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View Full Version : Just a simple Grafitti versus Transcriber poll . . .

01-05-2003, 08:10 PM
Just a simple poll . . .

Personally, I prefer Grafitti . . . or at least I did. When using Wordsmith for Palm, there were simple cut/copy/paste (and other) commands which could be executed using a certain stroke. For example, slash from bottom left to top right, followed by the stroke for the letter "c" meant, not surprisingly, "Copy." However, while using Word and other programs, I cannot use Grafitti shortcuts. Just as I was about to go looking for hacks (oh wait, there are none for PPC!), I was fiddling around with Transcriber, which I had not used much previously. The reasons I had not used Transciber earlier are these:

a) I have found the letter recognition a little weak. That is, I usually write with a certain slant, and yes, I know that you can change to orientation but that has not helped. It is not a huge problem, just an annoyance.

b) When attempting to write, the selector feature often overrides the writing feature. Yes, I know that this can be avoided by avoiding empty fields, yet this is just one more annoyance.

That said, the first problem is a much bigger concern, due to the fact that it misinterprets one in every three letters, than the second. Moving on though, I think I am ready to begin using Transcriber all the time now, because of two reasons. One, the virtual grafitti area takes up precious space, and two, I have discovered, cut/copy/paste/undo commands.

Those are my thoughts. I have no experience with Fitaly, as it costs money that I do not want to spend. Anyone have any suggestions?

01-05-2003, 09:14 PM
I've found that with Transcriber, accuracy comes over time. You learn which letters of yours it doesn't like, and learn to adapt a bit. When you learn the different strokes of transcriber and how to tickle it right, it can be powerfully effective and fast.

That said, other methods are great for other situtations - i.e. soft keyboard for putting it bits of punctuation or one letter at a time, or perhaps letter recognizer / block recognizer, although I've found Transcriber to be better than those.

01-06-2003, 12:09 AM


OK OK OK ....just kidding.

sorry that was uncalled for....I go with transcriber

Sven Johannsen
01-06-2003, 12:17 AM
Have you taken a look at Phatware's Calligrapher. It is Transcriber on steroids. I find it is more accurate (though some don't) and I'll admit I didn't give Transcriber much of a chance before buying Calligrapher.

The two pluses beyond the recognition IMHO, are the full keyboard that can be quickly popped up and repositioned on the screen, and the pen macros, which can help in doing copy and paste as well as frequent strings and even full addresses, etc.

For me, with Calligrapher, you could take the other options away. I'd never miss them.

01-06-2003, 12:30 AM
I also have to chime in here and sing Calligrapher's praises. As I noted a while back on a similar thread, I avoided it a long time because of the cost, but once I tried it I really regretted all the time without it. I think it does recognize even more accurately than Transcriber, and the macro capability is phenomenal!

Check it out with the 30 day trial :!:

01-06-2003, 01:29 AM
Well, here's my 2 cents....

I was using a palm device (clie s500) for two years and got really good with graffiti. After jumping to the PPC camp, I found out that my handwriting became absolutely awful. Using the transcriber not only felt more natural for me, but it improved my handwriting significantly.


01-06-2003, 03:23 AM
I'm a new PPC user, and I am using Transcriber. It's great. I would love to try Calligrapher, but to be honest, I am afraid to install it. Did I read that it removes the Transcriber? What if I don't like it, and want the transcriber back? Does that require a hard reset, and you lose all the programs and data you've entered. I know I can reinstall things, and I have the Outlook stuff, but all my lists and things I've added, I don't want to have to do that.
Do I have the information right? Sounds a little scary to me. 8O

01-06-2003, 05:52 AM
Kelly, I have not read anything about Calligrapher, but I can't imagine you would be forced to do a hard reset to restore Transcriber, if indeed it does remove it at all. If you are really worried, you can backup your data before installing it. I am sure tho, that someone who has already installed it will soon put your mind at ease about this . . .

Vincent M Ferrari
01-06-2003, 06:13 AM
I actually like the block recognizer best. Of course, having been (and still being) a Palm user since the original Palm Pilot, it's an input method I'm very familiar with.

The other methods don't seem as accurate, at least for me, as the BR.

01-06-2003, 06:32 AM
still tinkering, on PPC2K you could customize the block recongizer to act more like grafitti with the capshack (at least on my Jornada) the current block recognizer forces you to use basic grafitti wich is a step backwards.

I find the transcriber not as reliable as I'd like, I'm still tinkering with both.

Sven Johannsen
01-06-2003, 06:44 AM
Calligrapher doesn't really remove Transcriber, but over-rides it when it is installed. (Transcriber is in ROM after all). There are instructions on removing Calligrapher on the Phatware website, and it does not require a hard reset. They also supply a utility that will allow you to switch between Transcriber and Calligrapher as the HRW engine. That is not designed to pop back and forth, but rather to make it a little easier to try both while you decide.

01-06-2003, 12:11 PM
May be just me but I just went from a Maestro to the Axim and I have been getting better results with Transcriber since the change.

Was there a code change?

01-07-2003, 02:43 PM
I'm getting an iPaq soon and just wondered... can you actually train the transcriber to recognise your writing..?

01-07-2003, 04:54 PM
I'm getting an iPaq soon and just wondered... can you actually train the transcriber to recognise your writing..?

Sort of: Transcriber has a database of letters written in many different ways. You simply go through the alphabet and choose which form of each letter matches your hand writing the closest. After you have "trained" Transcriber it is able to better recognize your handwriting.

This method is not perfect and different people have varying levels of success but over all it works well for me, and is my preferred method of input. You should know though that it will still mangle your words from time to time so it is best to proof as you go.

Some people say Calligrapher is more accurate, but for me the cost does not justify the end result. I have used it and only seen marginal improvement. Lastly if you decide to install Calligrapher and not purchase it you must uninstall the program using the method outlined at their Web site. If not Transcriber will be unavailable for use.

01-07-2003, 04:56 PM
Calligrapher doesn't really remove Transcriber, but over-rides it when it is installed. (Transcriber is in ROM after all). There are instructions on removing Calligrapher on the Phatware website, and it does not require a hard reset. They also supply a utility that will allow you to switch between Transcriber and Calligrapher as the HRW engine. That is not designed to pop back and forth, but rather to make it a little easier to try both while you decide.

Ooppss...I didn't read the fact that you explained some of what I was saying already. :oops: