12-04-2002, 06:32 AM
:x Hi All,
Sorry for the length.
I preordered the HP5450 from last week. I found out today that my credit card is showing two authorizations from for this purchase. So what did i do but call customer support to find out what happened and to correct it. I went throught the menu and sellected customer support only to hear a message indicating i would be billed $9.95 for this call and enter my credit card number. Well i did to find out what would happen. The girl who answer was very polite. I explained my problem and she said she would take care of this. I then asked her what is the deal with charging customers for order support, she said this is a new policy. I then went into my tyraid about how ridiculous this is. She did not disagree. I am warning people about this new policy from to charge customers (not for tech support) but for customer support what a slap in the face. I am wondering if anybody else has experience this. If so how did you handle it? I am writing a letter to Scott Blum.
Sorry for the length.
I preordered the HP5450 from last week. I found out today that my credit card is showing two authorizations from for this purchase. So what did i do but call customer support to find out what happened and to correct it. I went throught the menu and sellected customer support only to hear a message indicating i would be billed $9.95 for this call and enter my credit card number. Well i did to find out what would happen. The girl who answer was very polite. I explained my problem and she said she would take care of this. I then asked her what is the deal with charging customers for order support, she said this is a new policy. I then went into my tyraid about how ridiculous this is. She did not disagree. I am warning people about this new policy from to charge customers (not for tech support) but for customer support what a slap in the face. I am wondering if anybody else has experience this. If so how did you handle it? I am writing a letter to Scott Blum.