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View Full Version : Politician Caught Playing Games On iPaq

Janak Parekh
01-30-2003, 07:16 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.aftenposten.no/english/local/article.jhtml?articleID=481193' target='_blank'>http://www.aftenposten.no/english/l...rticleID=481193</a><br /><br /></div>Who says Pocket PCs aren't popular? :lol:<br /><br />"A member of Norway's Parliament was caught playing a war game on his hand-held computer, right during the middle of Wednesday's parliamentary debate on Iraq. The red-faced representative from the Conservative Party has since apologized."<br /><br />Here's a great pic from a <a href="http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=812673">Norweigan article</a> (the above one is English, but doesn't have it). Seems like he was playing <a href="http://www.ziosoft.com/product.html?n=7">Metalion</a>. I should probably check it out. :D<br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/iPaqGaming-20030130.jpg" />

01-30-2003, 07:20 PM
:lol: :lol:
I was just about to submit this "news"
Really made me laugh out loud.

01-30-2003, 07:20 PM
On his iPaq no less. HP should grab this article and use it for marketing.

01-30-2003, 07:23 PM
Metallion is worth getting busted for. I am into Argentum though.

01-30-2003, 07:29 PM
I think that is pretty cool AND funny. At least some politicians aren't technically challenged; most politicians over here wouldn't know a computer from a hole in the ground, that's why they don't understand how people get upset over the DMCA.

01-30-2003, 07:30 PM
That's happened to me at school before. I know the way he feels. Busted! :wink:

01-30-2003, 07:31 PM
This has got to be the funniest news item since... well, a long time!

Argentum! The makers of Argentum should send him a free copy! I'll talk to them...

Foo Fighter
01-30-2003, 07:37 PM
I'm surprised Palm sites haven't grabbed this story to preach why PPCs are just toys. :roll:

01-30-2003, 07:43 PM
Why do I think this guy was making better use of his time than the others?

Kirk Stephens
01-30-2003, 07:50 PM
:rofl: This is great

Chris Hendriks
01-30-2003, 07:51 PM
Actually -

He was evaluating the game to become knowledgeable about new technology and the amount of violence in games that Norways youth maybe exposed to, since he spearheads the Youth and Underage Committee.

YUC for short! LOL!

01-30-2003, 07:54 PM

Steven Cedrone
01-30-2003, 07:54 PM
Here's a great pic from a Norweigan article (http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=812673) (the above one is English, but doesn't have it). Seems like he was playing Metalion (http://www.ziosoft.com/product.html?n=7). I should probably check it out. :D

Ha!! They have a great close-up in that article!!!



01-30-2003, 08:03 PM
yay, it's proven that pocket pc is a boredome-killer, have to use it as directed though, or u may ended up in his situation :lol:

01-30-2003, 08:04 PM
No Flaming please, but I have to ask this.

What was Norway debating on Iraq?
"Should we watch the war on CNN or Fox News?"

:onfire: :lol:

01-30-2003, 08:26 PM
What was Norway debating on Iraq?
"Should we watch the war on CNN or Fox News?"

Norway is a member of NATO, so at the moment there are norwegian troops fighting in Afghanistan. In the event of a NATO supported attack on Iraq, there is a debate on whether or not norwegian troops will be sent there as well.


01-30-2003, 08:33 PM
At least it wasn't Strippoker 2!!! :lol:

Jason Lee
01-30-2003, 08:35 PM
At least it wasn't Strippoker 2!!! :lol:

Ohh.. yeah... :oops:

01-30-2003, 08:49 PM
I'm so relieved that politicians these days are so responsible and glad they think Iraq is such an important matter... :roll: What a loser... :evil:

Paul P
01-30-2003, 09:22 PM
:lol: That's great. It's funny seeing the stylus on his desk, he was really into the game. At least the guy behind looks like he is paying attention.

Or maybe he was just recreating possible military strategies against Iraq in Metallion? Yeah yeah, I think that was it.

01-30-2003, 09:41 PM
I'm so relieved that politicians these days are so responsible and glad they think Iraq is such an important matter... :roll: What a loser... :evil:

Actually, I think this really says what the majority of folks think about this whole mess


01-30-2003, 09:56 PM
I'm so relieved that politicians these days are so responsible and glad they think Iraq is such an important matter... :roll: What a loser... :evil:

Actually, I think this really says what the majority of folks think about this whole mess


Yeah and that's the problem...people should care about what's going on, ESPECIALLY the leaders of countries.

01-30-2003, 09:57 PM
They decided that they'll watch it on Fox ;). No really, though. North Korea is a much bigger threat than most people realize. MUCH bigger than Iraq. That's why Bush isn't trying to use a show of force to intimidate North Korea. North Korea has nukes, actively has shown that its missiles are ready to deliver them, and a million-man army. You don't try to take on two countries at once! Anyways, Blah. I won't get any more political than that.

01-30-2003, 10:13 PM
I have been in many meetings where I could follow the discussion while still able to play a shoot-em up game like Turja II or Metallion. I don't see anything wrong with him doing it if he can multitask that way.

01-30-2003, 10:14 PM
Maybe he misheared ..

"Did you say 'What role should Norway play in Iraq?' I thought you said that we should play with our Ipaq. My bad."

Anyhow, an instant classic ;D


Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-30-2003, 10:34 PM
Well, I certainly hope he'll never take a stand against the effect that violent games have on our society.

01-30-2003, 11:05 PM
Wow, look at the transreflective screen! You'd never be able to see it at a side angle like that with an old Casio or Jornada.

Jimmy Dodd
01-30-2003, 11:08 PM
Oh the irony...

I'm reading a story about a guy getting busted playing with his iPaq when he should be working while I surf on my e740 while I should be working.

I did look over my shoulder to make sure there was no camera there, though.

01-30-2003, 11:12 PM
Send him Age of Empire.

Let him know what development and war is.

01-30-2003, 11:25 PM
Hey, since he was playing a "war-game", he can always say his use of his iPAQ was work related! :lol:

01-30-2003, 11:40 PM
Hey, since he was playing a "war-game", he can always say his use of his iPAQ was work related! :lol:


If I were him, I would be :oops: so I would :drinking: then :microwave: myself! (Sorry, never done one of those before)

01-31-2003, 12:01 AM
War on Iraq.

War, on Ipaq.

He just misunderstood what the meeting was about.

Perfectly understandable :)

01-31-2003, 12:32 AM
At least some politicians aren't technically challenged; most politicians over here wouldn't know a computer from a hole in the ground

I know it's not PPC's, but the politico's DO like their BlackBerry's. :roll:

House Makes a Plea To Keep BlackBerrys

Congress to lawyers: Don't take away our BlackBerrys. Please.

In a rare intervention into a private lawsuit, the chief administrator of the House of Representatives yesterday pleaded with attorneys in a patent-infringement case to settle their differences in a way that allows the popular handheld e-mailing device to continue operating.

"The device is used routinely by most members of Congress . . . as well as senior staff," wrote James M. Eagen III. Any disruption in the service "creates a serious risk to the House's critical communications and could jeopardize the public interest, particularly in the event of an emergency," he said.


Why Washington originally decided to go with Blackberry's instead of PDA's. ( Oct. 2001 )...

In the report to the Administration Committee, Eagen also cited challenges to making personal digital assistants work over the "vast network" that includes Washington, D.C., and 900 district offices.

Eagen told the committee that he believed that eventually there would be converged devices that included pagers, cell phones, and laptops all working wirelessly. "It is just not there yet," Eagen said.


Well, that was Eagen's excuse anyway. Personally, I think he had trouble w/ Activesync and gave up on the PDA idea. :oops: :lol: :wink:

Ekkie Tepsupornchai
01-31-2003, 12:45 AM
You'd never be able to see it at a side angle like that with an old Casio or Jornada.
FWIW, Casio has made a few PPC devices... only the E200 used the reflective screen.

Kirk Stephens
01-31-2003, 01:27 AM
I was just thinking....this would be ten times funnier if he was playing Pocket Strip Poker or something like that :lol:

01-31-2003, 01:30 AM
pshaw... we all know what he was REALLY doing.


01-31-2003, 01:48 AM
lol times 1 million... funniest thing ever...or im just easily amused but its funny none the less

01-31-2003, 02:11 AM
here's the story at cnn.com, with a different photo


except his pocketpc has magically turned into a palm! is Metalion even available for palm? i doubt it....

Janak Parekh
01-31-2003, 02:13 AM
except his pocketpc has magically turned into a palm! is Metalion even available for palm? i doubt it....
Stock art. The picture isn't even of a game AFAICT. If I'm not mistaken that's a Palm Vx with OmniSky, as a matter-of-fact, which would be near-useless in Europe. Thanks for the link though, it had a little more detail (wish I saw the video of him playing it on TV :D)


01-31-2003, 05:01 AM
No that's my kind of politician. Make him prime minister (of Norway).


01-31-2003, 06:48 AM
He's lucky he doesn't work with Terry Tate, Office Linebacker!


01-31-2003, 08:22 AM
Booyah! Good to see. :D

01-31-2003, 08:41 AM
Norway is a member of NATO, so at the moment there are norwegian troops fighting in Afghanistan. In the event of a NATO supported attack on Iraq, there is a debate on whether or not norwegian troops will be sent there as well.

As the matter of fact... In Nato, all countries have to agree if they are to support a war started by a Nato-country. That means that if USA starts a war against Iraq, all Nato-countries have to support that war, before Nato sends in troops...

And that will probably not happen! Both Germany and Norway (and some other countries I can't remember) have stated that they will only support a war if the UN supports it.

It's time for the US to get down of their big horse and start giving out some propper evidence that Iraq is a threat to "world peace" as Mr. Bush says...

BTW: When were there evere world peace???

I'm sorry, that was a real off-topic :-)

01-31-2003, 08:48 AM
It's time for the US to get down of their big horse and start giving out some propper evidence that Iraq is a threat to "world peace" as Mr. Bush says...

Off topic:

Is that really where the burden of proof is? Pres. Bush said in his most recent State of the Union that when the inspectors left in 98, they (UN) already had proof of a weapons of mass destruction program... proof of equipment and materials. The question being asked now... is: Iraq, show us what you did with these weapons. Answer: 12k pages that doesn't answer the question.

I hope that the UN folds or turns into something else. Each nation unto itself. As Benjamin Franklin once said (paraphrased): Barter and trade with all nations, but make treaty with none. The UN is a nation without land along with aspirations of a standing army. Whose bright idea was it to make that happen?

01-31-2003, 08:57 AM
He's lucky he doesn't work with Terry Tate, Office Linebacker!


LOL!!! (http://superbowl.ifilm.com/superbowl/) :D

01-31-2003, 09:02 AM
It's time for the US to get down of their big horse and start giving out some propper evidence that Iraq is a threat to "world peace" as Mr. Bush says...

Off topic:

Is that really where the burden of proof is? Pres. Bush said in his most recent State of the Union that when the inspectors left in 98, they (UN) already had proof of a weapons of mass destruction program... proof of equipment and materials. The question being asked now... is: Iraq, show us what you did with these weapons. Answer: 12k pages that doesn't answer the question.

I hope that the UN folds or turns into something else. Each nation unto itself. As Benjamin Franklin once said (paraphrased): Barter and trade with all nations, but make treaty with none. The UN is a nation without land along with aspirations of a standing army. Whose bright idea was it to make that happen?

Ditto to that.

01-31-2003, 09:02 AM
Is that really where the burden of proof is?
This is getting very political... but what about US nuclear war program? Why should the rest of the world thrust your half-crazy, triggerhappy president with weapons that can destroy the whole world?

As neighbours to old SSSR under the cold war we lived every day in fear of US nuclear bombs hitting SSSR and thereby inflecting us with nuclear waste...

BTW: I'm not in any way anti-US, I just am truly scared of your president...

01-31-2003, 09:22 AM
You should really be scared of your politicians who care *SO* much about the Iraq situation that they play games while in a parliamentary debate regarding Iraq.

BTW, if our president was REALLY trigger happy, I'm sure Afghanistan today would be a nuclear wasteland. So what exactly makes him "triggerhappy" and "half-crazy"?

01-31-2003, 09:41 AM
Here's a great pic from a Norweigan article (http://www.vg.no/pub/vgart.hbs?artid=812673) (the above one is English, but doesn't have it). Seems like he was playing Metalion (http://www.ziosoft.com/product.html?n=7). I should probably check it out. :D

Ha!! They have a great close-up in that article!!!



hasnt got a great score though so far... ;) and looks like hes about to get wasted too :)

01-31-2003, 09:41 AM
You should really be scared of your politicians who care *SO* much about the Iraq situation that they play games while in a parliamentary debate regarding Iraq.
Hey, we're a fun lovin' country :-)

Well Afganistan isn't a nuclear wasteland, but it's not too many buildings standing either after the US terrorist-man-hunt...

Yes, the country no longer have the Taliban-regime (thank God), but at what cost? Will the US pay for the damages, or just leave it up to the UN as usual(whom US owe millions of dollars btw...)

Let's just agree that we disagree!?

And if Saddam really have loads of illegal weapons... let's get him, but not his poor people, it's they that really suffers now!

01-31-2003, 10:00 AM
Hey, we're a fun lovin' country :-).
I agree
And if Saddam really have loads of illegal weapons... let's get him, but not his poor people, it's they that really suffers now!
I agree

01-31-2003, 11:34 AM
Well Afganistan isn't a nuclear wasteland, but it's not too many buildings standing either after the US terrorist-man-hunt...


I respectfully but strongly disagree with your comments!

Afghanistan was a wasteland well BEFORE the US ever arrived thanks to Russian communist aggression in that part of the world. Do a search on Daoud and Russia and see where it leads you. A ten year Russian occupation of Afghanistan between 1979 to 1988 made all that rubble, not current events.

You also comment...

' Yes, the country no longer have the Taliban-regime (thank God), but at what cost? Will the US pay for the damages, or just leave it up to the UN as usual(whom US owe millions of dollars btw...) '

Why should the US taxpayer ( and the US military ) have the SOLE burden of ridding the world of evil tyrants, evil regimes, and those that have no regard for the lives of people ANYWHERE.
( Take Bali as one clear example )

All freedom loving countries, yes, even Norway, should SHARE this harsh burden, IMO.

Or, as Pontias Pilate was presumed to have done, would you just wash your hands of the whole affair and leave all the dirty work to others? :roll:

Sorry for the rant but I just couldn't let those comments slide idly by.

The US is no angel but, its peoples are just as fun loving as anyone. We just don't shirk our responsibilities, sometimes to the scorn of others.

BTW, Norway plays a definite role in the process so don't think I'm picking on your fine country. :wink:

01-31-2003, 02:12 PM
Afghanistan was a wasteland well BEFORE the US ever arrived thanks to Russian communist aggression in that part of the world.
Point taken.

Why should the US taxpayer ( and the US military ) have the SOLE burden of ridding the world of evil tyrants, evil regimes, and those that have no regard for the lives of people ANYWHERE.
I'm not saying the US taxpayer should have the SOLE burden... Quite a large percentage of my taxes goes to foreign countries, much bigger percentage than your US taxes. So don't complain ;-)

BTW, Norway plays a definite role in the process so don't think I'm picking on your fine country. :wink:
And as a former member of the Norwegian Forces I'm damn proud :-)

But thats the ting about us vikings, we don't use force until we really have to... We've learned that from fighting the Swedes, Danish, English and Germans in the old days, long before US existed :-)

Steven Cedrone
01-31-2003, 02:26 PM
Didn't take too long to drag this down into a political debate... :wink:

Start an off topic thread about the UN/Saddam/Taliban etc...

Steven Cedrone
Community Moderator

01-31-2003, 03:10 PM
Just want to say that I'm with djtipmothee. Also, if we do go to war, I wonder how many casualties will be down to 'Friendly Fire' this time....

Steven Cedrone
01-31-2003, 03:14 PM
Thread locked...

Steven Cedrone
Community Moderator