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View Full Version : Bluetooth and HP Jornada 568 Help

02-27-2003, 02:37 PM
Ok, I have a HP Joranda 568. I want to get a USB bluetooth adapter and a Bluetooth Compact flash card. Will I be able to sync my pocket pc wirelessly with my computer with this devices? Will I be able to use AOL instant messenager and internet explorer wirelessly? I don't need to go far. I was just wondering. Thanks.

02-27-2003, 03:27 PM
I can tell you my experiences using a Socket Bluetooth CF card in my Jornada and a TDK PCMCIA card in my laptop. (TDK's USB adaptor works the same way as their PCMCIA card).

You can Bluetooth ActiveSync if the adaptors support the Serial Port profile. Most do. (Socket's software makes this pretty simple once ActiveSync has noticed the serial port).

If both your Bluetooth adaptors support the Network Access profile you can approximate LAN access to use IM and Pocket IE. Socket's CF card does, TDK's adaptor claims it does but doesn't work properly. I gave up and switched to 802.11b before resolving this. For network access you really should use a Bluetooth Access Point or better still go 802.11b

02-27-2003, 03:38 PM
Thank you