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View Full Version : Need help with desktop versions of FlexWallet and Traveller

02-26-2003, 08:22 AM
Fellow iPaq users,

I would appreciate any help with desktop versions of FlexWallet and Traveller. I use these two programs in Windows 2K Pro. environment. I am able to use these programs when I first install them (for probably a couple of times). Soon after that neither program will work. I will get an error message asking me to restart the program, and will get the same error message when I try to restart the program. Restarting the Windows would not solve the problem either.

I did write the Twopeaks support. The tech support did mention a newer version of FlexWallet (1.54). The problem still remains even with the newer version of FlexWallet.

Many thanks for your help. I liked both programs (bought both programs too). But really need to get them to work.