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View Full Version : cant change baud rate from 19200

12-23-2002, 08:59 PM
Hi guys...after installing the new update from T mobile UU3? i think its called...

i cant seem to change my baud rate greater than 19200 in my gprs settings...

every time i change it to 57600 or 112000 and hit ok....after i go back into it, its 19200 again!!?!?!

can someone else try this and tell me if they are getting the same issue, and if this is going to have any impact on my connection speed?


12-23-2002, 09:47 PM
as per my note above...can someone else try to set their gprs at higher than 19200 and save it and see if they can or not....

also is there a way to monitor my gprs connection setting...? any software that shows me what im actually connected at?

12-24-2002, 12:04 AM
spb grps monitor does and there is a trial version
i liked their taskbar icon so i went ahead and bought it.
works well.

i think they should add actually phone usage monitoring features though.

12-24-2002, 04:49 PM
I believe the readme for the upgrade states that is still a known issue. The number will always go back to the one you are seeing.


Monty Gibson
12-25-2002, 05:52 AM
Hi guys...after installing the new update from T mobile UU3? i think its called...

i cant seem to change my baud rate greater than 19200 in my gprs settings...

every time i change it to 57600 or 112000 and hit ok....after i go back into it, its 19200 again!!?!?!

can someone else try this and tell me if they are getting the same issue, and if this is going to have any impact on my connection speed?


I wouldn't worry too much about this issue. First, it's a known issue. Second, even if you were using regular T-Mobile GPRS and set your PPC to 112000000.......00000000000 it wouldn't connect at that rate. So, it's futile to worry about it. I have the same PPCPE from T-Mobile, have completed the same upgrade and get 50Kbps every time; well, except when I am not near a cellular tower. But for the most part 50Kbps every time.