View Full Version : ActiveSync, Backups, and the 7th Plane of Hell
Jason Dunn
02-21-2003, 11:00 PM
I wrote this two weeks ago when it happened, but I forgot to post it - I thought it was too rant-worthy to ignore, so I present to you "Reason #94 Why I Dislike ActiveSync":<br /><br />******<br /><br />Ok, this totally amazes me. My loathing for ActiveSync just got more passionate. I was toying around with Pocket Hackmaster, overclocking my device, and clocked it a little too far - I had to hard reset the device. 60 seconds prior to changing the clock speed, I had made a backup to SD using the Dell backup utility. After doing the hard reset, I restored from the backup. You'd think that everything would be fine, right? Here's what I effectively did if you want to reproduce this scenario:<br /><br />1) Synced Pocket PC, everything is the same in Outlook and the device<br />2) Use Dell Axim backup app to back up to SD<br />3) Hard reset Pocket PC<br />4) Restore from backup<br />5) Sync with desktop PC<br />6) Watch all hell break loose<br /><br />I'm sitting here staring at:<br /><br />1) An empty Pocket PC synchronized document folder (it purged the files from the desktop, yet left them on the Pocket PC).<br /><br />2) All my contacts stripped of categories - I have 861 contacts with "no<br />category" assigned to them.<br /><br />3) The contacts app on the Pocket PC has no categories either.<br /><br />4) Notes and Tasks seem ok, but the Calendar now has duplicated birthdays. Curiously, my actual appointments seem ok - no duplications.<br /><br />I wasn't given the option of replacing what's on the Pocket PC, or combining the data - yet what occurred is clearly neither of those.<br /><br />So the question becomes, how do you restore your Pocket PC from a backup without completely destroying your Outlook data? If I didn't have a PST backup that was only 10 hours old, I'd be absolutely furious. Something similar happened to me when I did a restore from another backup application.<br /><br />Has this happened to anyone else? How could something like this have gotten past Dell? Anyone brave enough to reproduce? If I can get some data to support this being a common issue, I can pass this along to Dell and the ActiveSync team.
02-21-2003, 11:04 PM
The way I that normally do it (probably not the best way) is to not restore the contacts, calendar, etc. databases, make a backup copy of the ActiveSync profile on my computer, delete the ActiveSync profile, and re-create it.
Once it's re-created, I re-sync everything that I had from Outlook, copy back the files to synchronize, then re-install all applications. It's a PIA, mostly when trying to find my registration information for things like games and other software.
Getting AvantGo up and running again seems to always take at least 3-4 syncs to get all of the stuff setup again.
02-21-2003, 11:11 PM
OMG! Let's get this discussion started in earnest for once and for all!
The simple fact that ActiveStink will randomly delete entries from both my Mobile Favorites in IE and Favorites in Pocket IE annoys me to no end. I just keep a whole copy of the folder on the desktop and copy it back and forth over the network since it is such a pain in the butt to try and work with ActiveStink.
Not to mention the absolute terror and horror which awaits those who would be foolish enough to dare try and sync their Outlook at work AND home. What kind of idiot would think of that in the first place.
I mean, it looks all so fool proof, but I guess I'm just a super fool.
Why is it such a complicated thing?
02-21-2003, 11:13 PM
The way I that normally do it (probably not the best way) is to not restore the contacts, calendar, etc. databases, make a backup copy of the ActiveSync profile on my computer, delete the ActiveSync profile, and re-create it.
Once it's re-created, I re-sync everything that I had from Outlook, copy back the files to synchronize, then re-install all applications. It's a PIA, mostly when trying to find my registration information for things like games and other software.
Getting AvantGo up and running again seems to always take at least 3-4 syncs to get all of the stuff setup again.
This is the only way that I've found to get every thing back the way it was with the least suprises...
Like you said, more work, but at least I know I can get things back the way they were.
02-21-2003, 11:17 PM
The way I that normally do it (probably not the best way) is to not restore the contacts, calendar, etc. databases, make a backup copy of the ActiveSync profile on my computer, delete the ActiveSync profile, and re-create it.
Once it's re-created, I re-sync everything that I had from Outlook, copy back the files to synchronize, then re-install all applications. It's a PIA, mostly when trying to find my registration information for things like games and other software.
That's what I do, if I understand what you mean by "the ActiveSync profile."
Here's my procedure:
1. I copy the ActiveSync folders from My Documents to another locationn.
2. Do the hard reset.
3. Set up the Pocket PC again
4. Sync to the PC with ActiveSync.
5. THEN (after that first sync) I copy the contents of the backed up ActiveSync folders back into the new ones that were created during the sync in No. 4 above.
6. Finally, I reinstall all my software.
I have hardly ever had to hard reset my Jornada 568, but I've sent it in several times for a replacement because of dust under the screen. The procedure I described above is the only one I've found to be reliable.
I'm thinking of hard resetting my Jornada now. I've had it since early last fall and the screen has stayed clear. But it's starting to slow down after installing and uninstalling lots of applications I've been trying. That takes its toll on any Windows installation and eventually it's time to start fresh.
02-21-2003, 11:22 PM
Jason. Obviously you are under NDAs and all but...During your trip to "THE CAMPUS"
Are the folks at Redmond FULLY aware at how pissed many are with ActiveStink??? (Bet they rued the day they named their sync software ActiveSync.) and are they planning something to fix this problem?
I personally have only had a few problems over the years even thought I consider myself a power user. Yet others have butt loads of problems. Why are there so many varied stories all over the board?
HP Jornada Back Up app works great with a CF, just great, takes some time but not an age and never fails, the PPC comes back to where it was before the hard reset, just used AS once for this, never again!!!
02-21-2003, 11:31 PM
If I didn't have a PST backup that was only 10 hours old, I'd be absolutely furious.
Key phrase, that.
Not to mention the absolute terror and horror which awaits those who would be foolish enough to dare try and sync their Outlook at work AND home. What kind of idiot would think of that in the first place.
I mean, it looks all so fool proof, but I guess I'm just a super fool.
Why is it such a complicated thing?
I manage it with no problems. That's certainly not to say if there was a problem that it wouldn't be a bloody annoying one, but as long as I take a day or so and sync a fair few times to get the two the same, it's then plain sailing...
This comment DOES NOT absolve AS from it's short comings however. That simple of simplest things - the option to replace rather than combine - can that really be that difficult to do? I mean really, WHY haven't they fixed it? Give me a 'Too difficult' / 'PST Issue' / WHATEVER, but to leave folks annoyed is just plain rude, I think. :lol:
02-21-2003, 11:36 PM
Remember back when a Backup on Pocket PC 2000 (and earlier) meant you could do a restore and get everything back to the way it was when you did the backup?? :)
Not so anymore with Pocket PC 2002. Just about every time I do a restore through ActiveSync from a desktop backup file, the Inbox 2002 email messages and accounts gets completely corrupt.
And then if you do a restore from an SD card or CF card, aparently ActiveSync thinks the items on the newly restored PDA are either newer than the ones in Outlook, in which case you'll likely lose the actual newer ones... or it thinks the PDA's items are different than the ones in Outlook, in which case there's plenty of duplicates. It must be that somewhere ActiveSync loses it's understanding of what is what in each profile.
02-21-2003, 11:40 PM
I have done this many time, the proper method is to do the following:
1) Restore the contents of your PPC with CF Backup
2) Delete Existing Partnership in ActiveSync
3) When asked if you want to delete 'Sync Folder on PC' click NO.
4) Connect PPC to USB/Serial and setup the partnership over again.
5) You will be prompted if you want to 'Replace', 'Merge' or Do nothing with your contact information. I always choose to Replace data on PPC device with information on the computer. I know you will loose some information that was entered on the PPC and not transfered, but in my experience this presents the least chaos.
02-21-2003, 11:40 PM
Jason i had the same problem some months ago and i have manged to solve it, guess how, tab start find and then serch for birthday, now delete all duplicates :) not very efficient but kept my busy for 2-3 hours at work. lol
Talking of ActiveSync and HELL here is my problem as well.
As of today it will always connect me as a guess and therefore not be able to sync my device. I have done the following with the numbered order but still i have the same problem. I am getting MAD now, i just want trow everything out of the window.
1. Removed ActiveSync, rebooted, Reinstall Activesync. Created aprtnership and synched device. When tried to reconnect device i connected as a Guest.
2. I did run "regsvr32 msxml3.dll" from the command prompt rebooted PC, softreset device. Again connected as a Guest.
3. Changed a registry key as adviced by an MS KB artictle in and reinstalled Internet Explorer 6. Rebooted PC and softreset device. Again connected as a Guest.
4. I did a Help->Detect & Repair on Outlook then reinstalled
ActiveSync.Created aprtnership and synched device. When tried to reconnect device i connected as a Guest.
Notes: I am using Windows XP SP1, Office 11 Beta 1, ActiveSync 3.6 and an HP iPAQ H5450 device. This setup worked flawlessly for the past 2 months without a single problem.
I hope someone can help me out here since it is getting more and more
irritating not being able to sync my device.
Gary Garland, Esq.
02-21-2003, 11:42 PM
I've had nothing but bad experiences with pocket backup by sprite. i know, you used a dell...anyway, i've learned not to trust the backups, and to always have another copy of your contacts someplace, like on another machine. i've been using go back on my pc, and it's saved my hide (and outllook file) twice already - definatly something to check out - save your contacts from the desktop end!
02-21-2003, 11:42 PM
My method:
1) Do a full backup using Pocket Backup at least once a week and before everything even semi-major I do.
2) Make sure there is a cab file for Pocket Backup on the CF (SD if I had a newer device) card I backup to.
When the inevitable occurs:
1) Synch asap to get any new info on the device onto the desktop.
2) Do a hard reset.
3) Install Pocket Backup from the aforementioned cab files on removable media.
4) Restore from most recent known good backup.
5) Delete profile in ActiveSync making sure to retain the [DeviceName] My Documents folder.
6) Delete C:\Documents and Settings\[Username]\Application Data\Microsoft\ActiveSync\Profiles\[DeviceName] folder.
7) Resynch and recreate the profile when necessary. It's best to document the ActiveSync settings used for the profile for easy recreation, whether in Outlook, a txt file or whatever.
8) When prompted, choose to replace the items on the device with the items on the desktop. You may have to resync the device two or three times to get everything matched up.
I did this 20 minutes ago and everything is already fine.
Also: I use FBBackup ( (it's free!) to back up my .pst to a separate drive on a very regular basis, like each time I shutdown Outlook which is everytime I'm not going to be using it for ~20 minutes or more.
And this ( might be kinda useful in situations like others have experienced.
02-21-2003, 11:43 PM
For me I always keep a "clean" image of my PPC (no contacts or any PIM data -- purely prorams) on my computer. If all hell does break loose I just:
1: hard reset PPC
2: create partnership with AS without synch'ing anything.
3: Restore.
4: Re-sync and am good to go.
But recently I did something funky and it ended up destroying all my to-occur appointments. The funny thing is that I have another PDA to sync by so I thought by plugging the other one in it would restore everything -- instead it just destroyed the appointments on the other device as well. Good thing it wasn't that much.
02-21-2003, 11:51 PM
bbarker: Profile wasn't the right word I guess :) For me, "ActiveSync profile" is the "ActiveSync Partnership" as there are times that I try to use the existing partnership with a wiped PDA that it will choke on itself.
I haven't done a full backup using the utility that in the Jornada 56x's ROM... instead I just backup the databases (rarely) and keep as much stuff on my CF cards as possible. I also haven't had to do a hard-reset on my Jornada 568 for a while... if I do, it's usually few and far in between.
For now, I'm just going to hang on tight to my Jornada (with the cute little dust specks floating under the glass) until something REALLY worthwhile comes out and that I could afford it :wink:
Jason Dunn
02-21-2003, 11:54 PM
Are the folks at Redmond FULLY aware at how pissed many are with ActiveStink???
Yes, I believe so. Whenever I write an article like this, they hear about it. 8O
and are they planning something to fix this problem?
Yes, they are. The problem is that it won't be out tomorrow, which means it's long overdue. :lol: They have a REAL solution coming, but like all major solution, it will take time. All we can do is work with what we have for now. :cry:
02-22-2003, 12:10 AM
I'm sorry, but anyones reply with a version of a solution which includes the words:
almost, least, close, most, sort of, best
is completely not acceptable to me. I am looking for an ActiveSync whose not only synchronization but also restore can be characterized with one of the following:
exact, precise, same, no different, mine, just like it was before
Thank you all for your time.
Chris Spera
02-22-2003, 12:12 AM
When I do a hard reset I rarely restore the PPC from a backup. I've had too many headaches with that. Why in the WORLD should ActiveSync think that all of my PIM data is different if I restore it from a backup stored in my device's profile directory, ESPECIALLY if the desktop side hasn't changed since the last sync?! 8O
Instead, I just delete the partnership on the desktop, keep the Files folder, resetablish the partnership, resync and reinstall everything. As someone else said... YES, it is a royal PITA, but its a lot easier than trying to clean up the MESS that ActiveSync can make of your PIM data when it goes to remove what it THINKS are duplicate records. (how in the WORLD can it KNOW there are dups if it didn't recognize the records during the first initial sync anyway and copied both sets of records to BOTH the desktop and the device?!?) Don't get me started..!
I have recently taken to creating a BASE backup file with ActiveSync. I do the initial sync, install the 1 - 3 MISSION CRITICAL apps that I need, stop and then back the device up. I've recently had some problems with MS Reader and some premium eBooks. Reader doesn't always want to activate on my device, and then I can't read my Dragon Riders of Pern series of books, and that would be BAD.
At the very least this gets me a basic software install and I always, ALWAYS blow the PIM data on the device and sync over the desktop version.
I know you said MS was working on this Jason, but...Gosh! I really wish they'd hurry up.
Christopher Spera
02-22-2003, 12:19 AM
Don't get me started on having to activate every time!
02-22-2003, 12:22 AM
It occurs to me how ridiculous it is that we have so many step-by-step processes to do what should be automatic.
But the worst experience I've had was recently when beta testing a Pocket PC application that synchronizes with calendar, tasks and contacts. It converted all my one-time appointments (including holidays going forward several years) into tasks. It wiped out the text notes in ALL my appointments (a significant loss of data). It messed up the format of numerous contacts. And there was no way to undo the damage. It wasn't practical to restore from a backup because I didn't notice all of these problems for a few days and by then I'd made so many changes I didn't want to lose them.
I'm really ticked off. Naturally I accepted the risks of a beta test. But their support people pretty much blamed me for being too stupid to understand their "unique" ways of handling data and failing to take them into account.
(No, I can't say what the application was.)
02-22-2003, 12:34 AM
I have been using ActiveSync for many years... dating back to my Compaq e11.
ok, I lied.
02-22-2003, 12:37 AM
I didn't know Oracle was available for Pocket PC :D
Nice way of using font sizes... hehehe
02-22-2003, 12:44 AM
Don't get me started on having to activate every time!
Or how 'bout when you activate MS Reader for audio content... and they don't let you because you already activated 4 (or however many) devices? But the four devices you activated are the same Pocket PC that's been hard reset a few times!! GRRR!!
02-22-2003, 12:49 AM
Well--I don't use my PDA for email; without a wireless connection I don't see much point, especially since I use outlook express for my email not outlook. I do sync my contacts though.
That said--
When I had to do a hard reset, and again when I moved everything to my replacement unit, I used the Backup utility in Active Sync to back everything up. It was slow. Like, SLOOOOOW. Backing up took 20 minutes; RESTORING on the other hand took about an hour. But it worked. Everything, right down to my save states in Pocket Nester, got saved.
I have a backup of just my PIM data on the built in storage, because I got the 300m model and that's all I could fit, but I haven't tried to restore from it, it's for dire emergencies.
I did, however, notice that my categories in my contacts have disappearred. Didn't notice that until just now, you can tell how much I use my contacts file :)
Everything else has been fine though. I didn't delete any partnerships either, I backed up, reset, connected, signed on as Guest, and restored. It asked me if I wanted to combine or replace my contacts and I chose replace, only saw one duplicate and that could have been in there before.
Maybe I got lucky?
02-22-2003, 12:50 AM
Everything else has been fine though. I didn't delete any partnerships either, I backed up, reset, connected, signed on as Guest, and restored. It asked me if I wanted to combine or replace my contacts and I chose replace, only saw one duplicate and that could have been in there before.
Maybe I got lucky?
I'm with you. But I say Jason got unlucky. (Or there's some weird middle step going on here on his end.)
I've had to hard reset my Axim twice now and not once did I have any problems what so ever. Was as simple as sitting the device in the cradle, selecting guest mode, and hitting restore. I haven't heard of anyone else on the PHM thread having problems restoring either.
02-22-2003, 12:54 AM
Maybe the problem was using the backup utility on the dell instead of active sync's utility. Perhaps they just don't interface well.
02-22-2003, 12:54 AM
Thanks for chiming in with your non issue, Rirath, next customer.
UPDATE: Fine, everyone entitled to an opinion. Sorry Rirath. :roll:
02-22-2003, 12:54 AM
That could be it... no idea really. Worth looking into if so though.
Kaber, what on earth is wrong with saying it actually works? Geesh.
Chris Spera
02-22-2003, 12:55 AM
...But their support people pretty much blamed me for being too stupid to understand their "unique" ways of handling data and failing to take them into account.
Well, that's shamfully rude.
I can say from experience that when I product enters the beta stage, testers expect it to function pretty close to production specs; but there can still be problems. You probably took them at their word that the product would do what they said it would, and it obviously didn't. The ONLY criticism that I can make (and I'm just as guilty of NOT doing this, too... :oops: ), is that you should have backed up your PST/ OST BEFORE you installed the app; but how many of us experienced beta testers actually do that??
Hope you were able to recover ok...
Christopher Spera
... or use Sprite Software's PocketBackup ...
That baby has saved my bacon more than once ... especially since I have started using an iPaq h5450. I am now backing up automatically every night at midnight, and it has saved me from a spontaneous hard reset approx 6 times in the last month ... (and I did not even used hackmaster to put me in that situation in the first place :lol: )
02-22-2003, 01:01 AM
the best is being able to have a bunch of restore files on one CF card and being able to restore just one or more files out of any of those backups.
i love pocket backup on my iPAQ
02-22-2003, 01:02 AM
Don't get me started on having to activate every time!
Or how 'bout when you activate MS Reader for audio content... and they don't let you because you already activated 4 (or however many) devices? But the four devices you activated are the same Pocket PC that's been hard reset a few times!! GRRR!!
Oooh, yeah, this happened to me just last week.
Actually the device limit isn't all that bad because they have a web page to cancel one activation every six months, and you can just call them if you are still stuck and they are quick to answer and very nice.
BUT, not only does Audible's DRM software not recognize that you are re-registering the same device, but sometimes the bloody thing wont play your audio even after it is properly registered again. "This program is owned by another user". I always have to fiddle around with installing/uninstalling the audible client on my PPC multiple times while removing/reinstalling activation until it just works for no apparent reason.
Ah, well, I still love Audible when it works.
Back to ActiveSync, I am very sorry to hear that everyone is having the same problems I am having. It was on my list to research what could make my life easier when I go back and forth between PocketPC and Linux on my 3970. Sigh...
Bob Anderson
02-22-2003, 01:08 AM
Are the folks at Redmond FULLY aware at how pissed many are with ActiveStink???
Yes, I believe so. Whenever I write an article like this, they hear about it. 8O
Well, I'm glad they hear you! And one look at this thread, with all the different varieties of "solutions" proposed should tell MSFT one thing: ActiveSync is ActiveStink!! I mean c'mon, how hard should a "backup" be? Should a backup cause you to lose data? Jeeshh..
And for those that were trying say that MSFT should spend programming resources making larger, changeable screen resolutions, take a look at the frustration on this subject and tell me that MSFT should do anything other than getting this basic functionality working better....
I won't even comment on my frustrations with synchronizing.. it's all been said already!
But you wonder why Bill G. doesn't use a PDA? (See other article from earlier today...) Someone as busy as he is most certainly DOES NOT have time to deal with something this finicky when he can just have his assistant do everything!!!
OK... I'm done ranting. :)
02-22-2003, 01:10 AM
When Jason posts something he gets 50 replies, even if I posted on a similar topic just a few hours earlier. I worship the ground... :D
Anyway, I'm surprised almost nobody else mentioned the top 5 restore issues I suffer from. Am I just unlucky?
02-22-2003, 01:15 AM
Vague memories of simliar problems months back, but a possible angle...
I'm curious, I didn't see an explicit step to reset the time on the clock after the hard reset. My recollection was when I had similar troubles that the time on the PPC was way off (in the past) after hard reset. I have suspicions that data gets touched after the restore and this affects how AS perceives the relative age of the data.
I've written replication algorithms before (akin to what AS must do...) and depending on how the versioning/timestamp tracking is setup, touching data after the clock is off can cause some nasty problems.... (in some cases, just having the clock off a little can)
02-22-2003, 01:24 AM
When Jason posts something he gets 50 replies, even if I posted on a similar topic just a few hours earlier. I worship the ground... :D
Anyway, I'm surprised almost nobody else mentioned the top 5 restore issues I suffer from. Am I just unlucky?
Hmmm. Maybe if you were on the 'Front Page' ... :wink: But hey, as long as it gets 'aired', right? :lol:
02-22-2003, 01:36 AM
When Jason posts something he gets 50 replies, even if I posted on a similar topic just a few hours earlier. I worship the ground... :D
Anyway, I'm surprised almost nobody else mentioned the top 5 restore issues I suffer from. Am I just unlucky?
Normally after I speak or post something, people tend to shut up and give me strange looks. :? :arrow: :)
Hey... stop looking at me like that!!! :D
02-22-2003, 01:42 AM
I'm curious, I didn't see an explicit step to reset the time on the clock after the hard reset. My recollection was when I had similar troubles that the time on the PPC was way off (in the past) after hard reset. I have suspicions that data gets touched after the restore and this affects how AS perceives the relative age of the data.
Very good point! Yes, I've been messed up by the same thing. Add that step to each of the above processes.
02-22-2003, 03:01 AM
Jason, beware of the Dell Backup application! I am convinced it is very flawed ( Half of the problems you mentioned are probably still caused by ActiveSync, but many others are the fault of the Dell app.
I found that the Dell app reloads everything from the backup in reverse order and ActiveSync will never work the same again. I could no longer sync my Tasks and had other unresolvable syncing issues.
Using ActiveSync's backup utility or the following procedure are the only things that have worked for me.
Here's my procedure:
1. I copy the ActiveSync folders from My Documents to another locationn.
2. Do the hard reset.
3. Set up the Pocket PC again
4. Sync to the PC with ActiveSync.
5. THEN (after that first sync) I copy the contents of the backed up ActiveSync folders back into the new ones that were created during the sync in No. 4 above.
6. Finally, I reinstall all my software.
02-22-2003, 04:11 AM
Are the folks at Redmond FULLY aware at how pissed many are with ActiveStink???
Yes, I believe so. Whenever I write an article like this, they hear about it. 8O
8O 8)
Everyone wave hi to the folks at Microsoft
02-22-2003, 04:39 AM
ROFL :werenotworthy: :lol:
02-22-2003, 04:53 AM
I agree with Mr. Spera. Save you ppcware files you purchased (don't forget your passwords or activation codes) or freewares on your desktop. Backup your .pst outlook file on your desktop just to be safe. Rename your existing "pocket pc my docs" file or save a copy somewhere else. Then hard reset the ppc, delete the AS partnership or uninstall then reinstall AS, resync, move those ppc my docs back, resync and then reload your ppcwares. I now reload one at a time. Sometimes find the buggy ppcware. I've tried restoring from the AS (3.5 & 3.6) backup and the utility to SD card on my e310. Neither have proved reliable or complete and duplicates result after sync. I now believe it's better to completely uninstall AS instead of deleting a partnership as I have deleted partnerships only to have AS tell me it exists. Norton's Internet Security still thinks one exists. I still backup to the SD card, as I depend on the thing so much now, so I can get running somewhat without the desktop. The only downside besides time is having to reactivate MS Reader (remember to delete your cookies) and setting your personalized pim settings. At least you know it's as clean as you can get it.
02-22-2003, 07:30 AM
Whenever you do a hard reset... and even a restore from an SD backup, the first thing you do is DELETE the Partnership on ActiveSync.
You probably id not do this. But that is the basic key that every one misses. No matter what happens. Delete the PArtnership but do not delete the synchronized files folder.
It's that simple.
02-22-2003, 07:50 AM
Well, like I said, I didn't do that and I didn't have any problems. So that can't be the cause.
Jason Dunn
02-22-2003, 08:06 AM
It occurs to me how ridiculous it is that we have so
many step-by-step processes to do what should be automatic.
It's hilarious how many people missed the point of what I was saying. :lol: I'm not saying I don't know HOW to restore a device (guys, give me some credit! :roll:), I'm saying the PROCESS that the AVERAGE USER would do (restore from a backup, put in cradle) is completely and utterly broken.
I guess I should have been more explicit in explaining myself? 8O
02-22-2003, 08:47 AM
The simple fact that ActiveStink will randomly delete entries from both my Mobile Favorites in IE and Favorites in Pocket IE annoys me to no end. I just keep a whole copy of the folder on the desktop and copy it back and forth over the network since it is such a pain in the butt to try and work with ActiveStink.
So it's not just me then :x
02-22-2003, 10:30 AM
It occurs to me how ridiculous it is that we have so
many step-by-step processes to do what should be automatic.
It's hilarious how many people missed the point of what I was saying. :lol: I'm not saying I don't know HOW to restore a device (guys, give me some credit! :roll:), I'm saying the PROCESS that the AVERAGE USER would do (restore from a backup, put in cradle) is completely and utterly broken.
I guess I should have been more explicit in explaining myself? 8O
I think some of the readers might miss the point of my post too.
Right now... ActiveSync... Being called "Active" should be smarter than that... but for now... I guess this can be called the best time to do, is to come up with our own processes or our own fixes for such things we call flaws.
Just like files having to be put in the My Documents folder, or having to install a task switcher/killer to manage memory usage better, we have come up with numerous solotions/workarounds to help other people not commit the sae mistake or go through the same trouble we have experienced.
We can all agree with Jason about the flaws of ActiveSync and all... and I'm sure a huge number of people out there will fall into the same predicament as Jason... and some might even experience something even worse.
If we all put our heads together I guess we can come up with a list of what stinks about ActiveSync and then compile our solutions for other people to learn from and not to go through the hell we've gone through.
This in no way gets MS off the hook though. The problems will still have to be dealt with... and if they don't... well, we can see all hell break loose again.
02-22-2003, 01:10 PM
"So the question becomes, how do you restore your Pocket PC from a backup without completely destroying your Outlook data?" Sorry. Read the post and focussed on this. Glad you got a laugh. I do appreciate seeing how the others try to work around AS and the advice one may find here. Thanks.
02-22-2003, 03:02 PM
OK, after reading 5 pages of comments and different techniques, I want to make sure I understand:
1) If you use ActiveSync's built-in backup utility (on the PC), you risk losing the categories for your Outlook Contacts and may get duplicate records (but otherwise, this generally works).
2) If you restore from CF or SD backup first, then delete the PC partnership (without deleting files), and then sync to the PC, this seems to work better. But if you forget to delete the partnership, bad things can happen.
Have I missed anything?
<RANT>Why the hell does this situation exist? The *most* important aspect of any handheld computer should be reliable backups. If a notebook PC can hibernate (which writes the contents of RAM to the hdd), why can't a PPC simply write the contents of RAM to a flash card and/or to the PC? And (since no one has mentioned this) there are several PalmOS backup options that are fast, easy, and relaible. Surely it can be done with PPC...</RANT>
02-22-2003, 04:36 PM
I still have to go back to the original lead-in. You used *Dell's* backup utility when restoring and backing up. I don't see any relationship to the problems you've had and Microsoft Activesync. I've backed up and restored using both HP's backup utility and Activesync backup and never experienced a problem, although the ActiveSync restore is a pain, since you need to delete the partnership first. It's also a LOT slower. I'd think you'd rant about Dell at least as much as Microsoft.
Oh, yeah, better add a :D
02-22-2003, 06:21 PM
:idea: Hey I just want to state the obvious, but if you haven't looked lately you might want to check Dell's financial results from the last quarter. Dell stated that they made a boatload of money and expected to spend virtually nothing on R&D in the next year ($500 million). Now, compared to the $6 billion HP/Compaq spends on R&D or the $10 billion someone like IBM spends, you can easily see what Dell's business model is built on; putting off-the-shelf components together just like your local white-box PC builder with little or no testing. Anytime Intel releases something new, it's in Dell's commercial PCs the next day, compare this to Compaq who only refreshes commercial desktops once a year (except for faster processors, but otherwise using all of the same hardware). The problem for Dell is that PPCs actually require some engineering and technical expertise which they don't have, and won't spend any money on. In short, Dell’s business model (at least for the time being) does not apply well to PPCs.
The point on all this IMHO, is that I've never had any problems with the Compaq CF Backup utility, which always put my iPaq back exactly as it was, and with no problems syncing or anything like that. I think that Dell PPCs, again IMHO, do not provide the same value as say an iPaq 1910 because there is real value to the R&D and testing that HP/Compaq puts into their commercial products including the iPaqs (look at Evo desktops, Proliant servers, or the NonStop servers from Compaq that power every major stock exchange, ATM networks, and most likely your bank).
NOTE: This does not in any way apply to the home/consumer PCs that HP/Compaq produces which IMHO and experience often have serious problems.
02-22-2003, 07:06 PM
OK Jason , after restoring successfully from a activesync backup several time with no problems I just had to try and prove you wrong and try a restore from a CF card using the Dell backup utility. Well, seemed to go ok, Axim started up ok but when I tried to sync to desktop and got "sync error" and disconnect. OK well I'll delete the partnership and try again. Same message. Oh well, I'm sitting here now going through the 1 hour Activesync restore and hoping someones already reported this on the Dell tech board. Still like the Axim though
Jason, what speed were you trying to overclock to ????? I bought the little overclocking utility from wibble-wobble and is very stable at 500Mhz.
02-22-2003, 07:23 PM
OK Jason , after restoring successfully from a activesync backup several time with no problems I just had to try and prove you wrong and try a restore from a CF card using the Dell backup utility. Well, seemed to go ok, Axim started up ok but when I tried to sync to desktop and got "sync error" and disconnect. OK well I'll delete the partnership and try again. Same message. Oh well, I'm sitting here now going through the 1 hour Activesync restore and hoping someones already reported this on the Dell tech board. Still like the Axim though
Jason, what speed were you trying to overclock to ????? I bought the little overclocking utility from wibble-wobble and is very stable at 500Mhz.
I know that other PPCs have had some issues too, but doesn't this seem like something major that Dell should have tested? If they didn't test this, what other untested issues lurk below the surface?
02-22-2003, 09:12 PM
For anyone using overclocking utilities...
Are you using them while making backups/restores, and then using/not using it the second time?
Am I making sense? I'm just trying to figure out if anyone is having issues with this. I haven't had any using Pocket Hack Master on my iPAQ, and I haven't read about any backup/restore problems in the OC/PPC forum threads I've been reading.
Just thought I'd ask since I got you all here.
02-24-2003, 10:19 PM
I have done this many time, the proper method is to do the following:
1) Restore the contents of your PPC with CF Backup
2) Delete Existing Partnership in ActiveSync
3) When asked if you want to delete 'Sync Folder on PC' click NO.
4) Connect PPC to USB/Serial and setup the partnership over again.
5) You will be prompted if you want to 'Replace', 'Merge' or Do nothing with your contact information. I always choose to Replace data on PPC device with information on the computer. I know you will loose some information that was entered on the PPC and not transfered, but in my experience this presents the least chaos.
Nice to see someone who shares the same technique of restoring a PPC's data.
This is exactly what I've been doing eversince my first WinCE device...It works and presents less problems...
Of course you can also choose merge data... but then ou'll have to clean up all duplicates. For me, I still choose to overwrite my PPC data with the one from the PC.
02-25-2003, 05:49 PM
Quite honestly, it is because of this type of problem that a month ago I left the PPC and went back to the Palm. The data on the machine is too important for me to fool with. I bought a Tungsten as I've used Palms for many years and they have perfected the sync process, in my opinion. I keep my Ipaq, but won't use it on a regular basis for any critical functions until ActiveSync is fixed.
Unfortunately, I know three or four other people who taken the same route. However, I keep reading this site every day.
02-26-2003, 06:24 AM
Okay, so can someone explain the logic in this error message:
This was while syncing my e740 using WiFi, the first time after a restore. I can't beleive I have to use USB sync to get this darn thing to sync.
03-02-2003, 10:46 PM
Here's my no-brainer question: instead of "do nothing," "replace," or "merge" as the three choices for dealing with ActiveSync data, why can't it ba handled the way Palm does with HotSync: "Desktop overwrites Palm," "Palm overwrites desktop," "Synchronize" or "do nothing." This solves so many problems. It allows you to easily sync between multiple computers. ActiveSync is really primitive in comparison.
Is it asking too much for MS to take a page from the Palm textbook and offer these options?
03-03-2003, 07:06 AM
yeah, what he said!
And wtf is up with having to connect via serial/usb connection to fix it?!
03-03-2003, 09:18 PM
I have 7 PCs that I need to synchronize PDA with to keep current.
My Jornada will allow activesynch with 2 PCs
What th-
I tried the new Palm Zire for a test run and discovered I could set up as many connections as I wanted with Hotsynch.
I'm migrating all my PDA stuff to Palm.
Adios muchachos :lol:
Adios muchachos :lol:
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out... :roll:
03-03-2003, 10:46 PM
I have 7 PCs that I need to synchronize PDA with to keep current.
Why? Isn't it easier, less confusing, less stressful to reduce the number of PCs containing your info to one or two?
03-04-2003, 12:16 AM
Hey if he can get all the functionality he needs off the dinky little $99 monochrome Zire, more power to him! Personally I like all the extra toys on my PPC. I don't even sync my calender or contacts anymore because it creates too many problems, I just have all my appointments on my PDA only and once I copied my address book over once, then I can just update the PPC entries as needed--the only thing I need on my contact list on my PC is email addresses; while I was phone numbers etc only on my PPC.
But, if syncing with 7 PCs is REALLY what he needs, and he can accomplish his objectives only spending $99, well good for him! No need to be bitter :)
Jonathon Watkins
03-04-2003, 02:59 AM
Adios muchachos :lol:
Don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out... :roll:
Trolls have big A$$, so chances are it will! :lol:
04-25-2003, 08:19 PM
I have been continually frustrated by ActiveSync for most of a year now. I usually *almost* works, but when you step off the Golden Path you are in for some heartache.
A couple items I have discovered along the way:
Log Files
ActiveSync creates some detailed log files whenever it syncs. Unfortunately they are well hidden. Combing through them can give much more information than the typically brain-dead dialog boxes. These files are typically:
C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\Local Settings\Temp
One *very* interesting tidbit had to do with syncing between two computers (my desktop and laptop). Somehow ActiveSync got itself confused to the point where every time I connected my Pocket PC to the other computer it would think it needed to resync EVERYTHING. It turned out that ActiveSync had deposited a little turd on the PocketPC and not cleaning it up. Deleting the following file on the device cleared up this problem:
\Restart Synchronization Marker.1
My last remark is for the truly adventurous. I needed to move the "My Documents" tree into a PGP disk for security reasons. I wanted ActiveSync to sync into this new folder as well. I was able to accomplish this by editting a couple registry keys:
[My Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Partners\{DeviceID}]
(The appropriate DeviceID can be found by reading the "DisplayName" value within the key.)
Now edit the following keys to point to the new folder:
Services\Synchronization\Briefcase Path
Services\Synchronization\Data File
Good luck!
06-03-2003, 08:02 PM
My morning routine includes swapping out the tired battery in my h1910 for the one that has been recharging overnight. This morning I knew Microsoft was going to consume another couple of my hours when the unit went through a complete hard reset when I pressed the power button. Sure enough, when I slipped it into the sync cradle up pops the "Create New Partnership" dialog. Damn! I had been through this before and was on my fifth partnership. I wasn't going to take it this time.
SO.... Here is how to revive a lost partnership:
You will need to run RegEdit on both the host PC and the device. I suggest the wonderful tool from
Step 0a: Save your Outlook PST.
You will be doing some tricky registry stuff.
Either purge your Deleted Items folder or move all the current contents to a different or new folder. Do this on both PCs if you sync between two host computers.
Step 0b: Get RegEdit on the device
Install PHM's RegEdit.
Step 1: Kill ActiveSync
On the host PC, open the task manager (control-alt-delete) and "End Process" on both "WCESMgr.exe" and "wcescomm.exe". Make sure they are dead by moving the mouse over the ActiveSync tray icon. The icon should disappear. [Why the boys at Redmond didn't include an "Exit" menu item is beyond me.]
Step 2: Kill the new partnership
Run RegEdit on the host PC. Go to the key
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Partners]
You will probably see, depending on how many times you have been through this, two or more keys listed below. Identify the partnership you want to save and its DisplayName and write them down. Identify the partnership you just created and delete the key. (You could leave it, but it just adds to the confusion.) Partnerships can be identified by the "DisplayName" value within the key.
Step 3: Cure the amnesia
Remove the device from the sync cradle and run RegEdit on the device. Open the key [HKLM\Ident]. Change the Name value to match exactly the DisplayName from Step 2.
Open the key [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\Partners]. Here you will find one or two keys, P1 and maybe P2. These identify the Partnerships on one or two host PCs. Identify which key is for the current host PC. Change the PId value to match (in hexadecimal, not string) the Partnership key name from step 2.
Step 4: Sync
Put the device back into the cradle. You will need to restart ActiveSync on the host PC. If all went well, it should reconnect as the correct partnership. It will need to resync everything, as this all started with the memory on the device being wiped. You will also need to reinstall all your applications and redo any customizations. But you will still be using the same names and folders for syncing.
Step 5: Retrieve
During the sync, ActiveSync thoughtfully moved all my contacts, tasks, notes, and appointments to the Deleted Items folder. Sort by type and move them back to the Contacts, Tasks, Notes, and Calendar folder.
Step 6: Sync to second machine
This is required only if you sync to two host PCs. This will recreate the items that you rescued in Step 5 on the second PC.
Hope this helps!
Janak Parekh
06-03-2003, 08:25 PM
I have 7 PCs that I need to synchronize PDA with to keep current.
Why? Isn't it easier, less confusing, less stressful to reduce the number of PCs containing your info to one or two?
Not necessarily. I have to agree with him on this point, but not to the point of going to a Zire. I have 4 machines I'd like to sync with, so that when I'm somewhere I can load stuff into Outlook and edit it efficiently. I've been living with it, but it's high time they fixed that limitation.
Talk about a late response. ;)
06-03-2003, 10:09 PM
SO.... Here is how to revive a lost partnership:
Step 0a: ...
Step 0b: ...
Step 1: ...
Step 2: ...
Step 3: ...
Step 4: ...
Step 5: ...
Step 6: ...
Step 1: Open ActiveSync and click on File -> Delete Partnership. Just make sure to not delete the Synchronized Files folder when prompted.
I have never had an issue with partnerships this way.
06-04-2003, 02:43 AM
So the question becomes, how do you restore your Pocket PC from a backup without completely destroying your Outlook data?
Hmm.. You don't.
Has this happened to anyone else? How could something like this have gotten past Dell?
It happens to me all the time, with my iPAQs. It's not Dells fault, it seems to be Activesync's and Outlook's fault. I don't mind doing hard resets at all, but the even minute thought of havig to restore any data with activesync just gives me the willies. I hate how I've had to go through so many different names for my Pocket PC to ge the data. (I started with ElmerFudd and after a lot of different names needed to be chosen, I'm at DaffyDuck now and there's not too many more WB and Disney Characters left!) I've had DaffyDuck, though, for a good month, which is unheard of in my namage of pocketpc land. I guess I could probably start over with names.. Anyway I'm getting off topic. Yes it's annoying, yes people should do something about it, and no it probably won't get done.
btw, what does everyone else call their pocket pc's?
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