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View Full Version : Multiple ActiveSync Inboxes

02-05-2003, 07:01 PM
I'm not sure how to describe this problem and I have a screen shot but can't figure out how to post it. I'm having a weird problem. On my Pocket PC, in the inbox, when I press the "Show" listing, it has ActiveSync in there 3 times, and under each listing it has my mail, from the same mailbox. This has happened to me before and I had to reload my unit, which I really don't want to do. If anyone has any suggestions on how to fix it, it would be much appreciated!!!


02-06-2003, 06:00 PM
if you are familiar with the registry, you could use a pocketpc equivallent of regedit to look ion to following keys:


Try to see whether you have multiple keys for activesync in there and eventually try to delete some.

I have not tried this before and give you this as a free suggestion. The decision to try it as well as any consequences that may result in the loss of your data or even in the damage of your device is your own responsibilities. That is however what I would try if I had the same problem as you. I have had similar issues with an email account (POP3) not disappearing from that list although I had removed the service. I fixed it that way....
