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View Full Version : Problem with eVB

01-05-2003, 05:21 PM
Hope someone can help me with this:
Got an Axim5 and downloaded eVB. Tried to transfer a small program to the Axim, but keep getting an error: "Invalid Platform". I am not sure what that means, but in the Platform manager, it had no problem connecting to the unit.

Any help would be appreciated.

P.S.: I also posted this to the DeVBuzz forum but had no replies.

Thanks in advance

01-05-2003, 05:29 PM
Are you using the PPC2002 SDK? Sounds like you might be using the 2000 one. Does the program run on the emulator ok, even if it doesn't on the device?

Kati Compton
01-05-2003, 06:29 PM
Programs compiled with PPC2000 should also work on the Axim. I don't know about eVB, but in eVC you need to set your target platform. x86 for running on the emulator, ARM for running on the Axim.

01-05-2003, 06:45 PM
Thank you both for the reply!

Answering both questions:
Am using SDK 2002 - and, the program runs well under the emulator.

these are the available platforms (under the platform manager):

I see no ARM - is it possible to download that?

Again, thank you inadvance, I am in a real time constraint getting this project going,

Steven Cedrone
01-05-2003, 06:55 PM
SA1100 is what you want to use...

SH3 (Older Jornada's, etc.)
R4000 - MIPS
SA1100 - ARM
The other two - Emulation on your desktop


Kati Compton
01-05-2003, 06:59 PM

I see no ARM - is it possible to download that?

In my installer (which was for both eVC and eVB), I think I remember having to select which processors I wanted support for so it could install the correct components. I'm not sure about that. But is it possible that this was the case and ARM support was not installed? (I'm a C person, so I don't know much about eVB).

EDIT: Ah - I knew SA1100 was *an* ARM, just not if it was the right choice given how in eVC it just says "ARM". Thanks Steve.

Janak Parekh
01-05-2003, 07:17 PM
EDIT: Ah - I knew SA1100 was *an* ARM, just not if it was the right choice given how in eVC it just says "ARM". Thanks Steve.
For trivia's sake, the SA1100 is the StrongARM, of which the 206MHz variant appeared in the earlier Pocket PC's. The new XScale units use the PXA250 processor, which is backwards-compatible with the SA1100. :)


Kati Compton
01-05-2003, 08:04 PM
EDIT: Ah - I knew SA1100 was *an* ARM, just not if it was the right choice given how in eVC it just says "ARM". Thanks Steve.
For trivia's sake, the SA1100 is the StrongARM, of which the 206MHz variant appeared in the earlier Pocket PC's. The new XScale units use the PXA250 processor, which is backwards-compatible with the SA1100. :)

Yes, but it's not just a question of processor when compiling at the high level - it's also making sure that the right OS calls get used, and that the other hardware is accessed correctly. If it had said "Pocket PC SA1100", that's one thing. But I wasn't sure if it was SA1100 for another embedded system since the terminology was different than I'd seen with eVC.