01-21-2003, 10:49 AM
<a href=""></a><br /><br /><a href="">Jenneth</a> is on a reviewing spell. This time she reviews PoQuick Money Enterprise for the Pocket PC, a prize that she won in our New Year contests! Jenneth has put together a very detailed multipage review, with tons of screenshots and observations, so go read it if you're in the market for a expense tracking program.<br /><br />But that's not all... Jenneth has been contacted by MasterSoft Mobile Solutions, and she's having <a href="">a giveaway of her own</a>. She'll give away 20 copies of PoQuick Money Enterprise - 5 per week - to those responding to <a href="">a specific thread</a> where you will need to post an original idea, suggestion, comment, bug or describe the way that you use this program. Good luck!