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View Full Version : Pocket Nester: The YAME Killer

01-31-2003, 06:52 PM
Now, a lot of you know I'm one of the biggest YAME fans... but the new Pocket Nester (http://jetech.org/) beats YAME in NES emulation even in my eyes. This thing is simply amazing!

It has a frame rate that seems every bit as smooth as YAME, running at least 30-35 FPS on my Axim 400mhz. I tested SMB, SMB3, Galaga, and Metroid. All ran wonderfully between 30-35 fps without a hint of skip. What's more, the sound is even better than YAME! Now, PokeNES has by far the worse sound, Morphgear is next to last, YAME is near perfect but has an annoying half a second skip... Pocket Nester hits it dead perfect.

What's more... it could just simply be the way the screen is positioned, but it feels larger. I don't know for certain if it's larger than YAME or not, but it feels like it because there's less black space at top and slightly more at bottom. It doesn't look stretched at all either. Somehow the picture just looks better.

Anyway folks, you've got to give it a shot to believe it.

02-01-2003, 02:17 AM
I love Pocket Nester. It's got my vote. The only thing I don't like about it is that I can't get one of my all time favorites, Mike Tyson's Punchout. I keep PocketNES on there just for that. I know it's not the best, but it plays it well.

TecmoBowl rocks on Pocket Nester. I've played Contra, Super Mario 3, Blades of Steel, so on. I've gotten 60 fps on my 1910 with Turbo Tray running on 333 run. Not too shabby.

02-01-2003, 08:33 AM
Hey, if PokeNES has even one use then why not. :) Not like it's taking up more than a few 100KB at max. (Never checked the exact size.) Well hopefully PocketNester will be supported for awhile, and the last remaining games will be debugged.

I'm staying between a steady 30-40 fps on the 400mhz Axim, depending on the game. Can't get the much advertised 60fps yet. Oh well, it's not like we're talking Quake here. Personally anything 30+ is just fine by me. (Considering I'm coming from a Jornada 525 that barely played with a frameskip of 8 )

02-02-2003, 03:27 AM
Only getting 30-40 on my axim, still very playable.

However, I do have the Pocketop screen rotater driver loaded, I have been wondering if unloading that will increase performace. Dunno if it a fluke, but I get about 3-5 fps more when I disable the screen rotation driver. But in my book, yame just got its ass kicked.

02-02-2003, 08:12 AM
Thanks for the heads-up Rirath :D. I loved YAME and playing my old NES games on trips. The sound was the only thing that bothered me when I used it (turned it off anyway),but now that there is a better emu out I'll just keep YAME for safe keeping and use PocketNester for my emulation needs.

02-02-2003, 11:55 PM
Ok so I just downloaded this program, now anyone know sites where I can find the games for it?

02-02-2003, 11:57 PM
Ok so I just downloaded this program, now anyone know sites where I can find the games for it?

Do a Google search for yourself, just search NES roms...posting the links is illegal, unless you actually own the cartridge...

Just a friendly warning. :)

02-03-2003, 02:59 AM
I thought only downloading the games was illegal unless you owned the cartridge? Anyway with NES there's not really much to worry about since it's an obsolete format that's not being manufactured anymore; now if you want to download game cube games, you might have more problems!

I just didn't know if it ran the same format as the emulator for my PC does.

02-03-2003, 03:01 AM
I thought only downloading the games was illegal unless you owned the cartridge? Anyway with NES there's not really much to worry about since it's an obsolete format that's not being manufactured anymore; now if you want to download game cube games, you might have more problems!

I just didn't know if it ran the same format as the emulator for my PC does.

Yeah, like I said, if you own the cartridge, having a ROM is perfectly legal. Even though it's an obsolete format, I think it's still technically illegal...

But yeah, no worries - the roms that work on your PC emulator should work on your PPC.

02-03-2003, 05:00 AM
The confusion is you said "posting" about roms is illegal. I own many many carts but Steven would still remove the links if I posted about them. :)

At any rate, we don't/can't post about roms because it's been known to bring legal trouble to sites. The only legal issue with downloading is what you own.

02-03-2003, 05:36 AM
The confusion is you said "posting" about roms is illegal. I own many many carts but Steven would still remove the links if I posted about them. :)

At any rate, we don't/can't post about roms because it's been known to bring legal trouble to sites. The only legal issue with downloading is what you own.

Okay, everything makes sense after rereading the posts...

02-03-2003, 08:38 AM
The confusion is you said "posting" about roms is illegal. I own many many carts but Steven would still remove the links if I posted about them. :)

At any rate, we don't/can't post about roms because it's been known to bring legal trouble to sites. The only legal issue with downloading is what you own.

What about putting a name of a site, no link, no www no .com/.net/.whatever
And let the person reading the message make that leap of turning it into a URL and that person's responsibility to do whatever with the info?
Like "pocketpcthoughts" Leave it to the reader to figure out .com/.net/.org/.whatever

Probably still would bring legal issue's out... so probably better not do it, but just a thought.

Personaly If you need to find roms, use a file sharing program, not the best but you will find some. or do a simple search for "roms" and you will get many sites... problem is it's going to take you awhile to wade through the crap. (and yes you will be wading through the crap of the net, just to find roms)

*Words of warning*: If you do search the web, you *will* find pop-ups... and lots of them. not all pop-ups are of the "x-10" or "classmates.com" varity... keep that in mind.

Little Advice: If/When searching, when you find a site that *requires* you to click a button to proceed to the roms.... forget the site. they have NO roms, just making you click toget their ads paid for, andmorepop-ups will follow. True they may have the roms hidden deeper... but whats the point?

Don't join or sign up to any site that requires you to in order to access the roms... again odds are they are not there. just getting your e-mail addy to sell to someone...

Admins: I didn't post any sites... And won't unless I'm specifically told by an admin that the way I mentioned above is acceptable... or try to persude anyone to search for roms... just giving people a heads up *if* they decide to search on their own.

02-03-2003, 09:31 AM
And what if I put the name of a site, but before the name I put "you shouldn't not click here because it might didn't not have not no roms". :wink: I think this is overthinking it folks... the answer to about any question you could ask would be "No."

Besides, it's not like it's hard or anything. NES is like the most popular of all. And by the way... much as I like Google... it's not the be-all-end-all of search engines. Try Altavista for your searching needs from time to time. You can use powerful stuff like (would be typed EXACTLY as shown)

"jason dunn" AND "pocket pc" AND "thoughts"

Make sure AND is capitalized, and the terms have quotes. Really powerful way to get results.

02-03-2003, 07:59 PM
Ooh could I find them on Kazaa? That would be cool. I searched for Roms a while back and I remember what a pain it was; just as bad as searching for MP3s in the days before Napster. I'll try Kazaa tonight when I get home :)

02-10-2003, 01:33 AM
Has anyone had trouble using the Save/Load State options?

It works just fine with my Super Mario Bros. and Blaster Master ROMs, but when I load one from Metroid, Bionic Commando, Zelda or Castlevania, I get massive screen corruption. Since I generally only have a few minutes to play at a time, I really need the option to "save anywhere" - if I can't find a resolution, it's back to PocketNES or YAME (PocketNES worked great for me, haven't tried YAME).


02-10-2003, 03:36 AM
I still think YAME is superior -- it plays SNES (albeit not as fast as PocketSNES BE), GB, GBC, and some other system (I'm too lazy to look it up :p)

I don't find that sound thing annoying cuz more often than not I play with sound off.

To each his own <shrug> :)

02-10-2003, 07:34 PM
I can't play certain games with Yame... yet they run flawlessly on Nester.

I have 3 seperate copies of Mike Tyson's punchout... all 3 don't play worth a crap on Yame. Nester runs fine.

I use Yame for GB roms though... PocketSNES runs SNES roms better for me. and of course Pocket Engine for PC engine games... (Turbo Graphics 16)

02-10-2003, 08:24 PM
I have performed a search using the methods suggested in this thread and waded through alot of junk. I found and downloaded the rom I wanted from a couple of the sites. The rom is Galaga. When I run Pocket Nester and try to open a rom, with some rom versions I get an error "unable to open rom" and other files open and run like a demo and do not respond to any buttons. ( I checked in the options section and the buttons seem properly assigned). Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong? Have I not found viable roms for Pocket Nester?