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View Full Version : H5450 - ActiveSync via Bluetooth

01-26-2003, 06:01 PM
I have an Ambicom CF card that I use in my laptop. After having paired the Laptop and my Ipaq H5450 I go to bluetooth manager and create an activesync connection (The Ambicom card uses COM Port 6 for Serial Connections). I synchronize the first time just fine. As soon as I finish synchronizing and disconnect my activesync connection on my PDA, the laptop still shows like it would be connected (Green Icon on ASync instead of gray). after maybe one minute, it disconnects. however, if i try to sync again using bluetooth, i can't get it to connect to activesync. i have to kill the wcescomm process in task manager and restart it.
has anyone seen something similar??? any thoughts?? I would really appreciate some help on this one.

01-26-2003, 07:31 PM
I had that problem when I had that same card. My solution was to get a differnt bluetooth card and all my problems were solved. I now use the belkin bluetooth dongle but I modified it to fit inside my laptop. I also have one on my main desktop and it's worked fine ever since. With the ambicom card I could sync fine the first timt but after that I had to restart the laptop to get it to work again.

01-26-2003, 09:05 PM
How did you make the modifications on your Belkin Card???