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View Full Version : Notes Function not working on iPaq. How can I restore it?

01-11-2003, 07:08 PM
The Notes function on my h3955 iPaq is not working correctly. I cannot open notes and there are other things in Notes not working properly. I must have deleted/corrupted a file. How can I restore the Notes function without doing a hard reset?

If I have to do a hard reset, will I have to re-install everything?

Advice needed!!

Thanks in advance.

01-11-2003, 10:15 PM
have you installed any software recently? i noticed that when i installed mazingo a few weeks back, notes, noteM, and excel all wouldn't open.

once i uninstalled Mazingo, everything went back to normal.

01-12-2003, 12:08 AM
Thanks for the advice. It seems I'm always installing/uninstalling.