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View Full Version : another SD camera...will this one work????

03-10-2003, 12:41 AM
According to this review:


It seems that my dreams come true because Pocket PC Thoughts reported now about the first SD Camera which works - according to "expansys.com" - also with Pocket PCs:

Spectec SD Camera for PPC and Palm

Superb SD camera that works in Pocket PC and Palm OS devices - the drivers are already installed on the card.


I would love to have a cam for my xda....

Jason Dunn
03-10-2003, 12:54 AM
Will it work? Nope. Unless I'm mistaken, the XDA doesn't have SDIO support.

03-10-2003, 12:56 AM
Is there anyway to upgrade the XDA from sd to sdio?

is this something that can maybe be software upgraded?

03-10-2003, 12:59 AM
Also found this...Looks like the ipaq ppc had a rom update to enable SDIO...hopefully this is something we can expect for the XDA????

for the original spectec camera question i posted...they said drivers are loaded on the sd camera..does this make a difference? will it work on a sd slot because drivers are loaded?

Heres the info about the rom update to support sdio for the device below..

iPAQ Pocket PC h3970 ROM update with SDIO support

A new ROM udpate for the iPAQ Pocket PC h3970 series platforms has been posted to HP.com. The update contains a number of enhancements including the addition of SDIO support and The Microsoft EUU3 update. A complete listing of fixes and enhancements is available on the HP service website. A similar update for the iPAQ Pocket PC h3950 series platforms will be available shortly.


Backlight turned off after screen toggle
''Expansion Pack''title freezing on screen after soft reset
early termination of NOTES recording
Popping noises at end of wav file playback
Screen refresh after soft reset while in a jacket
Bust''em audio fix
Distorted audio when bass is increased
All fixes included in EUU3


MS (EUU3) End User Update 3
SDIO driver updates
SD driver updates
IPSM driver updates
iPAQ Backup version change
iTASK updates

Download the update from the HP site here.
Discuss in the Forums.

Vincent M Ferrari
03-10-2003, 01:06 AM
Will it work? Nope. Unless I'm mistaken, the XDA doesn't have SDIO support.

It doesn't, unfortunately, which is what kept me from getting it... You never know when the IO part will come in handy.