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View Full Version : I've heard a lot of things, but What is the real deal with using VPN on your Pocket PC?

01-07-2003, 09:29 PM
I just got a Seimans SX56 wireless Pocket PC. I want to set up VPN on it, but I'm concerned about the performance and security of it. I've been hearing a lot of things about VPN on pocket PC, some people says it's horrible, while others say it's the best thing about having one.

Can someone tell me more about VPNin' on a pocket PC, and what programs they recommend?

I'll give them a cookie. :wink:

BTW- Right now we use Cisco VPN client to connect to our VPN 3000 concentrator.

01-08-2003, 08:05 PM
I can only speak for myself. I can connect and do AIM, ping, map network drives, EXCEPT I can't run PIE. Any time I try it kills the VPN connection. An older post told me that's a known problem with PIE. I haven't tried any other VPN software except what came with Pocket PC 2002 so it's (obviously) a pptp connection. Any other comments are welcome to solve my problem and good luck with VPN. btw: i also use Cisco VPN on my laptop to connect my PIX at work, nice product.