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View Full Version : e740 can't access the internet (or LAN) using Netgear MR814NA router

12-29-2002, 06:35 PM
I have a netgear MR814NA router + WAP. There are two computers connected to it via ethernet. The only Wi-Fi device is my e740. The router can see the device, and the device can see the router, but the device can't obtain an IP address (it gives me such error messeges every so often). I'm sitting about 3 feet away from the AP and the signal strength bar is full, speed is usually 11Mbps, so I don't believe that the problem is related to that.

In the network adapters applet, I have "Obtain a server-assigned IP" selected, and everything else (including name servers) blank (because this should be obtained from the DHCP server, yes?)

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)


12-29-2002, 07:23 PM
Try using a static IP address and manually entering the Gateway and DNS server addresses to rule out DHCP problems.


12-29-2002, 07:34 PM
Where would I go about finding the DNS server address? My ISP uses DHCP, so I don't have any documentation regarding this.

It now works, but without a DNS server I can only visit sites that I know the IP of.


Dave Beauvais
12-29-2002, 08:17 PM
You should make certain that the WEP encryption settings are the same on the router and your e740. Even if the router and e740 can see each other, the e740 won't be able to get an IP address if the encryption settings are mis-matched. I always suggest getting the wireless stuff working without encryption turned on; once things work, then you can start securing things a little more.

I'm not familiar with the interface on that router, but there will be some way to disable WEP encryption. Also check to make sure there is no MAC filtering turned on in the router if it supports that security feature. That could also cause problems. You disable it on the e740 by going to the Wireless LAN Utility on the System tab of Settings, going to the Advanced tab, and selecting "Disable" from the WEP Mode drop-down list. Tap apply, tap OK, turn off the e740, then turn it back on.

You mention that the router can see the e740. How do you know that? I'm not doubting you; just curious if the Netgear router has some feature where you can see devices attempting to attach to it. My Linksys WAP11 v2.2 access point has a logging feature that shows what devices have associated with it, but that's really the only way.

Also, a firmware update is usually a good thing. Check Netgear's site for updated firmware for your router. I had problems with a Linksys wireless-enabled router until updating its firmware to a newer version.


12-29-2002, 08:59 PM
WEP has been disabled from the start for the same reasons that you described. And the router has an "Access List" (currently disabled) that lists the devices (trying to) using it, and the e740 is there (MAC address and name match up). Both the router and e740 have the most recent firmware.

EDIT: It's working! I set the router's IP as the DNS server. :D