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View Full Version : Whats a good game (or way) to test my d-pad on my new Axim??

01-05-2003, 06:07 PM
I have never been much of a game player, and have never used a d-pad on my PPC. I have a new Axim, and everyone is comparing their d-pads, so I thought I should test mine also.

Problem is, I dont have anything to test it with.

Whats a good, simple game to load that I can use to see if it works or not?

Other than games, why is a d-pad neccessary??


01-05-2003, 07:18 PM
A simple test would just to be to go into pocket excel and use the d-pad to move in all directions. If it moves easily everytime to each direction you should be ok. It is kind of weird my axim d-pad isn't perfect but I realized while playing most games I could hit the up-right direction and move right fairly well in most games. I may however return it at a later date.

01-05-2003, 07:51 PM
If you want some games...........


If you don't know how to download games to the pocket pc....... Just download the game, as you noramally would, and it will download to the pocket pc.

Try it :D