View Full Version : Pocket Informant or Pocket Agenda Fusion?
12-13-2002, 10:54 PM
Pocket Informant or Pocket Agenda Fusion?
Why do you prefer one over the other?
Kati Compton
12-13-2002, 10:59 PM
Pocket Informant or Pocket Agenda Fusion?
Why do you prefer one over the other?
I got Pocket Informant because it was free after rebate at CompUSA PLUS a $20 credit at Handango after registering.
That made my decision for me.
But I was leaning that way anyway because of hierarchical tasks.
12-14-2002, 05:08 AM
I started out with Agenda Fusion, actually liked it so much I bought it after two days of use, because it had won teh awards for 2002 and being new to Pocket PC's figured that since it won as the best PIM, it would be great.
Then I heard Pocket Informant and teh CompUSA offer. A friend of mine at work uses Pocket Informant and before I went to CompUSA to get it he showed it to me on his PDA. So I go to CompUSA and buy Pocket Informant come home take Agenda Fusion off my PDA and install PI. Well now after 2 days of using PI I am not sure which I like better. I like things about each one better than the other.
I may stick with PI since their website has a user forum and they are coming out with Journal Sync soon since I do use teh Journal in Outlook for keeping notes and things.
I will check out teh new version of Ageda Fusion when it becomes available as well.
Given that, I'm not exactly sure which way I'll go yet, but I can say that Agenda Fusion did seem more responsive. One problem I noticed though that it always wanted to restart my recurring tasks all the way back to the first day.
PI on the other hand does have a better looking Contact Screen and I like the way your appointments and stuff pop up in the monthly calendar and that it basically uses the outlook view in the daily view.
Just my two cents worth Your mileage may vary
12-14-2002, 09:11 AM
Given that, I'm not exactly sure which way I'll go yet, but I can say that Agenda Fusion did seem more responsive. One problem I noticed though that it always wanted to restart my recurring tasks all the way back to the first day.
PI on the other hand does have a better looking Contact Screen and I like the way your appointments and stuff pop up in the monthly calendar and that it basically uses the outlook view in the daily view.
Just my two cents worth Your mileage may vary
I've tried both now too, and PI seems more powerful, but Agenda Fusion is very intuitive. They both have lots of nice features, more than I will ever use. I guess I prefer the look and fell of Agenda Fusion. It's not as busy. It's like they took the pretty good Outlook PIM and added the pieces that were missing.
Thanks for everyone's comments!
12-15-2002, 06:39 PM
I own AF - no matter how many times I download and install the "latest" version of Pocket Informant, I keep going back to AF - AF is in my view a superior product with fast performance and great features.
Fred :D
12-16-2002, 05:12 AM
I have just triedthem both and have to vote for Fusion. The ability to have your day at a glance, both appointments and tasks, sealed it for me.
Janak Parekh
12-16-2002, 05:45 AM
I have just triedthem both and have to vote for Fusion. The ability to have your day at a glance, both appointments and tasks, sealed it for me.
Actually, both programs do this.
I think PI is great, some features make it a real power tool:
- Custom Views.
- In Line Month View.
- The Zoom.
- Hierarchical Tasks
Never seen this features in another app., try it and play for a while with it, itīs worth.
rob hulett
12-27-2002, 03:31 AM
I too tried both, and even almost bought Agenda Fusion for the look and feel, but after really playing around with both for about week, stayed and bought Pocket Informant. Haven't thought twice about my descision. The support, tweak ability and just the overall options are well worth it.
12-27-2002, 05:07 AM
So, we all agree that PI and AF are very close, but I think the CompUSA PI deal seals it. Either way, tough to choose. I think the AF vs. PI debate should be kept on the front page.
Janak Parekh
12-27-2002, 05:56 AM
Gremmie, the only problem is that the AF-vs-PI debate will only be solved at the same time as we accomplish world peace. :D
Kati Compton
12-27-2002, 06:32 AM
True, but it'd be nice to keep current. When I was trying to decide, I would search and see the older posts, but they usually weren't about the up-to-date versions. Having it sticky might keep the discussion more current... Same for things like WISbar/ICbar/GigaBar/etc. and a database program discussion. Whenever there's a set of similar programs it's nice to get other people's opinions. Especially for those of us that don't have as much time as we'd like to devote to the trial periods. :(
Janak Parekh
12-27-2002, 06:38 AM
Having it sticky might keep the discussion more current...
True, but it's a double-edged sword -- stickiness would also lead to an infinitely long (and ultimately confusing) discussion. In general, when someone announces a new version, we post updates here, at which point the ensuing conversation should keep you up-to-date. :)
12-28-2002, 04:56 PM
Is the Comp USA deal still on?? I went to purchase it about a week before Christmas and the person at the store told me that the only rebate was the $20 credit at Handango, which didn't really seem like a rebate to me, so I put it back.
12-29-2002, 12:19 AM
The CompUSA deal is over with. It was a one-week deal. You had to purchase the product by Dec 14
12-29-2002, 02:33 AM
I've got my Axim X5 on order, so I haven't had a chance to test either of these (downloaded the demo's and waiting for the hardware to test them on).
I do have a question about how they handle categories - Do they use the categories defined in the desktop version of Outlook, or are they unique to the program?
I've been using Palm for years and used Outlook at my desktop, primarily to give me a backup for my contact and appointment data. The categories in my Palm had no relation to the categories in Outlook, so I never bothered to define categories in Outlook.
Will it be worthwhile for me to to that now, while I'm waiting and have those category assignments carry on to either PI or AF on the PPC?
Also, is there a way to have separate sets of categories for contacts and tasks? From what I've seen in Outlook, there appears to be a single set of categories that you define that are assignable to anything. I think that's just dumb. On my Palm, my contact categories are things like friends, family, clients, vendors, while my categories for tasks are generally the job number that I'm working on, or personal, church, etc. I don't have categories that are the same, and I'd prefer to avoid having to scroll through a huge list of them.
Thanks and looking forward to getting my new Axim.
Hi Ed:
Categories within PI and Outlook are related, just keep in mind PI uses the same DB's than Pocket Outlook. Iīm not sure, but I think same happens with AF.
Donīt worry about changing the way you work with categories on the Palm OS (I had a Palm Vx too), within PI youīll find nice features that make it easy even when you use different sets for contacts and tasks, e.g. scrolling categories happens within a wide window (check boxes to select one or more!) that has an option to show icons instead of a drop down menu, and you have a menu option which filters to display only affiliated categories when changing views, more, you can set it to use filtered categories when creating new items, and so on.
BTW, multi-categories is allowed.
Donīt forget to look at calendar features, like Inline View and The Zoom, fantastic!
Just play arround with PI for a while and youīll never remember your Palm :D
Good luck.
12-30-2002, 03:02 AM
I'm a new PPC owner and new to PDAs in general. Got my Axim in the 24th. After having used Pocket Informant for a few days and not being thoroughly happy, I saw this thread and took a look at Agenda Fusion. Wow. This is much more intuitive for me.
The addition of Agenda Today (today screen plug-in) and I'm one happy camper.
The only thing I haven't figured out yet... Can I make Agenday Today's icons point to Agenda Fusion's functions? In other words, when I click task or calendar from Agenda Today, I'd like to be taken to Agenda Fusion's task or calendar.
12-30-2002, 06:30 PM
I waffled between the two programs for some time, even keeping both on my PPC at the same time for a long while. I found myself always going back to PI, due to the way it displays tasks and priorities and the priority-picker, plus the new priority manager utility. I also liked the way the appointments displayed in agenda view, and did not like the "today-screen-like" view in AF. Plus AF's time picker wasn't as intuitive.
12-31-2002, 05:46 PM
I have tried both PI and AF and between the two I like AF the best. I also have to throw in Dashboard. The purchased version works great on the Compaq Ipaq 3800, 3900, and 5400m series. The full version is not a performance hog. I stick with it because the Dashboard integrates into the Today screen. If anyone can tell me how to get AF to be the first screen I see when I turn my device on and out the window goes Dashboard.
01-01-2003, 07:52 AM
:idea: Add one of the AF or PI shortcuts to \windows\start directory.
I think everybody should try both programs and get an insight on what you look for and what you need, sure you won't pay more for less, if you don't need a complex feature there's no reason to give away extra-money.
Don't take a word from me, try both as I did, you'll find out that both programs deliver all that expected performance from a basic Pocket Outlook replacement, but only one delivers advanced features and maybe you don't know that you should know about them, and maybe your work will become faster, productivity will rise and, why not, you can enjoy all those views (just try Month-Inline-View and it's Zoom View).
Yep, it's Pocket Informant, and, :!: :D SURPRISE!!!, you can save 5 bucks if you choose PI!!! So, more for less? Yes, and it's not the first time. Pocket Informant delivers great feautures you won't find elsewhere, and it's only 24.95.
I'm not related to Pocket Informant by any way, I'm only a registered user, and please, don't believe me, don't believe anybody, remember, try both and compare, you'll find out what I'm talking about.
01-10-2003, 04:46 PM
Pocket Informant or Pocket Agenda Fusion?
Why do you prefer one over the other?
I was a pocket informant user, now Imfirmly in the agenda fusion corner.
Its got a few more features than pocket informant. :)
I was a pocket informant user, now Imfirmly in the agenda fusion corner.
Its got a few more features than pocket informant. :)
Does AF have Month Inline View and Zoom?
Can a search function be compared to a whole search tab with several options?
Does it allow hierarchical tasks?
Just a few things PI does, and performs great, please let us know which are those features you're talking about, that will help to have a wider view, don't you think so?
Matt Cassidy
01-11-2003, 12:07 AM
I downloaded PI right before my wonderful Direct TV DSL connection was cut off b/c of them going under. I love PI and i stopped by CompUSA today and picked it up for $19.99. I am back on the net again thankfully and when i registered the software i received an online credit/rebate from Handango worth $20 in software. So needless to say i jumped right on a couple of programs i was interested in and it didn't cost me squat! Just my 2 cents!
01-11-2003, 04:11 AM
I must admit, i've been running both of them all this week on my new Axim (first PPC I've owned). I keep finding myself gravitating to Agenda Fusion. The information presentation justs works better for me and it is no question considerably faster that PI, and that's with the latest version of each.
One problem I'm having with both of them - alarms for tasks. When I setup a task in Outlook, I usually set an alarm for some time the day or day before it is due. However, when I sync up, Niether PI or AF seems to be honoring those alarms. They do set an alarm for the task, but it seems to be at some random time on the day the task is due.
Anyone else seen this?
01-11-2003, 04:39 AM
PI has got to be the slowest program EVER.
It doesnt make it worthwhile even to look-up something if you go with PI. Oh wait, you want that person's number? Hold on one sec..........lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala.....ahh, here it is, the number is..
01-11-2003, 12:51 PM
PocketNow did a review of both Agenda Fusion 4.0 ( and Pocket Informant 2.6 ( Although the reviews are a bit dated, they might give you a flavor for both products. They also did a preview of Pocket Informant 3.0 ( which had screen shots comparing Pocket Informant and Agenda Fusion.
Finally, they reviewed another type of PIM replacement called Pocket On-Schedule (
PocketNow did a review of both Agenda Fusion 4.0 ( and Pocket Informant 2.6 ( Although the reviews are a bit dated, they might give you a flavor for both products. They also did a preview of Pocket Informant 3.0 ( which had screen shots comparing Pocket Informant and Agenda Fusion.
Finally, they reviewed another type of PIM replacement called Pocket On-Schedule (
Pocket Informant is 3.45 now (tomorrow 3.46) and AF is 4.8, there are a lot of changes, so it's worth to find out after reading reviews, below are both links:
Remember, you can try both and compare!
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