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View Full Version : PPC Service Pack 3

02-01-2003, 06:52 AM

Does anyone have any information about the SP3 for PPC 2002. Microsoft says on their website, ask your vendor.

I serached on Toshiab and Audiovox websites, but it is not mentioned anywhere. I did find a reference to SP1 for e570. I wonder if that would also work on my Maestro.


Janak Parekh
02-01-2003, 07:21 AM
See this thread (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=7430) - EUU3 is indeed out for the Maestro.

BTW, what you forgot to do was to search on this site. ;) This site's becoming a handy reference...


02-01-2003, 08:57 AM
I did the search before posting. but I searched for SP3 and service pack 3. !!

Had no idea it is called EUU3 (why?)

02-01-2003, 12:48 PM
Had no idea it is called EUU3 (why?)

It's short for "End User Update 3". In other words, you're the "end user" and they're providing an update that you have to install on your handheld. The number refers to what number update the're on. New devices already have EUU3 on them, whereas older devices may have EUU2 or EUU1 or even the basic Pocket PC 2002 OS :)

02-03-2003, 08:40 PM
How can i tell if I already have EUU3 on my PPC?

02-03-2003, 08:50 PM
Check the Media Player. If it looks like this:
Then you don't have EUU3. However, if it looks like this:
Then you have EUU3 installed. I hope this helps! :D

02-03-2003, 09:02 PM
Thanks, pocketpcdude1024! That was most helpful. I have the the 2nd screenshot. My Windows Media Player is Version 8.5 Build 12177.

If this is a definitve indicator of EUU3, I guess I will not have to install it after all. :D

I just got it on Saturday, and it has some odd behaviors which I thought I needed the update for, but if I don't need it, then there must be other reasons for the behavior. :?

Thank you!

02-03-2003, 10:36 PM
No problem. I linked the images off Microsoft's server, and yes, that is one of the few ways to check for EUU3. The other way is to see if the default Today view has a Windows logo in the bottom right corner and looks like "Bliss" on a Windows XP computer, as opposed to an all-blue background. :wink:

02-08-2003, 07:25 PM
My E310 has been EUU3'ed sorta speak, but it still held onto the old skin until I went to skin switcher, and then it updated the skin for me.. so look for the version number of the media player if anything.

02-08-2003, 08:32 PM
My E310 has been EUU3'ed sorta speak, but it still held onto the old skin until I went to skin switcher, and then it updated the skin for me.. so look for the version number of the media player if anything.

You could always go for the "Bliss"-like default today screen. Anyway, I am curious: how did you EUU3 your e310? Toshiba hasn't put out EUU3 for that, or rather any, model. :?

02-08-2003, 11:36 PM
I asked Toshiba about an EUU3 update and they emailed back that they had no timetable. I'm still running EUU1 fine. Has anyone one had trouble with EUU2? Thanks.

02-27-2003, 03:05 AM
Sorry for the long delay in response.. but I EUU3'ed my E310 (sounds painful :P ) using the generic EUU3 for Ipaq.. if you search, you can find out details about it on the forum.. don't have the exact link at the moment tho..

02-27-2003, 04:25 AM
Thanks. I just might work up the courage to give it a try.

02-27-2003, 05:03 AM
Just to let you know, Audiovox has EUU3 available to users of Toshiba PPC's on their website.

The link to it is: http://www.audiovox.com/PPCupgrade3.html. So now there is no need to use the iPaq's EUU3! :)

02-27-2003, 05:16 AM
Just to let you know, Audiovox has EUU3 available to users of Toshiba PPC's on their website.

The link to it is: http://www.audiovox.com/PPCupgrade3.html. So now there is no need to use the iPaq's EUU3! :)

They're exactly the same, so it doesn't even matter... I find it kinda funny that both HP and Audiovox release the update without even making any device-specific modifications. But oh well.

03-01-2003, 09:39 AM
I have a EUU2 Toshiba e310. I'm so tempted to run the EUU3, but it makes me so nervous and think that it would mess up the device in the long run...

03-01-2003, 05:03 PM
My E310 has been EUU3'ed sorta speak, but it still held onto the old skin until I went to skin switcher, and then it updated the skin for me.. so look for the version number of the media player if anything.

You could always go for the "Bliss"-like default today screen. Anyway, I am curious: how did you EUU3 your e310? Toshiba hasn't put out EUU3 for that, or rather any, model. :?

Actually Toshiba included EUU3 for the E740 in their ROM image update posted to the Toshiba America website on 14 November 2002.


03-02-2003, 06:31 AM
I have a toshiba e570 and flashed the compaq EUU3 without any immediately obvious problems. I've now noticed that the "settings" screens of all my 3rd party apps are cut off on the right and bottom sides. Its not a showstopper, but its just enough to cut off the last line of text or "OK" button. With the exception of Handheldmed's Patient Tracker, all my applications look normal on their main screens.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, did they use the Compaq or Toshiba EUU3? I know they're supposed to be identical.

If its not EUU3, can anyone think of the reason or a possible fix?

Alan Sbar

03-02-2003, 11:06 AM
I have a toshiba e570 and flashed the compaq EUU3 without any immediately obvious problems. I've now noticed that the "settings" screens of all my 3rd party apps are cut off on the right and bottom sides. Its not a showstopper, but its just enough to cut off the last line of text or "OK" button. With the exception of Handheldmed's Patient Tracker, all my applications look normal on their main screens.

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, did they use the Compaq or Toshiba EUU3? I know they're supposed to be identical.

If its not EUU3, can anyone think of the reason or a possible fix?

Alan Sbar

Try this update from Audiovox (Toshiba PPCs):

Some people say it's the same exact thing. But hey, who knows if it is, if you're having problems with the compaq EUU3 update, might want to try the Audiovox (Toshiba) EUU3 update instead.

03-07-2003, 09:43 AM
has anyone else have problems with active sync 3.6 after upgrading to euu3? i can't connect to my desktop computer anymore after euu3. what the heck is going on? for a moment, active sync tells me connected, then a few seconds later, the blue progress bar goes half way, then it says syncronization error and disconnects. for that brief moment it says connected, if i'm quick enough, i can click on the explore button and i can see my files. but then i lose the connection.

i've gone as far as not even clicking anything to sync. so its actually syncing nothing, but i just want it to connect to the device so i can install programs and do backups...etc... but i can't get that to work!