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View Full Version : New PIM - PocketDay Beta Version Available

01-16-2003, 01:40 PM
PocketDay is a new fresh PIM written using Microsofts new .NET compact framework for the Pocket PC. It's designed as a simple yet powerful alternative to the somewhat complex and confusing AF and PI products.

Features Include:

• Calendar, Task and Address Functionality with in-line wrapping
• Task view with category selection and Due date/Priority sorting
• Day/Week/Month Views (day and week views can show task information)
• Day, Week, and Task views can also show Notes with appointments and tasks (in-line with wrapping)
• Two week views with user selectable # of days
• User color coding of tasks by priority
• Full contact functionality with multiple sort views
• Able to select contacts by category and a sort for each category
• Selectable font sizes
• Full compatibility with the built in PIM databases

I'm looking for feedback, new ideas, etc. to make this the best PIM available. New views into your PIM data are easy to incorporate, so suggest away.

It's missing some stuff that I'll add if there's enough interest.

You can download it at handango as follows:


Sanjay Srikonda
01-16-2003, 08:40 PM
I clicked the provided link, an internal server error comes up and it's also going to the palm OS section of handago.

just thought you'd like to know

01-16-2003, 08:51 PM
Thanks, I corrected it.

Sanjay Srikonda
01-16-2003, 08:53 PM
still an internal server error

01-16-2003, 09:49 PM
Loaded PocketDay. Worked fine.
Add scrolling capability - that would ROCK!
I changed the colors for tasks and after OK, received some kind of error screen which promptly disappeared. PocketDay will no longer start. I'm going to reload.

Program won't let me reload. It says the .exe. is in use or ROM. Trying to remove program. Well, that's not working either. I also can't delete files using explorer. Hmmm, sounds like it needs some work.

I did like the format though. IMHO it's handy to see a button/icon depress when it is selected.

OK. SOft reset cleared it up. I've uninstalled and will now re-install. OK, seems to be working.

What's the purpose of the month view display? It looks just like a calendar. Nothing on it.

Is there any way to manually update the screen after a change?

I lost my day headers and side bars. CLosing and re-opening the program restored them.

Standard PIM Categories don't seem to be here.

Need to have "File As" option for contacts. This is usefule for names of places like restaurants. Instead of entering Armadillo, Willy's, I can just do Armadillo Willy's then "File As" the name that way.

Hope that's enough feedback for now!

01-17-2003, 04:24 PM

Scrolling which way? Every screen should scroll vertically, just not horizontally. The month display will ultimately show info, just haven't gotten around to it yet. If you hit the "today" picture to the left of the arrows on the top toolbar, the current screen will refresh.

Any idea what you did prior to losing the day headers and sidebars?

Currently you have to add the categories manually in the options page.

File AS is actually there, it's called Standard.

Thanks for the feedback.



01-17-2003, 11:18 PM
I have an HP Jornada 568. I must use the scroll bars to scroll. It would be great if you could scroll using the scroll button or Dpad.

OK, I just lost my scroll bars again. From Week view, I selected Options, The checked the 'Single Line Agenda' box and unchecked the 'Display Notes' box. After OK, my week view had no scroll bar, just a white blank spot. Going to the next week and back restores it, refreshing does not.

I also lost the scroll bar when I checked a task complete and hit refresh.

There's a display bug under the colors option. Alternate Contacts selected retains a dark blue bar until I select a color.

I think you should change the refresh icon. The one you have is pretty much standard for "go to Today" in most calendar software.

Standard is not doing "File As'. Also, I kept selecting different drop downs like Standard, First, Last Company, and ended up in reverse alphabetical order, last name first! I'm also getting some contacts with the name mising, just a blank space.

01-21-2003, 03:06 AM
I have been testing this out for a couple of hours and I must say that the layout looks great! It certainly looks better than the stock apps, and I hope that you can make it one of the best out there.

Here are my questions and comments

1) The first thing I noticed was that it took a long time to load....about 5-6 seconds. I am using a Toshiba e330.

2) in the contacts screen, only home or office numbers are shown. Several of my contacts have only mobile numbers and it does not show up nor do I have any option to make it appear.

3) I use the jog dial a lot and it apparently does nothing on the contacts and task screen (then again, neither does the d-pad) and using it on the monthly view makes it go up/down position-wise, not date-wise.

I'll provide more feedback as I use it day to day. I must say, I like where it is going. Keep up the great work!


01-21-2003, 06:51 PM

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm working on the load time, but I may not be able to change it much as there's overhead when using the Microsoft .NET framework.

I haven't gotten around to the jog dial/dpad stuff yet, but I will.



01-31-2003, 10:52 PM
Version .8.26 has just been posted at Handango.


03-12-2003, 08:59 PM
Looks great - I really like the app. I am having some trouble where some recurring appointments don't seem to show up on the calendar, though. If I edit them in the Calendar tool, most of the time that's enough to make them show up in PocketDay, but I've got one that I can't seem to convince to show up.

Any ideas?

03-12-2003, 09:02 PM
Is the item marked private? I can't seem to get these to appear, but I'll figure it out eventually.

03-31-2003, 07:19 PM
My private appointments aren't showing up, but I can live with that. The main problem I'm having is with recurring meetings. My regular project, team, manager, etc meetings that have been on my calendar for 6+ months dont' show up on the PocketDay week view.

The weird thing is that I can open the Calendar app, change the reminder prompt from 15 to 20 minutes, switch weeks back and forth in PocketDay, and they'll be there.

Unfortunately, the 'edit in Calendar' workaround has caused me to stop using PocketDay, because I'm never sure what I'm missing. I'll be happy to provide whatever debugging information or support that I can - PocketDay is a lot handier than the default apps.

03-31-2003, 07:44 PM
Download the current version 1.0.3 - Recurring appts are fixed.

04-02-2003, 11:14 PM
Looks like I downloaded the previous version just a few days before your update.

The new version looks great. I'm going to give it a test drive for a week or so, but if all goes well, you can expect a registration sometime soon.


04-03-2003, 12:27 AM
No PPC 2000 support :cry:

Does basing it on .NET preclude you from supporting PPC2000?

04-03-2003, 01:25 PM

It probably will work as long as it's an ARM or XSCALE processor. Give it a try.


04-03-2003, 02:59 PM

It probably will work as long as it's an ARM or XSCALE processor. Give it a try.


Sorry, I'd love to give it a try but I use a good ol'Casio EM-500, MIPS based.

04-21-2003, 10:48 PM
The week view (v1.03) doesn't seem to work. It shows only the appointments and tasks for the current day shown in the "Wk of Apr xx, 2003" where xx is today's date. Is there a fix to this, or should I uninstall and reinstall PocketDay?