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View Full Version : eVC:MFC Want to minimize, not exit with "X", how?

02-22-2003, 03:45 AM
On the apps I compile for the PPC, when I tap the "X" my application terminates. Thats fine, I may want that, but what I really want is just for it to "minimize".

How do I go about doing that?


02-22-2003, 09:08 AM
I just looked again. My apps are compiling with "OK". If you tap that, it closes all together, terminates. Other apps (Which I did not write) which have an "X" appear to "minimize" or hide when tapped.

How do I switch my app from terminating "OK" to 'minimizing' "X"?

Searching for the answer now, but all I get is confusion among the posters.

Ive already looked here, but it doesnt make sense, nor to the best of my knowledge answer my question.

