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View Full Version : How to derail a perfectly good thread...

03-08-2003, 04:49 AM
and here is the rest of 'em :-)
Brighthand thread (same posts) (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=6856f39f92e4fcd3271e2e9159e8fae4&threadid=29635z)

Steven Cedrone
03-08-2003, 06:31 AM
and here is the rest of 'em :-)
Brighthand thread (same posts) (http://discussion.brighthand.com/showthread.php?s=6856f39f92e4fcd3271e2e9159e8fae4&threadid=29635z)

While it's great to want to show us the same types of threads from other boards...What does it have to do with our community here???

Just curious...


03-08-2003, 06:37 AM
feeling wee bit protective aren't we tonite?

Steven Cedrone
03-08-2003, 06:45 AM
feeling wee bit protective aren't we tonite?

Is this comment aimed at me???

I just wasn't sure what this link had to do with the community here? Does this mean someone on Brighthand is going to post a link to 'Thoughts because someone wants to show a picture of their computer desk???


BTW, emoticons would do wonders with a post like yours... :roll:

Jason Dunn
03-08-2003, 07:25 AM
feeling wee bit protective aren't we tonite?

No, we're just trying to build our own community here. I'd much rather have people take the time to contribute to our community here than post links to other sites with "the same thing" (it might be the same topic, but it's not the same thing).

03-08-2003, 08:53 AM
feeling wee bit protective aren't we tonite?

No, we're just trying to build our own community here. I'd much rather have people take the time to contribute to our community here than post links to other sites with "the same thing" (it might be the same topic, but it's not the same thing).

is it traffic count or community? (wel maybe they are the same thing...

at anyrate, obviously his contribution is making an observation that there 'the same thing" exist, and people might want to check it out for further information.

if it's "not the same thing" then the more it is so that user need to know various other information.

Isn't that the point of forum? disseminating information, instead of. ("You psot here or don't come at all pal" attitude)

there are better way to accumulate information and star poster in a forum than being petty over one or two links.

well, anyway.
that's that.

03-08-2003, 09:55 AM
im sorry, I must have taken a wrong turn, I thought this was the internet, where its good to share information, even if it is on 2 different sites. last I checked, this post was about today screens, information would be kind of limited if we could only see configurations of people who only read here. What if someone thought one of the setups at the other sites looked cool? or one of the programs revield in the other thread was of some use?