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View Full Version : ActivSync : Files never synchronized

03-10-2003, 11:51 AM
Hi all,

Good monday morning ?!

I've a problem this morning with .. ActivSync. I've 7 files which are NEVER synchronized.

I've closed all programs on ppc (3970) and I read the guide on cewindows.net page ( http://www.cewindows.net/faqs/unresolveditems.htm ) but I would like to know if there's another solution than delete all files and replace them one by one :?

thx !

03-10-2003, 01:00 PM
Soft-reset, open the <device name> My Documents on the PC, move all files somewhere, sync, move them back, sync. If this does not work, take the device out of cradle and soft reset between the steps.

For me this solved this kind of problems every time, but if there is some conversion issue involved, you might indeed have to try one file at time...

03-10-2003, 02:05 PM
Thx, it's ok. Now I hope that this evening when I sync at home I will not face same problems...