02-21-2003, 09:30 AM
"<a href="">PEPID</a> has signed a licensing agreement with Harvard Medical School and the CareGroup Healthcare System that allows all medical students, faculty and staff at Harvard and its affiliated hospitals to use PEPID ED (Emergency Doctor), PEPID MD (Medical Doctor), PEPID RN (Registered Nurse), PEPID MSC (Medical Student Companion), and PEPID PDC (Portable Drug Companion) products for a period of one year."<br /><br />"<a href="">UpToDate</a>, publisher of a point of care information resource for physicians, announced the availability of their service on Pocket PC handhelds. With UpToDate physicians can quickly look up the latest medical information to find answers to questions that arise during patient care without having to leave their patient's bedside. UpToDate on a Pocket PC gives physicians 50,000 pages of current medical knowledge, across all of general internal medicine and 12 medical sub-specialties, in an easily searchable handheld format."<br /><br />"<a href="">Skyscape</a>, provider of interactive, intelligent mobile solutions for the healthcare community, today announced four new additions to its infectious disease specialty line, including two titles from noted expert Dr. John Bartlett of Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine."<br /><br />If you like reading about press releases as summarized above, you might also like <a href="">New Media</a>, a site that has a lot of resources on handheld computing in the medical profession.