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View Full Version : Win a Dell Axim X5 from Virtual Office Systems!

02-11-2003, 08:04 AM
Hi all!

Just wanted to let you know that Virtual Office Systems is currently holding a contest to celebrate the release of VOCalendar 3.0 (http://www.voscorp.com/ppc/vocalendar) where the grand prize is a Dell Axim X5 Pocket PC 8O , loaded with both VOShoppingList and VOCalendar!

All you have to do is submit the winning VOCalendar skin. Full details are available at the contest link off the VOS home page (http://www.voscorp.com). The contest ends at midnight on February 28th (GMT) so hurry and get those entries in!

02-13-2003, 05:13 PM
Hi all -

Just an update - we've had tens of thousands of visitors to the contest site but still only a handful of entries. That means the odds of winning are still VERY good. Don't wait until the last minute - get those entries in early!

02-13-2003, 06:14 PM
Perhaps the contestbanner.gif is just too energetic and scaring all us lazy half asleep skinners away? :wink: 24 pictures is quite a bit to put together. Plus you have to fax a forum... shame we can't just scan it or do it electronically.

02-13-2003, 07:51 PM
It's up to you of course, but you could use the same background graphic for all the months, so all you'd need to change would be the smaller graphics (the month titles). You could even use the same background for each of the month titles, just changing the name of the months. Not sure if that would hurt your chances with the judges, but it would be a good way to get in the running.

On the submission form, that's a bit of a sticker. As we understand it (at least in the US) your signature is only "legal" on paper, a fax, or if it's collected by an electronic signature device (such as many retail stores are switching to) including the Pocket PC, Tablet PC, etc. A scan of a signature as part of a document doesn't appear to be covered. Perhaps the powers-at-be thought it would be too easy to forge a scanned signature. It's interesting that they do consider faxes to be legally binding though, which (at 200dpi black and white) would seem far easier to manipulate than a 600dpi color scan for example. We're still investigating this and if anyone can show us a reputable source that states that this type of signature would be legal we would certainly allow it.

The form can also be sent via postal mail to:

Dell AXIM Contest
Virtual Office Systems
PO Box 48402
Ft. Worth, TX 76148-0402

We could accept a scanned document as long as it was digitally signed. This would also be a legal signature. Guidlines on the laws are available at the American Bar Association:


Good luck in the contest!