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View Full Version : what does internet explorer load pages so slow??

12-23-2002, 10:40 PM
Hi guys...Ive tried NETFRONT browser for pocket pc phone and thunderhawk.... both of which seem to go ALOT faster than pocket IE...is there some issue here with pocket IE?

also most pages dont actually "fit on page" when i select that option...
never been impressed with the built in pocket IE

i usually use thunderhawk...

there should also be an option in pocket IE to switch to landscape mode on the fly...that would be nice....i guess we can only dream for now...ha ha..

12-24-2002, 01:54 AM
It's a built in feature so its pretty bare, just like Notepad Lite (aka-Pocket Word). All it does for fit to page is shorten the length between cell spaces and wrap text if applicable. Anymore, with all the images, its hard to do.