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View Full Version : BT Connection problem

12-30-2002, 08:01 PM
I have a 3970 connecting to a Belkin USB BT, I have been able to get the BT to work like a champ until I leave the area where the Belkin can "see" me. When I come back into the area after loosing connection I have to soft reset the 3970 to be able to sync with the PC.

When I come back into the area, the PC can see the 3970 just fine.

I don't understand why the 3970 can't reaquire a connection.


12-30-2002, 11:36 PM
Are you setting them up as paired devices? (trusted devices)

Educated guess: If not, it can take up to a minute or so for them to resynchronise.


01-02-2003, 02:24 PM
Yes they are bonded together. I can't them to re-aquire after any amount of time. They have just sat next to each other for an hour, no go.

Thanks for your help though.


01-02-2003, 07:50 PM
If they have been paired, and you did not shut off the BT transmitter, they should very fast find eachother again. Sounds like you have been unlucky enough to run into a hardware problem.

Just a thought: is the USB BT adapter right next to a computer screen or similar, try moving it away (my Sitecom BT came with a short cable).


Abba Zabba
01-03-2003, 08:23 AM
Are you sure you stay within the range of the BT transmitters.

You should also try to keep it away from the wall (facing). It might help a bit. And like Jorgen said keep it away fromt the screen and any other electronic devices if at all possible I know that sounds strange.

Just trying to think :idea:

01-08-2003, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys for your information, but I do have it away from my computer screen and it isn' near a wall (I don't get to have a window office :( )

I do not stay within the BT range on purpose. Let me try to explain....

If you have your BT working fine with your PC and PPC and you leave your house with the PPC in hand. When you come back to your home what do you do to reconnect to the PPC via BT? I don't want to have to do anything; it should just reconnect.

I don't have them looking for authentication each time, they are bonded and aren't looking for encryption (I have it set at lowest possible security, right now not a concern). I have set it so that I don’t have to have any authentication or encryption on either device.

What I am going to be using the PPC for is data collection in the field and uploading that information to a laptop that is placed in a vehicle nearby. Picture an individual checking your water meter on the side of your house and just recording a number. I want that information, whenever he/she is near their vehicle to have that information uploaded to the laptop automatically. I don't want them to have to turn on and off the BT, battery life isn't a concern right now we can handle that later on, I think that we have the programming to go out and have the laptop constantly looking for data to be grabbed from PPC's in the area.

Am I explaining what I am looking for well enough? It is tough to do when trying for such a unique experience.

Thanks for anymore thoughts.


01-09-2003, 04:09 AM
Well I am sorry this is not a direct answer.

When my laptop froze while bluetooth was active on my 3955 with bluetooth cf card, my 3955 would not respond. I had to softreset the 3955.

This only seems to happen if the laptop is the one that stops. If I walk out of range I loose my connection. Upon retruing to range I can click the connection I want and it reconnects. It will not connect automatically just because I am in range.

It seem that if the connection is suddenly terminated I have to soft reset, but if the connection is lost due to moving out of range the software senses this and disconnects for me.

This probably does not help much but I thought I would share my experience.

Good luck.
