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View Full Version : iPAQ 5450 broadband(DSL) access set-up via a WIFI connection

03-02-2003, 12:36 AM
I have an iPAQ 5450 and a wIFI access point from linksys. the WIFI access point is connected to broadband (DSL) modem from alcatel.
in order to connect to my DSL service provider I need to connect using a logon id and pwd (in Win XP this is done via a PPoE connection)

The problem is that I have been able to connect the iPAQ to the WIFI access point but then I can not connect to internet since there is no program to set-up in the iPAQ a boradband connection.(this in win xp is done by creating a new connection broadband and giving the name of the ISP and the logon id/pwd) :twisted:

Anybody has an idea on how to do it.

03-04-2003, 10:26 PM
In activesync on your desktop, go to your options/rules and select "Internet" in the passthrough section at the bottom.
This selection is only available to PocketPC 2002 users of Activesync V3.6.
You only need this if the DSL is connected directly to the PC running XP.

If you have separate IP router box that connects between your DSL modem and the PC then do this.
Configure your IP router using your browser on XP with the PPOE settings if you have not done this already.

On the iPAQ
Make sure your "network connections" are set accordingly and you have set your IP connection to auto assisgned in "connections".
The "PPOE" settings are set in the IP Router and handled automatically when you connect your PocketPC to this IP Router by launching your PIE on the PocketPC.

Good luck