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View Full Version : Yes, but is it really there?

RickP in AZ
02-01-2003, 03:46 AM
Seems that the English v2.10 ROM update for the 39xx's is back on hp's FTP.

The question is... How much do we trust them? (Ooops, go to go as the 14.2MB download finally finished... Darn dial-up.)

02-01-2003, 05:14 AM
you can trust them alright, i updated my 3955, and everythings seems to be fine, no glitch so far.....

RickP in AZ
02-01-2003, 05:20 AM
With the "new" file? How is SD performance as that was the complaint last week with the initial release of it?

When I unpacked the Softpaq I found 2 directories: SP22283 (containing the 3900 IR fix), SP22419 (Compaq foldable keyboard update?), and SP23479 (With the UpgradeUt.exe). I trust that you ran the later... IS it just me or is the Read Me just a touch cryptic?

Any gotcha's that you encountered? Did you do your's through USB or Serial?

(Sorry for the 20 questions but so far you are the sole guinea pig.)

I'll be running mine tomorrow evening when I have more time. Hopefully by then someone with a 397x will have had success to report also.

02-01-2003, 05:42 AM
Compaq iPAQ Pocket PC ROM Update Utility V2.50.8

this is what i found in the readme file, if yours is the same then it should be the same then.

no sd problem so far, even i think it's faster while running movie in wmp

do it usb way, and you're not asking for 20 question, it's only 5 i think :lol:

oh ya why worry anything happen got hp warranty, so why worry? :twisted:

02-01-2003, 06:49 AM
any changes in the bluetooth manager?

RickP in AZ
02-01-2003, 06:57 AM
Ha, I'm a touch nervous for 2 reasons:
1. I fragged one ROM update last year and was only able to rescue it via the old "parrot method."
2. I just received my precious 3975 back from warranty work this past Monday and would rather not repeat it.

But tomorrow after work I'll run it as the curiosity will be too much. (I am especially curious about the iTask update.)

(Posted via Pocket PC)

02-01-2003, 08:38 AM
Mr paggedt, i wish you goodluck on your update! 8)