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View Full Version : Quick Review of the Cover-Up for the Axim

02-10-2003, 09:46 PM
Ok, It has finally arrived! I rip open the box, and my first thought is..."this looks much nicer on the web page". Hmmm, not tooooo bad; I guess I could get used to it. In fact it looks rather nice once installed and is closed.

What I like: Installation is a snap, you align the foam liner with the top of the screen, remove adhesive backing on the hinge, and press into place. There is a quarter inch gap between the top of the Cover-Up hinge and the top of the Axim/CF slot, so there is no problem with memory cards. The hinge has a slight cut away section so that it doesn't interfere with the headphone jack. The over all construction seems sturdy and there is a slot cut out of the foam liner for a SD Card. :)

What I don't like: The adhesive backing covers part of the back up battery door. The edges have a sharp appearance to them giving a freshly punched from an aluminium sheet feel to the cover. The hinge will, over time, leave a wear mark on the back of the Axim from contact as you open and close the Cover-Up. The hinge is bigger than the rubber feet on the back of the unit, rendering them nonfunctional. When open it is just plain ugly, the black foam is a distraction for me and the hard edges of the Cover-Up just look unsightly. :cry:

Overall opinion: I was expecting a more Jornada like cover. What I actually have is a very sturdy, utilitarian flip cover with no sex appeal whatsoever. Of course, this is all my personal opinion and I'm not usually too into looks; honest, but the Cover-Up is just not pretty enough for me. :pukeface:

I'm off to order the iHolster for the Axim now! :wink:


02-10-2003, 11:16 PM
Who is the manufacturer for this cover-up?

02-11-2003, 12:16 AM
The Pocket Solution (http://www.thepocketsolution.com/index.htm)

Sorry, it's been talked about so much I thought everyone knew. :wink:

02-11-2003, 03:30 AM
Does the cover requrie more resitance to open than close? I really want a cover like this, however, if cover is just going to swing open with a flick of the wrist I will just pass on it (I need something that will secure down).

I can careless about my rubber feet as they have fallen off allready :(


02-11-2003, 06:41 AM
Does the cover requrie more resitance to open than close? I really want a cover like this, however, if cover is just going to swing open with a flick of the wrist I will just pass on it (I need something that will secure down).

Well, I don't know about staying closed with the flick of a wrist, but it will not open if you turn it upside down. It's friction secured (ie might open easier with wear), no magnetic or velcro closing mechanism.

02-11-2003, 07:48 AM
Good news on not being flush with the CF slot, but what about a CF Wi-Fi or Bluetooth card with an antenna that protrudes 1/2" or so? Sounds like it would interfere at that point, right?

02-11-2003, 04:35 PM
Good news on not being flush with the CF slot, but what about a CF Wi-Fi or Bluetooth card with an antenna that protrudes 1/2" or so? Sounds like it would interfere at that point, right?

Yep, pretty much any device card I've seen wouldn't have enough room with the Cover-Up closed.

Update, boy is that Velcro adhesive backing strong!! No chance of that baby coming off on its own! Also, I have the iHolster for the Axim on order now, will let you guys know how I like that one when I get it. So far I like the EB Cases Copilot-20 the best it is a great general purpose leather case with belt clip. Looks nice too! :wink:

02-11-2003, 07:15 PM
What I don't like: The adhesive backing covers part of the back up battery door.

Would it interfere with opening the backup battery door?

02-11-2003, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the review SSlixtis. I was very close to purchasing one hoping that it would be similar to the Jornada flip cover also.

My wife says that its too geeky for me to wear a pocketpc on my belt. I guess I'll be looking for something else to protect the screen when it's in my coat or pants pocket. I don't care for a full leather case (too bulky) but just a flip cover to protect the screen. Any ideas other than the Cover-Up for the Axim?

02-12-2003, 08:21 AM
Would it interfere with opening the backup battery door?

Yep, it is a strip of velcro. Once installed you would have to remove the velcro strip to get the Back-up battery cover off. The velcro strip adheres well until you remove it, which you would have to do to replace the back-up battery. :?

Update: My iHolster (http://iproductsonline.net/catalog/iholsters_for_the_dell_axim_1770779.htm)for the Axim shipped today, hopefully I will have it by this weekend! :lol:

I intend to use the iHolster (http://iproductsonline.net/catalog/iholsters_for_the_dell_axim_1770779.htm)more as a cover than a belt clip holder. I'll let you guys know what I think of it when I get it. :wink:

02-13-2003, 08:04 AM
Sslixtis, could you post some pics of the Cover-Up? I'm still considering it, just cause I'm not a fan of belt clips or even slightly bulky cases. Thanks.

02-13-2003, 07:44 PM
Sslixtis, could you post some pics of the Cover-Up? I'm still considering it, just cause I'm not a fan of belt clips or even slightly bulky cases. Thanks.

Unfortunatly not, I still need to take the plunge on a digital camera :cry:

02-13-2003, 10:52 PM
Ok, well since I don't get any pictures will you answer a few questions for me? It sounds you're saying the cover is shaped like this:
| |

Are there hinges at both seams in the cover (at the top-right and top-left)? And how much extra thickness does it put on the front and back?
Thank ya much.

Dave Beauvais
02-15-2003, 06:31 AM
I can't provide photos of the Axim Cover-Up, but I did write a review of the Toshiba e740 Cover-Up a few months back. You can read it here (http://www.beauvais1.com/modules.php?name=Reviews&rop=showcontent&id=8) and view the photos of it there.


02-15-2003, 06:54 AM
mike6024 take a look at Dave Beauvais's review and pics the Axim version is pretty much the same except there is no hole in the front and the bottom portion above the d-pad is shaped like the Axim instead of square. 8)

Jonathon Watkins
02-27-2003, 12:19 AM
OR, you could go here:

Ultimate Pocket Review (http://www.ultimatepocket.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=1317&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0&POSTNUKESID=609448b94e0f290529d472a44d5c677e)

and see a full review with lots of pics.

I've ordered two, one for myself and one for a work colleague. I need a hard cover for the Axim that is permanently attached. Until a better flip cover comes along, this will be it. :?

(WHY don’t more PPCs come with flip covers????? Two measly notches in the body and a slab of plastic can’t cost THAT much!) :evil:

02-27-2003, 11:53 PM
Damn. I was hoping it would be something that was worth buying. Damn. I wish some company out there would make something like the palm M505 cover.