01-09-2003, 06:02 PM
:?: I'm a new Pocket PC (Dell Axim X5) user and have a question. I sync my handheld with my office computer with Outlook being the primary application I use. I also have a home computer running Outlook with different (personal) detail. So none of the Outlook detail from my home computer exists on my handheld. That is what I want. Now, if I order eWallet to keep track of my credit card info, etc., being that it is a personal application I'd like to install it on my HOME desktop. If I do that then I need to sync my handheld with my home computer ONLY for that one application. So, if I follow this logic will the Dell Axim attempt to sync with my home Outlook and then overwrite my office Outlook detail with my home Outlook detail? That would NOT be what I want. How can I then sync with both my office and home computers and selectively sync selected applications. I hope I explained this clearly. In essence I want to sync with my office Outlook files (not my home Outlook files) but I also want to sync with my home eWallet files. Any suggestions/comments are greatly appreciated.