View Full Version : A Few Semi-related Questions
12-10-2002, 03:10 AM
I have a few questions for the PPC guru's out there. I realize that much of what I ask can probably be located with various searches, but I'm not very good at the search process yet. If it bothers you that I am posting these questions, just don't respond :evil: . I understand.
First some background. I'm a non-technical owner of an Ipaq 3650 and I'm looking to replace that for Xmas. I have a V35 on order (Nov-5) from Amazon but I'm thoroughly convinced that this machine does not exist. It will never be released, not by Viewsonic, Amazon, or anyone else (small sarcasm intended). I don't want to wait until after xmas unless the V35 is truly superior to my other options, given my desired price-point. So that brings me to my questions.
1. Is the Dell THICKER than a naked ipaq 3650?
2. Is the Toshiba e740 a good deal at $329? Is the toshiba thicker than a naked ipaq? Why are they giving these machines away so cheaply (are there problems with the machines)?
3. I read an article today that claimed that wireless 802.11b is FOUR times faster than my wired cable connection. IS THAT TRUE?
4. Does wireless internet access require a seperate ISP or can I somehow use my current one (Adelphia Cable)?
5. Are the HP 1910's available for sale anywhere? Neither CompUSA's or Amazon's website list it anywhere?
Lastly, I would be interested in any opinions comparing the 1910 to the V35. I think I understand the SD(IO) & true RAM/ROM issue. I can PROBABLY do w/o SDIO. What I'm curious about is how the screens compare, the significance of the removable battery (my 3650 BARELY holds a charge these days), and whether the average user will notice a performance difference between and 300 and 200 mhz processor.
I realize this is a lot. I only ask because I've been reading this forum for a few months and really value the opinion of many of the readers. Feel free to answer some or all of the questions.
Thanx in advance.
12-10-2002, 04:36 AM
1. Is the Dell THICKER than a naked ipaq 3650?
2. Is the Toshiba e740 a good deal at $329? Is the toshiba thicker than a naked ipaq? Why are they giving these machines away so cheaply (are there problems with the machines)?
3. I read an article today that claimed that wireless 802.11b is FOUR times faster than my wired cable connection. IS THAT TRUE?
4. Does wireless internet access require a seperate ISP or can I somehow use my current one (Adelphia Cable)?
5. Are the HP 1910's available for sale anywhere? Neither CompUSA's or Amazon's website list it anywhere?
1. i think that your 3650 is probably slightly thinner than the Axim - about .1 inches or so. no big deal (especially once you factor in sleeves).
2. the e740 is a fairly good deal. a lot of users have had problems with their unit, which may scare you away, but when you can get a fully-featured Pocket PC for $329, it's a great deal - 802.11b, 64MB, dual slots. i would go for it if i didn't already have a pocket pc.
3. 802.11b may be faster than your cable connection, ie for transferring files and such. however, if you are going to use your 802.11b connection for the internet, it can obviously only go as fast as your cable connection.
4. wireless does NOT require an additional internet provider. basically, you can set it up within your home so that your cable connection is sent out to all your computers. as far as i know, you just need a wireless access point and a wireless card, and you are pretty much set.
5. don't know about the ipaq 1910, sorry...
12-10-2002, 06:37 AM
5. Are the HP 1910's available for sale anywhere? Neither CompUSA's or Amazon's website list it anywhere?
I know they are now available for purchase at CompUSA stores.
As for a comparision, if you understand the "True Ram" and "SDIO" issues then you pretty much have a handle on it. I would go out to a CompUSA and look at the 1910 because pictures really don't do it justice (both the size and screen are pretty impressive).
Most CompUSAs should also have a demo V35 (not yet for sale though). If physically, after seeing and holding them both, you still want the V35 then you should buy it since the only real advantage the 1910 has is in it's screen and size.
12-10-2002, 01:23 PM
Spursdude & Thomasc22,
Thank you both for taking time to help out. Both responses were VERY helpful.
Spursdude - if you wouldn't mind, could you elaborate on some of the e740 problems you refer to. I'm REALLY considering this machine (based partly on your response). Since I am not a "power user" it is possible that these problems may not affect me.
Thomasc22 - one more question for you. Are you saying that the screen on the 1910 is actually MORE impressive than the V35? IMO, these units were pretty close in total value. I thought the 1910's size advantage was offset by the better screen on the V35. But if the 1910's screen is more impressive, then that makes my decision much easier.
Thanx again.
12-10-2002, 06:26 PM
I was in a similar decision in choosing the iPaq 3950 over the Toshiba e740.
The Toshiba was tempting but I couldn't stand the poor sound from it's built-in speaker and smaller (and not as nice, IMHO) screen. There have been issues with the Wi-Fi (dropouts) and battery drain though I guess you can carry extra batteries.
If Wi-fi is important to you, as well as having the extra CF slot and changeable batteries at a good price, then get the Toshiba.
If not then look at other choices. Unfortunately when I bought my iPaq, the Dell Axim wasn't announced. Reviews indicate that for the price, it can't be beat if you don't need Wi-fi.
12-11-2002, 12:53 AM
Yeah the e740 has had a few issues.
-battery life. apparently, battery life is reduced to around an hour while using wifi.
-wifi connection. i've heard that oftentimes both the range and dependability of the connection are poor.
also some other hardware and software bugs that i don't really know about - i suggest you check the toshiba forum here at, or the user reviews at amazon (although some people there are straight up foolish).
if i were you, i would probably get the e740, but try to get a protection plan with it.
12-11-2002, 03:51 AM
Staples had a couple of 1910's here in the middle of nowhere Ohio. I was shocked. I bought one. Pleased as punch.
12-11-2002, 04:00 AM
Thomasc22 - one more question for you. Are you saying that the screen on the 1910 is actually MORE impressive than the V35? IMO, these units were pretty close in total value. I thought the 1910's size advantage was offset by the better screen on the V35. But if the 1910's screen is more impressive, then that makes my decision much easier.
It's hard to give you a true impression, that's why I suggest you go and look. The best I can say is that the 1910 (in my subjective opinion) has a better screen than the V35, without a doubt. That said, not by much.
BTW - I've heard several reports that say that V35's are now available at CompUSA for what it's worth
Brad Adrian
12-11-2002, 04:08 AM
-wifi connection. i've heard that oftentimes both the range and dependability of the connection are poor.
And, a lot will depend upon your particular setting. For instance, I have no trouble using my Pocket PC/WiFi setup anywhere in my house or yard. On the other hand, I've got a friend in Europe who lives in an old farmhouse with very dense walls and he simply cannot keep a good WiFi connection. If you live in an "average" home, though, you should be okay.
The Big Jay
12-11-2002, 04:15 AM
Lastly, I would be interested in any opinions comparing the 1910 to the V35. I think I understand the SD(IO) & true RAM/ROM issue. I can PROBABLY do w/o SDIO. What I'm curious about is how the screens compare, the significance of the removable battery (my 3650 BARELY holds a charge these days), and whether the average user will notice a performance difference between and 300 and 200 mhz processor.
The processor isn't the limiting factor in the XScale for most (ie non number crunching) applications. It's because the bus runs at 100MHz (which limits how fast the data gets moved around). There's a more thorough explanation somewhere on this site.
12-11-2002, 04:38 AM
Thanx to all who posted for helping me out. It is very refreshing to see people go out of their way to help somone that they don't even know. I still don't know which way I'm going to go. I'm really ticked off at Amazon about my V35. I'm starting to like the form factor on the 1910, but there is something about it (can't put my finger on it) that keeps me wanting more (though I am going to take thomasc22's advice and to to Compusa tomorrow).
I'm REALLY thinking about the e740 for the price. It seems as though it is slightly thinner than my naked ipaq 3650 with dual slots AND BT/Wifi! It sounds like Toshiba has addressed many of the issues and offered fixes at no cost. I assume that would apply to my purchase. WiFi sounds spotty, but I'll probably never use it anyway (though it is nice to have...just in case). The battery issue is a concern if Toshiba has not fixed it. The deciding factor may be the availability of a keyboard (no thumboard). I remember reading that Toshiba never delivered on their promise to release a keyboard.
I also like the Dell, but it is a little thicker that I would prefer. Auuugggghhhh, this is driving me CRAZY! :evil:
Again, thanx to all for taking the time.
PS - Last minute posts of suggestions/thoughts are still welcome :wink:
12-11-2002, 04:59 AM
I'm REALLY thinking about the e740 for the price. It seems as though it is slightly thinner than my naked ipaq 3650 with dual slots AND BT/Wifi! It sounds like Toshiba has addressed many of the issues and offered fixes at no cost.
I would advise against the e740, a few things:
- e740 doesn't have Bluetooth built in.
- The screen on the e740 (again, my subjective opinion) is pretty aweful
- There is something specifically wrong with the e740's WiFi. While my notebook still has half a signal, the e740 has none
I'm a little confused at where you're coming from. How important is WiFi to you? Because with the 1910 there's just no way, keep that in mind (same with the Viewsonic for the time being).
Anyway, good luck!
12-11-2002, 05:16 AM
I'm a little confused at where you're coming from. How important is WiFi to you? Because with the 1910 there's just no way, keep that in mind (same with the Viewsonic for the time being).
Anyway, good luck!
You're confused? Hell, I"M CONFUSED! WiFi is not really important to me, I'll probably never use it. But better to have it and not need it than the other way around. More significant on the e740 is the dual slots at such an attractive price, with a slimmer form factor than the Dell. But if the screen is as bad as you say, it ain't worth it.
The 1910 has the look of a Palm (which IMHO is a good thing). I like the screen and thinness of the V35 (and the SDIO). AUUUUUGGGGHHH! Anyway, I truly appreciate your last post. I knew there had to be a reason that Toshiba is virtually giving away the e740's. It was good to hear some honest criticism from a knowledgeable source.
Thanx again.
Janak Parekh
12-11-2002, 05:35 AM
There is something specifically wrong with the e740's WiFi. While my notebook still has half a signal, the e740 has none
I think this must be due to the internal (or no) antenna. There's got to be a reason HP went to all the trouble of moving the headset jack to the bottom to make room for an antenna, right? (Well, apart from the fact that 5600 series units are going to be coming out with cell-phone capabilities...)
One other point I'd like to make about the e740, and someone please correct me if this is not generally true, is that you have to put a lot of pressure on the screen. I'm sure you can get used to it, but having used iPaqs for the last 3 years I prefer its relatively sensitive screen.
Nevertheless, the form factor and dual slots are quite nice.
12-11-2002, 06:07 AM
I had the same experience with the e740 it's like you said you would almost need to pound the screen to get a response. Often I would touch it two or three times before I would get it to do its thing. iPAQ is nice and sensitive that way, and the X5 is somewhere in between the two. This was my number one reason why I returned my 740 after 10 days.
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