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View Full Version : newbie question: tcp/ip tunnel via usb connection?

02-25-2003, 11:35 PM
Sorry if this is 'obvious' but I don't have my Pocket PC yet (ipaq 1910 in a UPS truck somewhere!) and my google searching is yielding blanks...

Lots of ways to ask this question, but I think they're all the same:

Q) when the pocket pc is tethered to its USB connector, can it talk TCP/IP to the desktop?

This would allow apps, such as an imap mail client, to sync with the outside world and other potentially handy uses. (Another way of thinking about this: can I surf with Pocket IE while connected to the tether)?

Of course a desktop piece of software would be required too. E.g., I've seen a few links that suggest that a RAS connection used to work to do this with a bit of fiddling, but it mentions serial everywhere and not USB (which, though its gussied up serial may still be different enough to matter).

thanks in advance...

02-25-2003, 11:38 PM
Activesync automatically connects your PPC to the internet through your computer as long as your computer is connected. I surf and check my mail while it is syncing all the time.

Hope that helps!


02-25-2003, 11:56 PM
Thanks George! With further searching I've found:


which suggests that this was added to the Pocket PC 2002 edition with Activesync 3.5.

Yay... one step closer to Outlook independence :-)