Andy Sjostrom
01-10-2003, 01:53 PM
<a href=""></a><br /><br />cesarfong posted in the developer forum about an <a href="">episode of "The .NET Show"</a> that covers the .NET Compact Framework. I've watched the video and think it provides a nice introduction to what it's all about!<br /><br />"The .NET Compact Framework<br />Posted: November 26, 2002<br />Show Length: 1 hour, 11 minutes<br /><br />This episode of "The .NET Show" we talk with David Rasmussen, Oshoma Momoh, and Ed Kaim about the features, benefits, implementation details, and programming methodologies that the .NET Compact Framework enables."<br /><br />Follow the link to discuss this in cesarfong's original post!