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View Full Version : FS: Handango PocketPC Plus Pack (unused of course!)

12-28-2002, 10:51 PM
It's on ebay now:


You will get the Plus Pack CD where you can make a choice of ONE of the following suite of titles:

1. The Mark; iGolf; Chess
2. Picture Perfect; Handango Security Guard; BugMe
3. Stock Manager; Pocket Informant; Handango Vault
4. The Mark; Picture Perfect; Stock Manager
5. Chess; Handango Security Guard; Pocket Informant
6. iGolf; BugMe; Handango Vault
7. The Mark; Handango Security Guard; Handango Vault
8. Chess; BugMe; Stock Manager
9. iGolf; Picture Perfect; Pocket Informant

Handango individual pricing:

The Mark: $24.95
iGolf: $24.95
Picture Perfect: $19.95
Handango Security Guard: $29.95
Handango Vault: $29.95
Stock Manager $19.95
BugMe!: $19.95
Pocket Informant: $24.95
Chess: $19.99

12-29-2002, 03:11 AM
Sorry, but the link you've provided doesn't seem to work....

- Nilay
Nilay Shah, MD

12-29-2002, 08:23 AM
Thanks! The above link should be good

01-02-2003, 01:15 AM
(The Jefferson's Theme... 'Movin' on up, to the top')
Better than bump