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View Full Version : Directing Output to a portforwarding program

02-03-2003, 04:34 PM

I am quite new to Pocket PC 2002 but I have the need to connect it to a mail server over an SSH connection. I loaded a portforwarder program which has an embedded SSH client and this comes up successfully.

The SSH connection comes up successfully and the portforwarder is configured to forward ports 25 and 110. I believe that the issue is on my pocket outlook client. How do I configure it to send data to the equivalent of a "localhost" This is what must be done to configure mail to work on WIndows 2K and outlook. Can anyone on here help me?


Janak Parekh
02-03-2003, 04:44 PM
Hmm. I've never tried this (was going to, haven't had the time), but have you tried specifying "localhost" as the hostname? The Pocket PC has a standard TCP/IP stack, so it should support that. If not, try "".
