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View Full Version : Loox dead after rom 2nd update

01-29-2003, 05:40 AM
Hi. Please help. Yesterday I tried to flash my ROM with the "2nd update" from FS. Maybe I did something wrong during the process.... my loox now wont power on....tried softreset and hard reset..... nothing happens, my loox is dead.

I remember it started when during the process, when I simultaneously pressed the FS Menu + Calendar + main switch while synched with Active Sync, my Loox didnt turn on. But the update process continued and it even said, upgrade is "successful"...... but why is it that my Loox does not power on now? :(

01-30-2003, 04:40 PM

01-30-2003, 05:42 PM
yeah thanks dude that was helpful...yet if you cant do anything more helpful, then youre not forced to post nonsense hehe

anyway, I just solved my problem.... sent my Loox over to the nearest Fujitsu service center, got it the next day...fixed and rom updated :lol: