View Full Version : Possible Pocket PC 2002 Alarm Bug Fix?
Jason Dunn
12-13-2002, 07:45 PM
I received an email message from someone who would like to remain anonymous, but claims he has a workaround for this issue. This workaround makes a lot of sense, because it would explain the extremely intermittent nature of this problem and why it was so hard to figure out. <br /><br /><i>"The core problem is that the process that sets the alarms only runs about every 3 seconds. So, if you change the alarm you need to leave the device on for several seconds (10 is a good number) or just let it power itself off to be extra safe."</i><br /><br />I know that when I'm setting an alarm, I'll set it and turn it off right away - before the three second process would run. Test out the workaround and let me know if it works.
12-13-2002, 07:51 PM
If this is true this retarded!!
Ed Hansberry
12-13-2002, 07:52 PM
I never manually turn my device off. It may be part of the answer, but it isn't the whole answer.
Bob Anderson
12-13-2002, 07:55 PM
Well, I'm certainly going to test this theory... because I'd use the alarm function a lot more if I knew I could count on it!
Right now it feels so "hit or miss" that it's not worth the risk of sleeping in or missing an appointment, etc.
Hmmmm... I wonder why someone would want to remain anonymous on a tip like that? Seems to me that it would be something to be proud of, unless of course, you work for the Evil Empire that knows of a problem and is reluctant to "fix" it or acknowledge it.
Your quote.
I can hear the line in my head. What is it from. This is bugging the heck out of me!
Ed Hansberry
12-13-2002, 08:05 PM
Your quote.
I can hear the line in my head. What is it from. This is bugging the heck out of me!
Steven Cedrone
12-13-2002, 08:05 PM
Your quote.
I can hear the line in my head. What is it from. This is bugging the heck out of me!
Buckaroo Banzai, 1984
Ed Hansberry
12-13-2002, 08:12 PM
Buckaroo Banzai, 1984
I don't know if Buckaroo Bonzai started it or not, but it definitly popularized the "monkey boy" line. - cracks me up hearing John Lithgow say that.
Ohhh.... how do I get those on my Amazon wish list? :wink: :lol:
12-13-2002, 08:34 PM
Whenever I need to set a wake-up reminder, I use StopTime (Version 1.0. It has less features than the later version but I have never missed an alarm with 1.0 whereas I found the later version, though it has more features, was not as reliable) and as a back-up, I set an appointment time, i.e. 7:00 A.M. Wake-Up.
StopTime 1.0 has been extremely reliable.
12-13-2002, 08:59 PM
I never knew this was a problem as I thought I'd slept through the alarm if it didn't wake me up. :P
I tested the work around several times and it appears to work for my HP567. It never woke up automatically when shutting down immediately after setting the alarm, and it always woke up at the right time when delaying the shutdown for 10-15 seconds.
12-13-2002, 09:03 PM
My question is how could Microsoft *not* have thought of that when asked about the bug?
Whenever I need to set a wake-up reminder, I use StopTime (Version 1.0. It has less features than the later version but I have never missed an alarm with 1.0 whereas I found the later version, though it has more features, was not as reliable) and as a back-up, I set an appointment time, i.e. 7:00 A.M. Wake-Up.
StopTime 1.0 has been extremely reliable.
I agree, StopTime has been great for me. The latest version is completely dependable on my 3650 iPaq running PPC2k2. However, I just got a 3970 and the alarms will not wake the iPaq up. Looks like I need to go back to v1.0 ... thanks for the tip Birdman.
12-13-2002, 09:21 PM
I just set an alarm and turned the unit off quickly, result the unit did not turn on and run the alarm (only after I turned the unit on manually did the alarm go off). Set the alarm again, but waited 10 seconds before turning the unit off, and the unit came on and the alarm sounded.
Mike Wagstaff
12-13-2002, 09:59 PM
Great tip, but I'm left absolutely bewildered by the length of time that this bug has been left unfixed by MS. Somewhere, somebody has got their priorities very wrong indeed... :evil:
Chris Spera
12-13-2002, 10:19 PM
Great tip, but I'm left absolutely bewildered by the length of time that this bug has been left unfixed by MS. Somewhere, somebody has got their priorities very wrong indeed... :evil:
What's wrong, is that despite the obvious success of Pocket PC, MS has decided to NOT do a lot with the OS... (re: xScale optimization EUU **ENHANCEMENTS**, etc.)
Christopher Spera
12-13-2002, 10:34 PM
well, now i know why i miss my alarm .....
12-13-2002, 11:50 PM
Hmmm i am wondering why a little hint like this would leave someone wanting to be anonymous... Hmm i think this is a conspiracy, I am going to make a citizens arrest. I am going to have to invoke canivor on the ISP host so that i may track all e-mail with the suspected criminal activity... Arggg i am bored and my head hurts from taking finals at school today. Anyways what is worse is the new homeland security act and the fact that i could start checking the isp for comments like that without a wiretap... it is starting to get scary what the government can get into. Wow this is so off topic i am going to have to hit myself... bye
Mike Wagstaff
12-14-2002, 02:00 AM
i am wondering why a little hint like this would leave someone wanting to be anonymous
Possibly because he/she is an MS employee, and admitting to this particular bug isn't yet the official party line. In addition, if they were an MS rep, given the amount of hassle they would most likely get from us, it's probably better to remain anonymous.
Of course, if anyone from MS is reading this, the only reason we're critical is because nearly everything else about the Pocket PC is so good that we expect perfection... :)
Garry [WMA]
12-14-2002, 02:42 AM
This makes a huge amount of sense and probably also explains why changing timezone immediately after setting an alarm can corrupt the notification database.
12-14-2002, 03:00 AM
I don't think this is apply.
The mystery is like a murphy's law to me.
Now I set up my alarm using BugMe, which has lower chance (but still not perfect) of alarm failure.
Janak Parekh
12-14-2002, 03:08 AM
Hmm, this does really make sense. I almost always set up alarms while my PPC is docked, and so it's usually on for at least a minute afterwards.
12-14-2002, 03:38 AM
Hmm, this does really make sense. I almost always set up alarms while my PPC is docked, and so it's usually on for at least a minute afterwards.
Well, it doesn't make sense to me. :-) Why would you need a process that checked (presumably) the database every three seconds to set an alarm? I could understand an OS process checking the database to fire an alarm, but not to set one.
There are only three places, I think, where a user can set an alarm:
1. Calendar
2. Tasks
3. The Alarms tab of the Clock settings applet
The alarm is not set until you click the OK button (I tested this in Calendar), so it would seem fairly simple to set the alarm when the OK button was clicked.
There may be a fourth way to set an alarm -- when you dismiss an alarm that was for a repeating event -- but that alarm could be set when the Dismiss button was clicked.
If alarms more than a day ahead aren't actually set until midnight of the day they occur, setting the alarm seems like it would be done at that point. They wouldn't need to check every three seconds, I hope.
Janak Parekh
12-14-2002, 04:03 AM
Well, it doesn't make sense to me. :-) Why would you need a process that checked (presumably) the database every three seconds to set an alarm? I could understand an OS process checking the database to fire an alarm, but not to set one.
No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I meant to say it makes sense that I haven't had problems. Sorry... :oops:
Honestly, to have a watchdog thread wake up every 3 seconds is the most ridiculous thing on a handheld device that's designed for instant-off and instant-on.
Garry [WMA]
12-14-2002, 05:13 AM
When I said it makes sense I meant as in it makes sense this is the cause of the problem. Of course it makes no sense at all to design an alarm system that doesn't work if you power-off too quickly.
Chairman Clench
12-14-2002, 05:23 AM
I really think this is a big enough issue that M$ should issue a patch to fix it. Using alarms and reminders is a BASIC and CRITICAL function of a PDA. Quite frankly, this is one of those issues that sends people running back in frustration to Palm devices. Most people use their PDA primarily for PIM functions and reminders is a big part of that.
Personally, I would happily trade one or two of the more "advanced" PPC functions for alarms and reminders that friggin' work (although I shouldn't have to)!
I will be REALLY pissed off is M$ doesn't issue a patch and instead makes us pay to upgrade the device to the next version of the OS to get something as simple as this to work properly. There is really no excuse for them not to issue a patch to fix this.
12-14-2002, 04:33 PM
Whenever I need to set a wake-up reminder, I use StopTime (Version 1.0. It has less features than the later version but I have never missed an alarm with 1.0 whereas I found the later version, though it has more features, was not as reliable) and as a back-up, I set an appointment time, i.e. 7:00 A.M. Wake-Up.
StopTime 1.0 has been extremely reliable.
I agree, StopTime has been great for me. The latest version is completely dependable on my 3650 iPaq running PPC2k2. However, I just got a 3970 and the alarms will not wake the iPaq up. Looks like I need to go back to v1.0 ... thanks for the tip Birdman.
I use StopTime as well as a clock/calendar when it my 3970 is docked, but for alarms, I have had 100% (I'm sure I have just jinxed myself) dependability with AlarMe...
12-14-2002, 04:39 PM
I have had an intermittent issue with my 3970 whereby it will appear "dead" (nonresponsive). The power button will not work and a soft reset is required to resuscitate. In many instances, I have noticed this behavior after quickly powering off (power button) and back on again (or not on again if it goes into this state).
Something funny is going on behind the scenes of this OS...
12-14-2002, 05:18 PM
As long as we're talking about alarms, has anyone had a problem with getting double reminders? I have an alarm set up in the Clock applet for Monday and Wednesday-Friday, and it occasionally triggers showing the reminder for that twice. I don't see the same behavior with my other alarms (the other one I regularly use is set for every day).
It's not a big deal, because I can use Dismiss All if I'm done, or Dismiss to get rid of one and then Snooze the other if I need more time, but it is annoying. Two reminders are better than none, I guess. :-)
Iznot Gold
12-14-2002, 06:48 PM
This problem has been such a source of irratation to me & I'm pleased that the votes are validating my experiences. My personal biggest annoyance, other than missing appointments because a reminders hasn't happened, is when yo're in a meeting and you switch on the PDA to make an entry and I'm greeted with a loud alarm (cos I have it set LOUD!) and everyone in the meeting looks at me in disbelief -as if asking:"How could you have been so rude could to have made that noise?"
PS For info it's an IPAQ 3870
Regards David
12-16-2002, 11:14 AM
I have long given up on the alarm, :? I'm using my cellphone to remind me about my appointments!
12-16-2002, 02:52 PM
It just happened to me again this morning :x in a way that I don't think could be caused by the stated theory.
I had created a task in Outlook a few days ago. I synced to Outlook, and as always, forgot about my PPC and left it in, connected, for several minutes to allow it to complete. Several minutes later I came, unplugged the unit, and turned it off. There may also I have been a cold reset intervening, I can't remember if that was before or after the sync.
This morning, the task did not trigger an alarm until I turned the device on.
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