View Full Version : The iPAQ 1910 Screen - Holy *(#)@()#*@!!
Jason Dunn
02-20-2003, 11:00 AM
As difficult as this may be for some of you to believe, running a site like Pocket PC Thoughts doesn't automatically gain me access to new hardware. We may be among the first to publish news on devices, but you'd be shocked at the old device most of the team is using. :wink: <br /><br />When I was down at the MVP Summit, I got to see the iPAQ 1910 for the first time. Only one word can describe it: WOW! 8O First up, the size is amazing - you have to see it to believe it. It makes every other Pocket PC on the market look big, even the svelte Viewsonic V35. But the screen - oh the screen! I took a photo in a dimly lit room without my flash, comparing the 1910 on full brightness to my Dell Axim X5 and an XDA, also on full brightness. The photo didn't turn out all that well, but you can see the shocking difference between each of the screens - the 1910 is simply the best screen I've seen yet on any Pocket PC.<br /><br /><img src="" /> <br /><br />Thinking about getting one? <a href="">Search for the lowest price</a> (currently $273). Looking for a thorough review? <a href="">Check this one out.</a>
02-20-2003, 11:39 AM
I too saw the 1910 and compared it to the axim (and my 3970) last november, and immediately decided not to get the axim-for me the screen is one of them most important features and the 1910 is sharper and more colorful than the axim and the 3970-but I have yet to see the 5450 screen-i guess it must equal the 1910?
02-20-2003, 11:43 AM
I owned the h1910 for a total of 2 weeks. I thought it was and still do think it is the best PPC made... hands down.
Of course I ditched the little charmmer because I had such a strong need for BlueTooth. Now I lug the h545x around :(
We can only hope that HP and others realize that BT should be a standard no-brainer for all such devices.
Ekkie Tepsupornchai
02-20-2003, 12:00 PM
The form factor on this device is absolutely killer. IMO It's the best form factor I've seen on any PPC.
If it supported BT, I would have made the move myself. No question.
02-20-2003, 12:26 PM
The only thing that is holding me back buying this device is its speed .. I'm going to see what the new generation Intel chips do to this device. I use my PDA for drawing and 206mhz ARM can barely hold up with the brush in larger resolutions.
But basically that's the only reason .. and uh, that and the fact that it's still not available in Finland :roll:
02-20-2003, 12:38 PM
Yes. the screen on the 1910 is great, but even on my Axim I rarely have the screen set to its max brightness due to the drain on battery life (and the Axim battery lasts twice as long as the 1910).
02-20-2003, 12:38 PM
Thankfully overclocking can resolve some speed problems, if only during intensive applications, but Compaq had a real killer device if they could just speed it up and have some expandibility options in there. But then they'll just want you to get a 3900 or 5400 series.
02-20-2003, 12:40 PM
Even though the 1910 may be smaller than the Axim, it is only clocked in at 200mhz by default and overclocking it to 300 or 400mhz would have a significant effect on the battery. Also, the battery does not seem to be as good as the Axim's (and the fact the Axim has a very high capacity battery available as well, 3440mah?, I believe the 1910's is 900mah?).
Ed Hansberry
02-20-2003, 01:29 PM
I owned the h1910 for a total of 2 weeks. I thought it was and still do think it is the best PPC made... hands down.
Of course I ditched the little charmmer because I had such a strong need for BlueTooth. Now I lug the h545x around :(
We can only hope that HP and others realize that BT should be a standard no-brainer for all such devices.
Agreed. Two things missing in the 1910 IMHO - 32MB ROM and Bluetooth. Give me the bluetooth and I'd very likely give up my daily use of the 3970.
Vincent M Ferrari
02-20-2003, 02:01 PM
When I got my E330, the 1910 was my first choice, but since it didn't have SDIO, which I found a little too limiting, and I heard the occasional gripe about the performance, I went with the 330. Although if a 300 or 400 Mhz Bluetooth version of the 1910 were to come out, I would probably be very much interested... The lack of SDIO was a little too much for me with the 1910.
02-20-2003, 03:09 PM
I went to BestBuy for a completely different purchase and when I got my hands on one, I just had to buy one for my wife. Her old Jornada was ready to be put to rest. It's the perfect device for her as she does not require expandability and needs it as small as possible. That screen is incredible! Also it makes my T-mobile seem giant the way my old Casio E-115 does to my T-Mobile!
On a side note, The physical screens are the exact same size on the 1910 and the T-Mobile, so I already had screen protectors on-hand! :-)
02-20-2003, 03:10 PM
I personally wouldn't worry too much about SDIO - like the news story long ago, it seems like its only a matter of time before someone writes drivers for X-Scale Pocket PCs and they all have SDIO. Who knows, it could be in the next EUU.
The iPaq 1910... I want it! But I promised myself I wouldn't upgrade for while. Still, if they keep the basic formfactor, I think the 1910 is the precursor of my next Pocket PC.
Brad Adrian
02-20-2003, 03:16 PM
Devices like this frustrate the heck out of me! I absolutely LOVE the size and screen of the 1910, and I haven't had a bit of trouble with it. But, it doesn't easily support any way to "get connected." As a result, I now keep two devices identically set up and synched. When I need connectivity, I grab my Phone Edition. When I need something to easily slip into my pocket and don't need a mobile phone (like when going to church), I now grab the 1910.
Foo Fighter
02-20-2003, 03:20 PM
Talk about a smack down! The 1910 screen walks all over Palm's reflective LCD on the TT. However it does have one serious lacks the cool looking dust specs found on the TT. One of the nice things about the Tungsten T is that it has great entertainment value. You can play a game of "Find the dust", which is a lot of fun. Each time you fire up your TT, you can search the screen for new or migrating particles...kind of like the shell game. Cool, huh? :roll:
02-20-2003, 03:25 PM
I can appreciate your thoughts. I brought my Axim having never seen the H1910 in person. All the pictures I saw made it look like a little toy. One day last week I saw my first H1910 in person on display at CompUSA. It was the 1st time that I actually had second thoughts about my decision. HP really did a nice job with this machine. In the end there were a couple of sacrifices that I would have had to make had I purchased the 1910. But I can surely understand why anyone who purchased this machine is absolutely convinced that they have a winner.
Brad Adrian
02-20-2003, 03:26 PM
Talk about a smack down! The 1910 screen walks all over Palm's reflective LCD on the TT...
Honestly, I think the 1910 can be one of the greatest products available to get Palm users to switch. Size and price are no longer an issue.
It's a gorgeous handheld! The size and screen make it so portable and will satisfy consumers that are looking for a small enough machine to lug around. Unfortunately, I just bought a wireless CF card. :cry: Any other way to connect this machine?
02-20-2003, 04:04 PM
Is the battery life on the 1910 comparable to the battery life on the "original" 36xx series ipaq or is better?
It would be nice to at least be able to get through the weekend without having to recharge.
p.s. are there any sync and charge USB cables for the 1910 yet?
02-20-2003, 04:09 PM
BestBuy had a kit for $20 that included a USB Sync/Charge Cable and a cigarette lighter adabter to charge it in the car. The 1910 is compatable with the 3800 series iPaq USB/Sync cables. iConcepts, which I found at CompUSA has a complete kit that also has a wall adapter which connects to the USB cable as well.
02-20-2003, 04:31 PM
BestBuy had a kit for $20 that included a USB Sync/Charge Cable and a cigarette lighter adabter to charge it in the car. The 1910 is compatable with the 3800 series iPaq USB/Sync cables. iConcepts, which I found at CompUSA has a complete kit that also has a wall adapter which connects to the USB cable as well.
Does this mean the Targus folding keyboard for the 3800 also works with the 1910?
02-20-2003, 04:34 PM
I'm not sure. I have never owned a folding keyboard. I would check with Targus. My gut says yes, but my gut has been wrong before. :-)
02-20-2003, 04:38 PM
When I got my E330, the 1910 was my first choice, but since it didn't have SDIO, which I found a little too limiting, and I heard the occasional gripe about the performance, I went with the 330. Although if a 300 or 400 Mhz Bluetooth version of the 1910 were to come out, I would probably be very much interested... The lack of SDIO was a little too much for me with the 1910.
I think I read that it does have SDIO....
Janak Parekh
02-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Is the battery life on the 1910 comparable to the battery life on the "original" 36xx series ipaq or is better?
I'd guess it's better, but not hugely so. You can get 4-6 hours out of the internal battery with the backlight on a medium setting. You'll understand why when you see the battery - it's positively tiny.
Mind you, while the 1910's screen is one of the best, the other ones are not that bad. I have a 3870 and while the 1910 blows it away screenwise I can easily manage with the reflective screen myself. :)
02-20-2003, 04:42 PM
I used an HP200LX for years, but it took planning and effort to bring it along - it just wasn't pocketable.
I used a Toshiba e310 for a few months, but it dragged down shirt pockets, and was a bit too heavy to comfortably carry everywhere. (Also, it was an unstable nightmare)
With the 1910, my PDA habits have changed completely. It goes with me EVERYWHERE - it is always in my pocket. Gone are post-its or other scraps of paper, paper lists, whatever. I ALWAYS have on hand all the phone numbers I need, various work projects, Avantgo pages, games, lots of pictures of my kids, whatever.
I didn't really realize it until I owned the 1910, but after stability/dependability, the size of the device (not speed or connectivity) is the most important factor in determining its usefulness to me.
Now, if they could only squeeze a keyboard into that form factor.... :-)
Janak Parekh
02-20-2003, 04:42 PM
Does this mean the Targus folding keyboard for the 3800 also works with the 1910?
No. The connector is "backwards" and doesn't support serial. :(
02-20-2003, 05:11 PM
i just wish HP would make the higher end of the 1900 series with faster processor, 400 mhz and larger memory chip, say 64 meg coventional RAM not the NAND. also with wireless conectivity if possible....
02-20-2003, 05:22 PM
i just wish HP would make the higher end of the 1900 series with faster processor, 400 mhz and larger memory chip, say 64 meg coventional RAM not the NAND. also with wireless conectivity if possible....
And then God said, Let there be the Ipaq 54XX!
02-20-2003, 05:50 PM
i just wish HP would make the higher end of the 1900 series with faster processor, 400 mhz and larger memory chip, say 64 meg coventional RAM not the NAND. also with wireless conectivity if possible....
And then God said, Let there be the Ipaq 54XX!
I'm sure he meant - in the body of the 1910.
I currently don't have a need for SDIO and those cards aren't widely available yet anyway. In the meantime, I'm enjoying the screen and the form factor. When I first got my 1910 and was comparing it with my 3850, I kept saying how gorgeous the screen was and how tiny it was.
Before I had my 3850, I had a Palm V which I always kept in my dress shirt pocket. When I got my 3850, I was resigned to the fact that I could no longer do that and just kept it on my desk and would carry it in my hand when needed.
When I got my 1910 and I wanted to show it to a co-worker, I panicked for several seconds because I couldn't find it anywhere on my desk! I had to laugh when I realized it was in my shirt pocket :oops: (unfortunately it's still naked because I can't find a satisfactory case). It's so small it sometimes even falls sideways in my shirt pocket.
For my needs (Agenda Fusion, MP3/WMA, FlexWallet, MS Money, Metro, Pocket Streets, ListPro), the 1910 is a great device for me and I agree that this is the device that will convert a lot of Palm users!
02-20-2003, 06:46 PM
Even though the 1910 may be smaller than the Axim, it is only clocked in at 200mhz by default and overclocking it to 300 or 400mhz would have a significant effect on the battery.
Too subjective commets. I bet you don't have a 1910.
Scaling Cpu TO 300Mhz will shortened the battery life 15min per full charge. There is a detail report for this battery test in
02-20-2003, 06:48 PM
Talk about a smack down! The 1910 screen walks all over Palm's reflective LCD on the TT. However it does have one serious lacks the cool looking dust specs found on the TT. One of the nice things about the Tungsten T is that it has great entertainment value. You can play a game of "Find the dust", which is a lot of fun. Each time you fire up your TT, you can search the screen for new or migrating particles...kind of like the shell game. Cool, huh? :roll:
I can't agree any more.
Shaun Stuart
02-20-2003, 06:49 PM
Wasn't there a rhumor that the 1910 would be released in europe later in the year but with increased memory and blutooth ? If this is the case I will buy one.
02-20-2003, 06:51 PM
Wasn't there a rhumor that the 1910 would be released in europe later in the year but with increased memory and blutooth ? If this is the case I will buy one.
Not a rumor, I actually read that HP is coming out with the 1915, the successor to the 1910. It will have Bluetooth. Yummy!
02-20-2003, 07:08 PM
How does one connect this unit to the internet? With only 1 SD slot, I couldn't use my Sprint CF card, nor my 802.11b CF card. I would have to load everything into main memory if such SD cards ever came out and it would eat up the reduced memory in the unit. The screen may be better and the unit smaller, but I am very satisfied with my Axim.
BTW, I came across my old 3670 the other day with the extended battery CF Card expansion pack. Talk about a brick. The Axim feels half the size of this old iPAQ and if I ever think there is a problem with the Axim's screen (say compared to the 1910) all I have to do is look at the iPAQ and my Axim looks just fine, thank you. :D
If HP added a CF slot to the 1910, then maybe I would consider it. But the world has been waiting for Compaq/HP to add CF slots to its PPCs for a while now. Doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon.
02-20-2003, 07:09 PM
I saw the 1910 and I realized just how much form factor would factor into my decision again for a PPC. In addition to some of the wish list items placed previously, I would want to add that I hope the next HP device with this form factor would sport a 3.5mm jack for the "normal" headphones. An adaptor only adds to the length and instability of the connection. I think I can wait for the next one...but only for a short time. :wink:
02-20-2003, 08:06 PM
Talk about a smack down! The 1910 screen walks all over Palm's reflective LCD on the TT. However it does have one serious lacks the cool looking dust specs found on the TT. One of the nice things about the Tungsten T is that it has great entertainment value. You can play a game of "Find the dust", which is a lot of fun. Each time you fire up your TT, you can search the screen for new or migrating particles...kind of like the shell game. Cool, huh? :roll:
Yes but is it as much fun as follow the mite?
This is a pic of it making its way across my screen.
:P :?
Anyways. The 1910 is SOOOO close to what I want in a Pocket PC.
The SDIO issue, while a major factor for some, isn't with me. I don't care about SDIO, I couldn't care less about GPS, WIFI, or a camera on my device. (GPS on my laptop suits me perfectly fine. WIFI I would like but I can live without.)
The things that ARE a major turn off for the 1910 are:
Lack of internal RAM. Yes its not as if this thing is only running 16 or 32MB or RAM but still....The standard for just about all Pocket PCs now a days is 64MB not 48MB. We should be going forward in memory capacities not back! There should be, IMHO, 64MB of total RAM available for use. Anything less seems like a copout on the part of HP. Yes you can add external RAM but from what I've read somewhere external storage isn't as fast as internal. My philosophy up til now is Programs = RAM , data files (Other then sensitive stuff) = External storage. I just like that arrangement. *shrugs*
Then you have the CPU speed. I'm assuming that the 200, 300, 400, et al X-Scales all are the same size (Anyone know for certain?) so there really isn't any reason they couldn't put a 300 Mhz chip in there is there? But this ties into........
Batt Life. I don't know about you guys but I would put up with a LITTLE more thickness to the unit if they could put in a higher cap battery. I'm sorry but 900mAH sucks monkey turds BIG time. When you have 1400mAH batts standard in all Pocket PCs 900 seems woefully underpowered. I will NOT purchase a Pocket PC that will not give me at least 6 hours with moderate to heavy use. If HP wants to go the route with crappy batts the least they could do is follow in the footsteps of Dell who is offering a 1440 mAh standard but has an optional 3400mAh batt.
headphone jack OK this is more of a secondary concern. Did using the 2.5mm jack really save that much space?!?!?! Seriously? I’ve never purchase any 2.5 headsets before are they that common? I suppose that if push came to shove one could buy an adapter but really was this necessary.
What they did right, IMHO, was the screen and the form factor. Both are beautiful. Just kick up the specks under the hood and life will be good.
02-20-2003, 08:31 PM
Biggest issue is lack of ROM (for full PPC OS & upgradeability) & no serial for the connector (no targus keyboard).
Bought it anyways and haven't looked back :) I've purchased the IR keyboard as the driver should be released early March.
Janak Parekh
02-20-2003, 08:39 PM
Batt Life. I don't know about you guys but I would put up with a LITTLE more thickness to the unit if they could put in a higher cap battery.
You know, because it's a removable battery with a door I bet someone could make a larger battery that would either integrate with the door or have a door that curves outward a little.
02-20-2003, 09:01 PM
Talk about a smack down! The 1910 screen walks all over Palm's reflective LCD on the TT. However it does have one serious lacks the cool looking dust specs found on the TT. One of the nice things about the Tungsten T is that it has great entertainment value. You can play a game of "Find the dust", which is a lot of fun. Each time you fire up your TT, you can search the screen for new or migrating particles...kind of like the shell game. Cool, huh? :roll:
While I agree that 1910's screen is brighter then the TT, I found that overall I preferred the TT's screen. Yeah I took the plunge and tried out a *gasp* Palm OS 5 based PDA. The fonts are incredible and the whites are much closer to being true vs the 1910. Man I really hate to say this, but the Tungsten is becoming my fav PDA. :roll: Fonts is an area that Pocket PC's really need to improve on.
02-20-2003, 09:58 PM
First I would like to say the screen is very nice coming from a Clie T615. Unfortunately the screen is also crooked which is very irritating to me. The battery life is way too short. Two to three hours so you can't enjoy the screen if have to put it on the lowest setting. I would get the next 19xx series just not this one.
Brad Adrian
02-21-2003, 04:31 AM why is being THAT small a good thing again...?
Palm afficianados have benn saying for years that one of the main drawbacks of the Pocket PCs is their size. The 1910 is the first Pocket PC to really rival the Palm devices in size.
Janak Parekh
02-21-2003, 04:40 AM
Palm afficianados have benn saying for years that one of the main drawbacks of the Pocket PCs is their size. The 1910 is the first Pocket PC to really rival the Palm devices in size.
... and actually to beat it. If you put a Palm V/m505 side-by-side with a 1910, you'll notice the 1910 is slightly smaller due to its curves. And the screen can't be compared.
It's not necessarily for you or me, but for people wanting a unconnected Pocket PC (and there are a lot of people out there that fit into this category) it's a terrific choice.
Ed Hansberry
02-21-2003, 01:46 PM why is being THAT small a good thing again...?
Palm afficianados have benn saying for years that one of the main drawbacks of the Pocket PCs is their size. The 1910 is the first Pocket PC to really rival the Palm devices in size.
Actually, the original iPAQ and current 3900's are very close to the Handspring Visors in size, the Viewsonic V35 is close to the Sony Clies, etc. When a Palm user said size was important, they were talking about the Palm V or Palm Vx, regardless of whether or not that is what they owned. Sort of like saying gas mileage is critical in their decision to by a GM car because they have the 50MPG Metro but then they go out and buy a 12MPH Yukon. :roll:
02-22-2003, 07:28 PM
Yes. the screen on the 1910 is great, but even on my Axim I rarely have the screen set to its max brightness due to the drain on battery life (and the Axim battery lasts twice as long as the 1910).
Sure, but that's because it's 3 times as big and almost double the weight. Also, I think that if you compared each at an equivalent brightness, the battery life would prove to be closer that the tests at max brightness may lead you to believe.
02-23-2003, 06:17 AM
i just wish HP would make the higher end of the 1900 series with faster processor, 400 mhz and larger memory chip, say 64 meg coventional RAM not the NAND. also with wireless conectivity if possible....
And then God said, Let there be the Ipaq 54XX!
When I got my 1910 and I wanted to show it to a co-worker, I panicked for several seconds because I couldn't find it anywhere on my desk! I had to laugh when I realized it was in my shirt pocket :oops: (unfortunately it's still naked because I can't find a satisfactory case). It's so small it sometimes even falls sideways in my shirt pocket.
Ive got the 1910, praying for a rom update to enable SDIO. If you are looking for a case, check out the Palm Zire case. It says palm on it, but it fits perfectly and its not a bad case.
Scott R
02-23-2003, 09:50 PM
Palm afficianados have benn saying for years that one of the main drawbacks of the Pocket PCs is their size. The 1910 is the first Pocket PC to really rival the Palm devices in size.
Well, as a Palm owner I can tell you that while many PPCs are getting as thin or thinner than most Palm OS devices, most are still taller than just about all of them. Personally, I prefer the Palm TT's thick but short size over a long but thin device. I just think that sort of thing fits in the pocket more comfortably. My current main device, a Handspring Treo 300, has a similar form factor. It's pretty short but thick (though the integrated cover allows me to put it in my pocket "naked").
Getting more on topic...I like the 1910 quite a bit. I'd like to see a version capable of running the next version of the OS (I'm concerned that this one won't), integrated Bluetooth, and a side scroll wheel. I'd just as soon dump the joypad since the center mount just doesn't make game playing comfortable, IMO. By doing that, they could shorten the device. I'd be willing to have them make it thicker in order to give it a larger battery, too. Just my 2 cents.
02-24-2003, 01:25 AM
I agree, the Gadgeteer's pictures show that the iPaq 1910 is a bit longer. No problem there, I don't think. One reason I prefer my Jornada 567 over the traditional iPaq line is length vs. width. The Jornada is long/skinny, while the iPaq is (relative to the Jornada) short/wide. Would I be wrong to suppose that length is not as important to PPC owners who use their pants pockets? Just seems like, among the three dimensions, length would be the least one to be concerned about. Comfortable in-pocket, and easy to hold. But I could be wrong about that one.
02-24-2003, 03:11 AM
Yes. the screen on the 1910 is great, but even on my Axim I rarely have the screen set to its max brightness due to the drain on battery life (and the Axim battery lasts twice as long as the 1910).
Sure, but that's because it's 3 times as big and almost double the weight. Also, I think that if you compared each at an equivalent brightness, the battery life would prove to be closer that the tests at max brightness may lead you to believe.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying but the battery on the 1910 is 900 mAh and on the Axim it's 1440. If the battery is twice as big then it's gonna have twice as much juice, all other things being equal(brightness, screen on/off, etc). If I can't get a full day of use out of it, it doesn't do me much good, I want to be able to listen to MP3s all day at work without having to recharge. I can do that with the Axim even if I leave the screen on(backlight off). If I had the 1910, even if I turned the screen off, I would only get half a day of play out of it. That's not good enough for me.
Ed Hansberry
02-24-2003, 02:21 PM
Palm afficianados have benn saying for years that one of the main drawbacks of the Pocket PCs is their size. The 1910 is the first Pocket PC to really rival the Palm devices in size.
Well, as a Palm owner I can tell you that while many PPCs are getting as thin or thinner than most Palm OS devices, most are still taller than just about all of them. Personally, I prefer the Palm TT's thick but short size over a long but thin device.
Funny. I don't recall you saying that about the Palm Vx, which is 4.7in high compared to the Tungsten T 4.0 when closed and 4.8 when open. And the 1910 is only 4.46in high.
In fact, I seem to recall you speaking more in terms of volume, and the volume of the 1910 is just slightly larger than the Vx and both of those are well below that of the TT.
(TT open is 4.8in high which then brings the volume to 8.6in)
Well Scott, I guess the story is whatever you want it to be. Consistancy would be nice, but it certainly isn't required. :roll:
*Per Palm's web site: .6 in. main body. Slightly thicker in 5-way navigation area. that would make the volume "slightly" bigger too.
Scott R
02-24-2003, 04:27 PM
Well Scott, I guess the story is whatever you want it to be. Consistancy would be nice, but it certainly isn't required. :roll:
First of all, sorry for the confusion. I wasn't directing my comments at the 1910, though I can see why you would have taken them that way. I should have posted my comments quoting from your prior post which discussed a variety of PPCs and Palm OS devices, not Brad's which spoke directly about the 1910. I will say that looking at the-gadgeteer's comparison photos, I have a hard time believing that Vx is longer than the 1910, based on her photos comparing the length of the m505 to the 1910 where they look to be identical in length. Additionally, a lot of people (dare I say most?) would carry the Vx or m5xx devices with only the supplied flip cover. As such, I think a fairer size comparison would be to compare the device sizes with flip cover (or the TT's clear plastic cover) compared to a 1910 with its supplied sleeve. Why the PPC manufacturers still haven't figured out the benefits of designing their devices to accommodate a flip cover is a great mystery to me. IMO, size is most significant when you're not using it (i.e. - when you're carrying it in your pocket). As such, the size of a TT when opened is unimportant.
All that being said, I personally don't consider size to be one of my top requirements (unless the disparity is significant). When I originally bought my iPaq I was very close to buying a Casio E125 (can't remember if that's the right model number - the one with the CF slot). At the time, this model was considered to be a "brick" by most non-Casio owners. I chose the iPaq for reasons other than size. I think the only device that I've come down hard on for its size is the iPaq with a sleeve installed. If you can point me to some threads where I've made a big deal about the size differences between Palms and PPCs, I'd love to be reminded of it.
02-24-2003, 07:32 PM
My dad uses the palm Vx, my 1910 is just a little bit more thick. Otherwise they are about the same as far as dimensions. My 1910 is very solid and does not flex or anything but I still like the all metal case on the Vx. I like anything that is heavy duty.
He has a leater flip cover for the Vx. I prefer somthing like a sleeve. The 1910 does not come with any kind of cover so I just bought a Palm Zire case which fits it very well.
I think my dad would use PPC (cause of me) but he needs to be able to sync with lotus notes for work and im not sure if you can do that with PPC.
Ed Hansberry
02-24-2003, 09:13 PM
I think my dad would use PPC (cause of me) but he needs to be able to sync with lotus notes for work and im not sure if you can do that with PPC.
Natively you can't unless you have Outlook installed and the Notes connector is working - I know that was possible with Outlook 97 and Notes 4.x. Not sure if that still works today or not. Otherwise, you need Cadenza from
02-25-2003, 01:00 AM
Yes. the screen on the 1910 is great, but even on my Axim I rarely have the screen set to its max brightness due to the drain on battery life (and the Axim battery lasts twice as long as the 1910).
Sure, but that's because it's 3 times as big and almost double the weight. Also, I think that if you compared each at an equivalent brightness, the battery life would prove to be closer that the tests at max brightness may lead you to believe.
I'm not quite sure I understand what you're saying but the battery on the 1910 is 900 mAh and on the Axim it's 1440. If the battery is twice as big then it's gonna have twice as much juice, all other things being equal(brightness, screen on/off, etc). If I can't get a full day of use out of it, it doesn't do me much good, I want to be able to listen to MP3s all day at work without having to recharge. I can do that with the Axim even if I leave the screen on(backlight off). If I had the 1910, even if I turned the screen off, I would only get half a day of play out of it. That's not good enough for me.I see what you mean. What I was trying to say is that the 1910 makes some compromises to achieve its small size. It seems that the 1910 is currently targeted at Palm users or those with no PDA, rather than those with more advanced needs such as yourself (or me for that matter I want a 54xx to replace my much upgraded 36xx). I hope that HP can eventually squash more advanced features into the 1910 form-factor (even at a higher price point).
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