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Andy Sjostrom
01-07-2003, 01:14 PM
<a href="http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=code">http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=code</a><br /><br />Chris Forsberg and myself have just made available all the <a href="http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=evbcode">eMbedded Visual Basic source code</a> found in our book <a href="http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=ppde">"Pocket PC Development in the Enterprise"</a>. Source code includes sample code from chapters as well as all tiers of a mobile field service application including Pocket PC client, server components and server database. We now have dropped development in the old environment and focus entirely on .NET Compact Framework using Visual C# and VB.NET.<br /><br />You can download our <a href="http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=code">.NET Compact Framework source code</a> and we'll add more as we move along!

Mike Temporale
01-07-2003, 02:19 PM
Chris Forsberg and myself have just made available all the eMbedded Visual Basic source code (http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=evbcode) found in our book "Pocket PC Development in the Enterprise" (http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=ppde).

I didn't know you had a book out?! Congrats. Looks good. (I've added this to my Amazon Wish list. Too bad Christmas is over... )

Peter Foot
01-07-2003, 02:37 PM
our book "Pocket PC Development in the Enterprise" (http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=ppde)

A very good book too. I found it very useful when working on my final year project!

01-07-2003, 04:22 PM
our book "Pocket PC Development in the Enterprise" (http://www.businessanyplace.net/?p=ppde)

A very good book too. I found it very useful when working on my final year project!

Guess I'll have to go find a copy. And the examples have some cool stuff in them ...

01-08-2003, 05:06 AM
i wil review the code.. :P