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View Full Version : Medion MDPPC 100 problems

02-17-2003, 08:14 PM

I'm a new Pocket PC user - I recently bought a Medion MDPPC 100. For more information, check out this link: http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/articles.php?id=7051&PHPSESSID=c596c011f58f1fe642ec89b1a2a61132

The manual says I'm able to connect to the Internet via the USB cradle, which is perfectly connected to my workstation (connected to ADSL via a small home network with a router). I can transfer files and data via ActiveSync 3.5.
Everytime I try to connect to the Internet, I only get a dialog which wants me to configure the modem options - and I have no modem! I know it's possible to connect to the Internet via the USB cradle connected to my computer (it runs Windows 2000 SP2). When I click the icon "Network Adapters", I get three adapters:
- AsynMac1 NDISWAN Adapter
- NE2000 Compatible Ethernet Driver

I really don't know how to make the this work! Could you please help me?


Anders (aje) - a frustrated PocketPC-user.

Andy Whiteford
02-18-2003, 10:48 AM
Okay, you don't need to configure a modem or connection on your pocket pc to use this feature.
In ActiveSync on your desktop pc, go to the settings and and find the one that allows Internet Pass Through and check this. This allows you to access the Internet through the cradle. I can't remember the exact location of this setting as I don't have ActiveSync in front of me just now.