists important medical concerns.
Then I tap the screen and get Today. Sometimes the screen will not completly draw. There will be a space of white from the owners screen that will not draw. If I tap start and an application, it will redraw the screen. And if I return to today, the screen will be completely redrawn, no more white space. If I then chooose an application, say notes, it will take over 3 minutes to launch. At this point I don't get the media clock with the sweeping hand. When notes does finally launch, it will take another three minutes to launch, another 3 minutes to make any changes, or delete the note. At this point I usually get the media clock and the second hand is rotating. The ipaq won't let me do anything else until the note has been deleted.
Figuring that I might have too many programs active, I went to memory in settings and closed all apps. Reset, then try again. Same thing.
I may have too much memory allocated to programs, and I'm going to look into that next, but until I solve this I can't move forward, because it is so frustrating.
Any ideas?
Bob Adamson
03-29-2003, 07:59 PM
Hello, Bob. Glad to see your Pocket PC experience is going well. About the Today screen problem, how many items do you have on the Today screen? I have noticed that if you have a password or the owner info screen active the problem will appear but if you don't have anything to pop up when you turn the unit on, the Today screen works fine. So far, all you can do is live with it. I have tried numnerous ways of fixing the error but it hasn't worked. Then again, the quote in my Today screen for today says this: "Today, the world moves so fast that the person who says it can't be done is generally interrupted by somone doing it." I hope that is the case on this one.
Hope I was some help.
03-30-2003, 12:07 AM
My ipaq 5455, has something wrong. When I start up, I get the Owner Info screen. I want that. Since I am a diabetic and have other health issues, my owner screen points them to a note that lists important medical concerns.
Then I tap the screen and get Today. Sometimes the screen will not completly draw. There will be a space of white from the owners screen that will not draw. If I tap start and an application, it will redraw the screen. And if I return to today, the screen will be completely redrawn, no more white space.
Are you using Dashboard with any Today plug-ins? There's a thread at Pocket Now ( that sounds similar to this.
If I then chooose an application, say notes, it will take over 3 minutes to launch. At this point I don't get the media clock with the sweeping hand. When notes does finally launch, it will take another three minutes to launch, another 3 minutes to make any changes, or delete the note. At this point I usually get the media clock and the second hand is rotating. The ipaq won't let me do anything else until the note has been deleted.
Have you set up your iPAQ to make any network drives visible? If so, that can cause a huge slowdown. When I did that, opening Reader was extremely slow because my 3870 was scanning my network drives for files, not just my Pocket PC.
Bob Adamson
04-01-2003, 04:02 PM
Hello, here I am again looking for help.
No, I am not using Dashboard. I do have the Korean battery (how do I get HP to trade me for the Danish one?).
New project: My sisters kid is getting married. I have a Canon G2 camera. I want to take pics at the wedding/reception and be able to display them immediately on my Ipaq. I have 2 SanDisk 256M CF cards. Can I take the pics in the camera, swap out CF cards and display the pics on my Ipaq? I think I should be able to do this. Or is there something I am missing?
Thanks and sorry for jumping around subjects,
Bob Adamson
04-01-2003, 06:41 PM
Well, on my Axim last weekend, I took the CF card out of my dad's camera and displayed the picture on the PDA. Just navigated to the CF card in File Explorer and clicked on the picture I wanted to see. However I couldn't save it (or couldn't figure out how anyway). I didn't have a picture viewer on there at the time though, it was just being displayed in PIE. I think if I'd had Resco Picture Viewer on there then, I could have saved it, but I haven't had a chance to test that theory :)
04-01-2003, 08:39 PM
New project: My sisters kid is getting married. I have a Canon G2 camera. I want to take pics at the wedding/reception and be able to display them immediately on my Ipaq. I have 2 SanDisk 256M CF cards. Can I take the pics in the camera, swap out CF cards and display the pics on my Ipaq? I think I should be able to do this. Or is there something I am missing?
Why not just try it and see? :-)
If the G2 takes photos in JPEG, you shouldn't have a problem. You might want to install Quick View Plus (my iPAQ 3870 shipped with it on CD) if you haven't already (although I have gotten unrecognized image format errors for some images that seem perfectly fine).
04-03-2003, 03:30 AM
I've used the resco trial version, works great, if i use it regularly I'd buy it. You can do a little slide show.
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