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01-20-2003, 03:27 AM
I am still waiting for my Axim to arrive. Does the Axim work with the IBM 1Gb microdrive? Is the battery drain too much? I am going to be using it often to listen to mp3s. How long do you think the battery on the Axim will last when using a microdrive continiously?

Kati Compton
01-20-2003, 03:33 AM
I don't have one, but I don't see any reason why it shouldn't. The slot is of the correct type to use a microdrive. Battery life will be less while using it, but you're still going to get a lot of time out of it. Sorry I can't help you more, but I think a microdrive is a pretty safe bet. I know it's 1/2 the size, but a 512MB CF is "cheap" now, too, and would eat less battery (though the Axim has battery to spare unless you're doing a lot of transcontinental flying). A regular CF would be less delicate than a microdrive, which is one reason I like those. Especially as it is slightly difficult to get CF cards in and out of the Axim. But you do lose the extra space per $. Just something to keep in mind if you haven't made the microdrive purchase.

If you do get a microdrive, make sure it has a "lip" or something at the top. I read a thread about someone who got one that didn't have a lip and they couldn't get it out... Don't mean to scare you, though...

01-20-2003, 03:39 AM
Thanx Kati, the Axim will be my first PPC, so i don't have any experience with the Pocket PC hardware:

Will a game like Age of Empires run slow if it is run from a microdrive? I know that the loading time is obviously going to increase when compared with RAM (or at least it is suppose to). But once loaded, is it going to be slow runnign from the Microdrive? I guess not since RAM will take over after loading... am i correct?

Kati Compton
01-20-2003, 03:49 AM
Will a game like Age of Empires run slow if it is run from a microdrive? I know that the loading time is obviously going to increase when compared with RAM (or at least it is suppose to). But once loaded, is it going to be slow runnign from the Microdrive? I guess not since RAM will take over after loading... am i correct?

Again, I don't have a Microdrive, but I would assume that yes, that would be the case.

Janak Parekh
01-20-2003, 06:22 AM
OK, couple points on using the Microdrive with the Axim:

1. Apparently, removing it is fairly tricky - you're "supposed" to use the Microdrive with a device that has an eject mechanism; although I managed without on my iPaq for years, apparently the drive gets a little more recessed inside the Axim. As a mitigating factor, you should get the "new" Microdrives (the 1GB falls in this category), which have "tabs" that you can remove to make it easier to remove the Microdrive. See http://members.fortunecity.com/streetmagic/microdrive/mdindex.html - and never use pliers. Unfortunately, someone did (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=6355). :( I'd suggest you read that thread too.

2. The sustained transfer rate of the Microdrive is amongst the best of any CF cards. However, the drive spins down after 2-3 seconds of no use and needs another second to spin up. If you're using a program that does semi-frequent, but short, disk accesses, you'll find the Microdrive insanely annoying. For example, I used to put Microsoft Reader .lit books on the MD, but gave that up a while ago because I'd have to wait every time I turned the page. I don't know what the AofE's access patterns are.

3. Continuous access via the MD is a substantial drain. On my ancient iPaq 3650, I got maybe 2 hours of battery life while running the MD, as opposed to maybe 6 hours without. The Dell has a much better battery, admittedly. Now, I use my MD with a iPaq 3870 with a CF+ sleeve that has its own battery and ejector functionality, plus I use music software that "caches" so the MD doesn't have to stay on all the time, and I'm happy with that combination - the MD doesn't have a noticeable effect on battery life anymore.

4. If #1, #2, or #3 don't sound appealing, consider getting a 512MB CF instead. They're not that expensive anymore--still more than a 1GB MD, but they have less battery drain and are sturdier.


01-20-2003, 02:57 PM
I have an Axim and a 1GB Microdrive.

Janak is correct about removal of the Microdrive on the Axim. It is a bit difficult and requires me to use my fingernails. Luckily I have strong fingernails. What makes it difficult is the fact that the "cutout" for the access to the Axim's CF slot is not centered on the CF slot space. My other CF card has a ridge along its entire top that makes it easy to remove from the Axim. The microdrive "ridge" is smaller and only on the center of the Microdrive. The centered ridge on the Microdrive doesn't quite line up with the off-center cutout on the Axim's slot. (Kind of hard to describe without a picture, but I gave it a shot!)

As for battery drain on the Axim...I have listened to MP3s stored on the microdrive for 3 hour stretches going from full charge to 65-70%. I haven't tested for longer uses, however.

01-20-2003, 03:44 PM
I have an Axim and a 1GB Microdrive.

Janak is correct about removal of the Microdrive on the Axim. It is a bit difficult and requires me to use my fingernails. Luckily I have strong fingernails. What makes it difficult is the fact that the "cutout" for the access to the Axim's CF slot is not centered on the CF slot space. My other CF card has a ridge along its entire top that makes it easy to remove from the Axim. The microdrive "ridge" is smaller and only on the center of the Microdrive. The centered ridge on the Microdrive doesn't quite line up with the off-center cutout on the Axim's slot. (Kind of hard to describe without a picture, but I gave it a shot!)

As for battery drain on the Axim...I have listened to MP3s stored on the microdrive for 3 hour stretches going from full charge to 65-70%. I haven't tested for longer uses, however.

I'm not really to concerned about having to use fingernails, I used to use tape to remove my 340MB MD from my Ipaq. My main concern is battery drain. But if you can play MP3's for 3 hours and only drain the battery 35-35%, then that is FANTASTIC!

My question is very basic, does the MD drain the battery if it is in the CF slot but not being accessed? I only plan on storing MP3's on the MD but was not planning on removing the drive when not in use. My 1G MD is due to be delivered tomorrow and I have been going back and forth as to whether I will keep it or return it and search for a 512MB CF card.


01-20-2003, 04:22 PM
Yes, I have experienced the same (or very close) battery drain when my Microdrive is installed but not in use. I usually remove it and place my other CF card in the Axim since I only use the Microdrive for MP3s. Once I forgot and left it installed and wondered why my battery was draining so much faster than usual...later discovered I hadn't switched out the Microdrive. I really have to say that compared to using the Microdrive with my iPAQ 3670, the Axim's battery life is a huge improvement. I could only use the Microdrive for about 2 hours before completely draining my iPAQ's battery.

Janak Parekh
01-20-2003, 04:36 PM
Yes, I have experienced the same (or very close) battery drain when my Microdrive is installed but not in use.
Interesting. I didn't experience that; the Microdrive sleeps almost instantly, so unless you're using applications that use the Microdrive heavily, the "idling" battery drain is about 10-20% (the amount of energy it takes to wake up, look around, and then sleep).

I keep my Microdrive in my 3870/CF+ all the time.

Sunnyone, have you tried the tabs trick on your MD? I haven't, but of course, the CF+ has an ejector mechanism :)


01-20-2003, 04:41 PM
Tab tricks? Enlighten me please! :wink:

As far as battery drain, the one instance I left the microdrive in, I definitely wasn't using it, since the only thing stored on it is MP3s. Maybe I'm just unlucky.... Or maybe it's cause my Microdrive's about a year old? I always keep it in the CF jacket it came with, when it's not in use.

Janak Parekh
01-20-2003, 04:51 PM
Tab tricks? Enlighten me please! :wink:
The link I mentioned above (http://members.fortunecity.com/streetmagic/microdrive/mdindex.html). I've never gathered up the courage to do it, but it seems really, really easy, and other BH members had success with it at the time.

As far as battery drain, the one instance I left the microdrive in, I definitely wasn't using it, since the only thing stored on it is MP3s. Maybe I'm just unlucky.... Or maybe it's cause my Microdrive's about a year old? I always keep it in the CF jacket it came with, when it's not in use.
Interesting. Mine's 2.5 years old. Like I said, it could be the programs you're running - some of them trigger the Microdrive to spin up. When you get a chance, listen and see if your MD is (audibly) running.


01-20-2003, 05:13 PM
Sorry for not seeing the above link for the tabs :oops:

I'm not sure I'm brave enough to try....

And I'll listen for that spinning next time :lol:

01-20-2003, 08:27 PM
I used a piece of tape--serves the purpose well. I didn't want to mess around with taking apart the drive at all.

The Microdrive works with the Axim. I'd recommend to go with a CF Type1 card though as that has no moving parts and drains less of your battery (unless, of course, you're running the 3400 extended battery on the Dell).

I also noticed that you can't power-on and power-off as quickly with any sort of memory in the device. Basically, if I power it on and want to immediately power down, the thing won't respond for 2-3 seconds.

01-20-2003, 09:39 PM
What kind of Cache program? Where did you get it?

I am debating whether to get a 1 gig microdrive for movies and mp3s or if I should wait for the Toshiba Hopbit.

It's basically their 5gig pc card drive in external form with a USB port for putting things on it and bluetooth for connecting to PDAs. Lithium Ion for 6 hours of use. I'd love to keep it in my bag or something and be able to stream movies & mp3s.

Since it'd be in my bag most of the time, I'm debating whether to wait or if some other more cost-effective ($400 in Japan right now for the Hopbit) solution, as you can get the 5 gig Pc card drives for like $150... not sure about feasability or the rest of it.


Janak Parekh
01-20-2003, 10:45 PM
What kind of Cache program? Where did you get it?
I'm talking about PocketMVP (www.pocketmvp.com) and iPlay (www.40th.com), both of which have Microdrive-caching support (they copy the music to RAM, and play it from there, so the MD doesn't have to stay running).

Since it'd be in my bag most of the time, I'm debating whether to wait or if some other more cost-effective ($400 in Japan right now for the Hopbit) solution, as you can get the 5 gig Pc card drives for like $150... not sure about feasability or the rest of it.
Of course, if you want to use a PC card drive in an Axim, it's not so convenient.


01-22-2003, 02:50 AM
I just received my 1G MD and must say that I am VERY pleased. Copied all MP3's/WMA from my 128 and 256MB CF cards and it seems to work just fine.

I have an Axim and a 1GB Microdrive.

Janak is correct about removal of the Microdrive on the Axim. It is a bit difficult and requires me to use my fingernails. Luckily I have strong fingernails. What makes it difficult is the fact that the "cutout" for the access to the Axim's CF slot is not centered on the CF slot space. My other CF card has a ridge along its entire top that makes it easy to remove from the Axim. The microdrive "ridge" is smaller and only on the center of the Microdrive. The centered ridge on the Microdrive doesn't quite line up with the off-center cutout on the Axim's slot. (Kind of hard to describe without a picture, but I gave it a shot!).

I see what you mean about the ridge, that would be hard to describe. Even though it is off-centered in the Dell, it is WAY easier to remove than the 340MB MD I had with my Ipaq. At least with the 1G I can remove it without the use of any external tools (I too have strong fingernails :D ).