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View Full Version : Presenter-To-Go by Margi: Type I or Type II?

12-31-2002, 02:39 PM
Margi has two CF card products for Presenter-To-Go, Type I and Type II. I can't find any source of info on what the differences are (other than the obvious I vs. II). I've e-mailed Margi but haven't heard back yet. Anyone have any info?


12-31-2002, 03:38 PM
Margi has two CF card products for Presenter-To-Go, Type I and Type II. I can't find any source of info on what the differences are (other than the obvious I vs. II). I've e-mailed Margi but haven't heard back yet. Anyone have any info?

The type II card does not work in a Ipaq 3970, I had to exchange it for a type I card that I use now to my full satisfaction. As far as I know the only difference between the cards is in compatibility, not in performance.

12-31-2002, 06:44 PM
I tested both and there is absolutely no difference between the two except for the size. All software and performance is the same. If you have a Jornada, like me, you should get the Type I card since the slot will not allow Type II cards.